now you sound like an anti goodluck with that
edit: i have to add something, if you are one those people think "fiction does align reality" you are having a mental problem and thinking problem, thinking that your secretly crush in the office work lady and then you suddenly switch your brain mode to fiction mode and then you fantasize her in your fictional fapping world having sex with her, you might need to start reprocess your brain first because your fictional world will never be aligned to reality or worse your office crush lady suddenly accidentally overheard from you while fapping in a room then she might start to think that you're a creep.
well you have the right to not support it, but you cannot remove them since the early 90s when shota/lolis/cubs where they started and became popular in japan in a doujin circle before the WEST.
you know what i dont like from antis??? they are trying to sanitize the internet like fking hell, i miss the good ol' days of internet.
and if you were born in generation z and somewhat your in a part of the dumb anti group... im not surprised by then.
It's alright bro. We have differing opinions. That is fine. I aint gonna start a war over this. Like I said, I have the right to dislike it, because I believe there are just things that are in bad taste. This game heavily skirts the line, but that doesn't mean I think it should be "banned" or some shit. Like I said, I only exercise my right to criticize it for it's elements.
I don't think fiction is the same as reality. But ficition in a way is an abstraction of reality, as in that it mirrors the perception and fantasies of the person who creates it (or the person who comissioned the creation). Most people can clearly differentiate the two and that is okay, but words and art have an impact on people, especially in a place where people have access to this stuff in an unregulated manner. It might not heavily influence the thinking of 90% of the people who play it, but it can for the few 10% that are left. I believe if you already have mental issues it can reinforce them, and to a degree I also beleive it can make people numb to the topic. Like people scrolling past ** on (irl) porn pages and just ignoring it because they want to find whatever it is they want to watch. Now obviously I don't condemn these people, it makes sense.
I'm not an anti, but I am a Psychologist, so I know that while it is not as "horrible" as some people make it out to be with their outrage culture, it is also not as harmless as some advocates would have you believe.
I think most people argue one way (pro) or another (anti) very heavily without much distinction because they have a personal stake in the debatte (they either enjoy the content and don't want to see it gone or regulated, or they find the content horrible and want it gone from the world. both responses are highly emotional). And while both sides might have good points, they often oversimplify the matter.
Anyway, like I said, Im not here to fight. And like I said, to a degree I think loli and shota are fine. What crosses the line for me is if creators empahsize the point that the character in question is an actual child by actually giving them a (very young) age in the story or calling them a child repeatedly, it highlights to me that their main focus lies in getting across to people that they are fapping to a child being fucked. That is what crosses the line for me
personally. (And I don't even mean teenagers, okay? That is a grey area and its fine for the most part. I mean actual children).
L/S does have a right to exist to a degree, but I think this should be in a manner that does not overly reinforce and highlight that a character is an actual child. Like you (I think it was you) wrote in a previous post, there are adults that look very child-like. There should definitely be a niche to display those in any kind of media, sexual or not. But for me personally, there are limits.
Again, all I end up doing if these limits are crossed is express my displeasure and criticize it. I think that is my legitimate right to do so, as it is your right to criticize any other aspect of a game or media you consume. Free speech and all.
And yes, most forums have rules against loli/shota. They do not enforce them very heavily most of the time, and nobody meticulously vets the games that are on here because who has time to do that in their free time and unpaid. But it is generally not liked to have content on forums that overly focus on these tags.
Look, to each their own, you enjoy your game. I (and that other person you replied to) just said my piece about what we did not like about it.