I didn't have two folders as your screenshot shows (Note: I didn't download it here - a friend gave it to me on a USB stick to test out). I'm not sure which I do have, but I'm downloading from here now to see if that resolves it. I suspect you're right, though. Taking a look at that log again, I am seeing it failing to load various VR dlls. If this resolves the issue, then I won't bother you any more. If this doesn't resolve it, I'll edit this post or submit a new reply.
---- Edit below ----
I was dropped on that hill again on first load. I took a few screenshots this time. There was no menu - the game loaded right in to this spot. Deleting the save and reloading fixed it again. As the screenshots show, I do have a hud and a weapon now.. so the VR was the issue. I"m also seeing loading screens (didn't see those before), and it's not popping me out of full-screen.