3.40 star(s) 17 Votes


Jun 1, 2017
I really like this game. It's actually got an interesting story that hasn't been told 50 times before. And it's premise is strong enough that you could almost get rid of the porn and it would still be interesting (though let's be honest, I would never play it without the porn). Renders are pretty good too. A little grindy, but I've seen way worse (looking at you Big Brother). It's light on actual sexual content, but I enjoyed playing it regardless.

I hope the developer gets back on his feet as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I'll keep my eye on this looks interesting...Once the next release comes I'll play it & review it.


Active Member
May 30, 2017
New update from the dev:

Im sorry it has taken so long to post about my status, people went a little crazy these past few weeks so I've been leaving all valuables at home to avoid dangerous situations.
Its a little late but happy thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it, and happy holidays just in case the worst comes to happen. Thank you all for your messages, support and worrying about me and my family. Knowing that there were people that cared about us meant a lot, and knowing you guys were waiting for me to return kept me from despairing at the darkest moments.

About the country status, it seems we are slowly recovering. Im happy to say that water service has been restored in my area, so thats one less thing to worry about. Also, I've been seeing the trucks of a power company fixing the lines in the main roads around my town for the past week, so I was half expecting to be able to tell you all that I would continue working by now, but it seems they are running low on materials to fix things with, so everything is going slower than expected.

Thats not to say things are not getting better. Malls and a lot of hospitals got their power back, so things are certainly looking up. No more waiting under the sun for hours just to get a box of food, and if you get sick you can get help now without having to wait 3 days just to get checked. Slowly but surely we are returning to civilized life. I hope I can get power soon because I miss working on the game a lot, but after two months having to ration each bottle of water, I can say im happy. With any luck my next post will be me saying Im resuming work. I hope it wont take another month for it to happen, but after getting water back and being able to shower more than once every few days without worrying about how much water I was using, Im feeling hopeful. Also, cellphone signal is returning all over the place. I still dont have service at home, but I can get signal 5 minutes from home now, which certainly beat going two towns over like before.

Thank you all for caring, and see you soon!


Apr 3, 2017
You know, after all I saw and heard, they seem to be moving faster than expected with the restoration effort. I was expecting about 6 months before he was able to get back to work. I am wondering how much he can get done with power alone (no at-home ISP). I mean, if he needed an asset or had a question about syntax, he'd have to go five minutes away. That would suck.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
(This review has been moved) -
Last edited:


Nov 27, 2017
It' a good game but the story won't continue for me I tried looking for mack but all I'm able to do is salvage and trade for the moment

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
It saddens me that this game hasn't been updated in such a long time. I like the premise and I have high hopes for it! That being said, I know the dev is from PR, I have friends that live in PR so I know the situation out there is still pretty damn bad. The hurricane really fucked them up and the US isn't making shit any better. I hope things start to take a turn for the better and that the situation on the island improves! I want this game to proceed, sure, but I want people's lives and living situations to be improved too. Seriously, I hope things start looking better for all in PR. The US govt might be fucking you over but I and many US citizens want things to improve for PR and all the people impacted. Sadly we can't force the govt to do shit. I don't pray, I'm not religious, but my thoughts are with PR.


Jul 16, 2017
Well, the story was cool and there were many funny parts, but as soon as the story part was pretty much over and the grind began, the game became tedious... The randomness of when the events occur after you begin the Salvage/Food grind was slow and boring... Not enough to keep your interest... Tis a bit of a let down to go from a comical story with nice visuals to a slow grind with very little story, or at least piece-mail story bits... I hope to see a lot more story elements added along with other scenes and so on, but for now it feels very unfinished, which is a shame as it showed so much promise up to till the grind part...
Yes.... it gets boring when dev. try to make game look longer forcefully... I also hate it when devs. try to add such things just to make game look bigger... I have developed nearly same game 4 months ago with apocalyptic settings with aliens and shit... good renders and its 0.1 version is 4-5 times bigger than this 'Its a new world out there' game... unfortunately I later on got to know it is illegal to develop and distribute adult content in my country so I didn't release it... Lets hope this dev stops this in his next version


Jun 1, 2017
It saddens me that this game hasn't been updated in such a long time. I like the premise and I have high hopes for it! That being said, I know the dev is from PR, I have friends that live in PR so I know the situation out there is still pretty damn bad. The hurricane really fucked them up and the US isn't making shit any better. I hope things start to take a turn for the better and that the situation on the island improves! I want this game to proceed, sure, but I want people's lives and living situations to be improved too. Seriously, I hope things start looking better for all in PR. The US govt might be fucking you over but I and many US citizens want things to improve for PR and all the people impacted. Sadly we can't force the govt to do shit. I don't pray, I'm not religious, but my thoughts are with PR.
What are you talking about? USA sent 300,000 Tons of food, water, and medical supplies. They dispatched over 100 helicopters, almost 30 ships, Army field hospitals, 3 Navy Seabee Battalions, 5 US Army Combat Engineer Battalions, and 3 Civil Affairs battalions all to aid Puerto Rico. How is that not making things better? Meanwhile, those in the Puerto Rican government just gave themselves $100M bonuses.

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
What are you talking about? USA sent 300,000 Tons of food, water, and medical supplies. They dispatched over 100 helicopters, almost 30 ships, Army field hospitals, 3 Navy Seabee Battalions, 5 US Army Combat Engineer Battalions, and 3 Civil Affairs battalions all to aid Puerto Rico. How is that not making things better? Meanwhile, those in the Puerto Rican government just gave themselves $100M bonuses.
Those numbers you claim aren't exactly accurate. Regardless, has the US helped, sure. Is it enough? Not really. Will the aid last? Who knows.

I can't defend that 100mil in any way so I'm just gonna let that go...

Long story short, the island is fucked up for many reasons... they still need help though and what's being sent isn't enough. Can't trust the govt with monetary aid? Send more food, engineers, and doctors.


Those numbers you claim aren't exactly accurate. Regardless, has the US helped, sure. Is it enough? Not really. Will the aid last? Who knows.

I can't defend that 100mil in any way so I'm just gonna let that go...

Long story short, the island is fucked up for many reasons... they still need help though and what's being sent isn't enough. Can't trust the govt with monetary aid? Send more food, engineers, and doctors.
As someone with family on the island the whole recovery effort has been mismanaged so poorly on all ends. It also doesnt help that they got hit by multiple hurricanes. I just hope that my family can stay in Puerto Rico because I cant house 9 people in my one bedroom apartment. Im sending them money nearly every week so that they can buy extra goods they need. As for this game unless he leaves the island he wont have the resources to develop the game for at least a year.
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Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
As someone with family on the island the whole recovery effort has been mismanaged so poorly on all ends. It also doesnt help that they got hit by multiple hurricanes. I just hope that my family can stay in Puerto Rico because I cant house 9 people in my one bedroom apartment. Im sending them money nearly every week so that they can buy extra goods they need. As for this game unless he leaves the island he wont have the resources to develop the game for at least a year.
I've heard the same from friends I have on the island. It's a bad situation all around.


Active Member
Jun 22, 2017
Well, the story was cool and there were many funny parts, but as soon as the story part was pretty much over and the grind began, the game became tedious...
yeah, that part where the dev left the game open-ended because development stopped due to his entire country being hit by a(two) hurricane(s) months ago and still isnt anywhere near recovered? yeah... sucks dont it...

I have developed nearly same game 4 months ago with apocalyptic settings with aliens and shit... good renders and its 0.1 version is 4-5 times bigger than this 'Its a new world out there' game... unfortunately I later on got to know it is illegal to develop and distribute adult content in my country so I didn't release it...
um, you are on a pirate site, upload it somewhere private and i'll release it somewhere for ya! :)
a.k.a. - pics or it didnt happen
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Apr 3, 2017
the whole recovery effort has been mismanaged so poorly on all ends.
I would challenge anyone to name a recovery effort that was widely-regarded as handled well (outside of Japan, but they're robots, so yeah). Every single disaster, everyone has something to complain about. Puerto Rico alone has the land area of Delaware and Rhode Island combined, only it's not landlocked which makes getting supplies there tedious at best. Not to mention it isn't the only area affected by those hurricanes and all the local resources are being divided up all around those islands/countries. You can send a million engineers down there but it doesn't mean anything when every bag of concrete has to be shipped in from China because all the local resources are sapped dry. Water, steel, copper, generators, bandaids, clothes, toilet paper, cars, everything (for 3,500,000 people) is being shipped in from around the world and that takes time.

From what I read, the real problem down there is the people, not the recovery effort. It's making things take 3x longer than it should when some pack of rabid hooligans robs all the copper wiring and medicine from a makeshift supply distribution center. Or when they assault aid workers making them afraid to go to certain areas without armed escorts.
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Apr 3, 2017
After yesterday's Patreon announcement, I've dropped $68 worth of support for creators. Including Flamecito. My actual monthly payment to creators would have gone up from $68 to $90 (1/4 of which would go to Patreon themselves) because most of my pledges were $1-3 just to get news fed to my inbox. I refuse to support this company's bullshit after their ultra-SJW policy changes a month ago on top of this blatant cash grab. There is no way a 5% increase to donation revenue for creators will be worth the hundreds of $1 donations they'll lose by charging the patron $0.35 per donation.

Point being, we will be relying on news and game updates from Flamecito posted to this thread in order to get the OP updated from now on.
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Active Member
May 3, 2017
Those numbers you claim aren't exactly accurate. Regardless, has the US helped, sure. Is it enough? Not really. Will the aid last? Who knows.

I can't defend that 100mil in any way so I'm just gonna let that go...

Long story short, the island is fucked up for many reasons... they still need help though and what's being sent isn't enough. Can't trust the govt with monetary aid? Send more food, engineers, and doctors.
this isn't the place for a political debate::|:... but lets face it PR wasn't the best place on earth and did have its problems before the storm, the US did help alot (if they didn't PR would've been like Haiti) and yes i'm sure some scumbag politician did stole some of the aid money but PR did get alot of help from the US.. so as a result the game dev could get back at developing his game sooner than expected... the only positive thing is that the game dev now has 1st hand experience on how people act when everything is taken away and could use that to write a more real experience in his games (he was damm good writer before):RarePepe:


Puerto Rico is a beautiful island and I love visiting my family when I can, but its government is an absolute shit fest. I hope the dev can get back on his feet and start doing updates so that he can try to get more support from patreon.


Nov 20, 2017
Great so far, finished now the content, i hope it will get updated, but first ofc best wishes to the devs and all ppl of puerto rico :(
3.40 star(s) 17 Votes