E visto che è appena stato completato un gioco che stavamo aspettando te lo segnalo subito così lo metti in coda per quando avrai tempo.
VN Ren'Py Completed Deadlocked in Time [Part 1] [Neko-Hime]
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Part 1 Flower DLC
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Part 1 Relation DLC
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Official Multi-Mod [ShaddyModda]
Part 1
VN Ren'Py Completed Deadlocked in Time [Part 2 Final] [Neko-Hime]
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Download Part 2 Final Flower PC Patch
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Official Multi-Mod [ShaddyModda]
Part 2
VN Ren'Py Completed Deadlocked in Time - Christmas Special [Neko-Hime]
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Show previous versions
Part 2 0.30 Xmas Flower PC
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Se abbiamo capito bene, nella Parte 1 del gioco la patch Flower attiva il contenuto loli e la patch Relation attiva il contenuto incesto.
La patch Relation non è stata fatta per la parte 2 del gioco, solo la patch Flower.
Altra cosa, alla Parte 1 aggiungiamo la patch Relation (incesto) perchè sblocca altre immagini ma ti chiediamo la cortesia di configurarci il file def_ic.rpy in modo che lo stesso non ci sia incesto.
Te l'ho già preparato per risparmiarti fatica:
init python:
def incest(t, w=None):
h = {}
def t_rep(t):
if t.group(0).startswith("landlady's friend's kid"): return "landlady's friend's kid"
elif t.group(0).startswith("landlady's friend"): return "landlady's friend"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Landlady's friend"): return "Landlady's friend"
elif t.group(0).startswith("LANDLADY"): return "LANDLADY"
elif t.group(0).startswith("landlady"): return "landlady"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Landlady"): return "Landlady"
elif t.group(0).startswith("female roommate"): return "female roommate"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Female roommate"): return "Female roommate"
elif t.group(0).startswith("male roommate"): return "male roommate"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Male roommate"): return "Male roommate"
elif t.group(0).startswith("roommates"): return "roommates"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Roommates"): return "Roommates"
elif t.group(0).startswith("household"): return "household"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Household"): return "Household"
elif t.group(0).startswith("landlord"): return "landlord"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Landlord"): return "Landlord"
elif t.group(0).startswith("female tenant"): return "female tenant"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Female tenant"): return "Female tenant"
elif t.group(0).startswith("male tenant"): return "male tenant"
elif t.group(0).startswith("Male tenant"): return "Male tenant"
return h[t] if t in h else renpy.re.sub( r'(?:landlady\'s friend\'s kid|[lL]andlady\'s friend|LANDLADY|[lL]andlady|[fF]emale roommate|[mM]ale roommate|[rR]oommates|[hH]ousehold|[lL]andlord|[fF]emale tenant|[mM]ale tenant|)', t_rep, t)
config.say_menu_text_filter = incest
init 1 python:
Landlord = Character("Landlord", color="FF4848", image="Landlord")
screen addon1():
imagebutton pos (1680, 450) focus_mask True idle "incest" action NullAction() tooltip "Incest Patch simulated"
Grazie mille sempre per tutto quello che fai!!