Did you actually bothered to read the reviews? Because none of them are "I don't like X so I give this X stars", most of them are actually pretty detailed. Also, if the dev says one thing here but does a complete opposite in the game, it 100% should get reflected in a review.
What do you want people to say? "I don't mind that the English is bad or that the story is super basic at this point, on top of that, the dev is trying to fuck us over with saying one thing but doing the other, therefore I give this 5/5"?
Come on man, you like this game for your reasons and that's cool but some people don't like it for their reasons and that's also cool.
Lets see,
The only legitimate complaint for which a -1 or -2 stars would be justified, but not a -4 star is the
yet not kept promise of various fetish routes to be optional. Still, they didn't even consider that maybe the options they miss will come in a future update, since the game is clearly in a very early stage. Yet the dev clearly states this:
"...we are planning on releasing different routes in the future and certain fetishes that will NOT be forced!"
Why its so hard getting the words "planning" "future" and "will"?
Based on what they wrote about the rest, the "reviewers" here would still bash on the game because they hate the current content.
Language is something the dev can work on, the game doesn't deserve to be buried in 1 stars, demotivating the dev so early for that.
They didn't employ any constructive criticism, they didn't suggest improvements, they didn't gave the dev any quarters, any benefit of doubt, any room to correct the error of lacking options. These "reviews" are clearly products of anger and an attempt to "punish" the dev for not giving them what they expected.
If this was a reasonable way to rate/review a game, then should we all go and seek out games containing fetishes we hate and 1 star them? I don't think anger-venting ever qualifies as a review.
Spoiler-filled, badly worded, heavily opinionated, comment-level monstrosities yes, they are. Reviews they are not! Reviews should be a little bit more thought-out than a comment expressing disappointment or frustration.
Not liking the game is cool indeed, 1-starring it based on not liking the fetishes it contains, not cool at all. I usually do not go out of my way to even bother reviewing a game I dislike based on the sort of adult content it features.