So I had made a post long ago about Cheat Engine working on this game.
But at that time I had not actually understood how it worked correctly.
Hence my attempted explanation on how to apply CE on the game did not actually work.
Therefore here a way that will work:
Part A: Finding the address for the turn number:
01. Save in the 1st tutorial mission on turn 1. (It will be used to find out the values needed for every time you start the game.)
02. After starting the game load that save file.
03. Use CE to scan for "unknown value".
04. Now make 1 move at least 1 tile away.
05. After then 2nd turn starts use CE to scan for "Changed value".
06. Click on "end turn" in the game and scan again for "Changed value" after the 3rd turn starts.
07. Repeat that till you are in turn 5.
08. After scanning in turn 5 click on "undo move" in the game and you will return to turn 1.
09. Scan for "Changed value" in CE.
10. Then change to "Compare to first scan" in CE and scan for "Unchanged Value".
11. Set CE back to "Compare to last scan".
12. Repeat steps 04-12 a few times to narrow down the amount of results you have in CE.
13. You should reach a situation where you have about 10 addresses left. Among those addresses will be some whose adress starts with 3 or 4 and they have a very large value.
14. Copy those 3 addresses down.
15. Then freeze the value of one of them.
16. You should be in turn 1 right now, so make a move again.
17. After that move look at the turn number in the game.
--> If it advances to 2 and then goes back to 1 you have the correct address. --> Continue with step 20.
--> If it advanced to 2 and stays there then you have the wrong address. --> Continue with step 18.
18. Undo your move, then unfreeze the address and remove it from your list in CE.
19. Repeat steps 15 - 18 till you have the correct address selected.
20. Once you have the correct address selected, remove the remaining addresses (if you still have some).
--> You have now found the address that will have the turn number during your entire play until you shut down the game.
Even after loading another save this address will still be the one containing the turn number.
So once you start a mission simply freeze this address and you have infinite turns cause you always stay on "turn 1".
Part B: Using the address of the turn number to find out the values for 1-50:
01. Make yourself a chart table with Excel or a comparable programm. The chart needs to have 3 rows. 1st row simply going from 0-50, 2nd and 3rd will be empty for now.
02. Go back to turn 1 in the game and then unfreeze the value in CE.
03. Now copy the value from CE into the 2nd row of the chart table behind the cell with "1".
04. Make a move and wait for the turn number to change to "2".
05. Copy the new value from CE to the chart table behind the cell with value "2".
06. In the game click on "End turn", wait till the turn number changes to "3" and once again copy the new value to the chart table into the 2nd row behind the cell with value "3".
07. Repeat step 06 until you have filled all values for 1-50 in the 2nd row of the chart table.
Part C: Finding the value for 0
01. Load your actual last save file where you are in the shrine of the end, so that youz can access your medal equip menu.
02. In the medal equip menu look what costs you current medal equipment needs.
03. Use chart table and copy the corresponding value for the costs from there.
04. Paste the value into CE and scan for it.
05. Remove a medal to lower your medal equip costs and then scan for the new value that you also get from the chart table.
06. Unequip and equip medals and scan for the cost values each time until you have only 2 addresses left.
07. Take these 2 addresses into your CE list.
08. Now remove 2 medals so that your character has like 4-5 points open for costs. E.g. 15/20 or so in the costs.
09. Freeze one of the two addresses in CE and equip a medal witha cost of 3-5.
10. Now go to the remaining open slot and look what medals you can equip.
--> If you can equip medals costing 3 and more even though you should only have 2 points or less left (e.g. at 18/20) then you have selected the correct address.
--> If not then you have selected the wrong address.
11. After finding out which is the correct adress remove the medal costing 3 or more again, then unfreeze the frozen address and delete the wrong address from your list in CE.
12. Unequip ALL medals from your character and you will get a cost of "0".
13. Copy the value for "0" from CE and paste it into the chart table behind the cell with value "0".
14. Freeze the address for medal equip costs at the value of "0".
15. Do not forget to re-equip your acharacter again now.
--> You have found the value for "0" and the adress for medal equip costs.
By freezing the address at the value for "0" you can now equip ALL characters with whatever medals you want even if the costs would usually be too high.
There is only 1 address for all characters, they share it. So you do NOT need to search it individually.
Part C: Finding / Creating a value for a huge number to use to get large amount of runes.
Now go into your chart table's 3rd row.
Starting from the line for "1" till the line for "50" always make it so that it subtracts the value of the 2nd row from that line from the value of the 2nd row in the line above it.
E.g.: In 3rd row of the line for "10" you place "value for 10 from 2nd row" - "value for 9 from 2nd row".
You will end up with a pattern making likely 3 smaller steps and then 1 larger step at every multiple of 4. - Line for 4, 8, 12, 16....
Look from lines for 1-50 in the 3rd row and you should find a pattern that repeats itself after 32 lines.
Let us call this a "cycle".
Now use 1 free cell Y anywhere and make that cell add up ALL the values of 1 cycle from the 3rd row.
Use another free cell Z next to Y and enter that it shall equal:
Value for "0" from 2nd row + 30 * value of cell Y
This should end up being quite a large number for the game - somewhere between 400 and 1200 usually.
Now how to use it:
Part D: Changing the amount of runes you have.
01. You need to have at least 1 unused rune for the character you want to get runes for. (Which rune you have does not matter.)
02. In the rune menu you then select that character.
03. Search for the value of the amount of one type of runes your have for that character.
03. You apply one rune from that type and now search for the value equal to the amount of the runes you have left of that type (cause you used one rune).
04. Now reset the character's runes and search for the first value again.
05. Repeat using and reseting runes and searching for the value until you are left with only a few addresses left. (usually 3 or less)
06. Change the value of these addresses to the values of 40-50. Each address with a different value, of course.
07. Exit the status up menu and open it again.
08. The amount of runes of the character should have changed to the value of 40-50 that you have entered into the correct address.
09. Delete all the incorrect addresses.
10. Copy the address (not the value but the address) and use it to adjust your search range in CE.
11. The addresses for runes are ALWAYS in the following order: Attack -> Magic -> Hit -> Evasion.
12. So paste the address you copied into the start and end range to search for and change the last 3 digits to "000" and to "FFF".
(Sometimes the the digit before that also needs to be adjusted to 1 less or 1 more than it is in the copied address in case that the copied address ends on something like "004" or "FFC"..)
13. Now search for "Unkown value" and then for "Unchanged value".
14. Look for the address you already know and then you will find the 3 addresses for the other runes of this character directly around it as mentioned in step 11.
15. Once you have all 4 addresses simply enter the value for "50" into them, exit the menu and enter again to confirm that you have the correct 4 addresses by now seeing 50 runes for all 4 types on that character.
16. Change the value of all for runes to the value you have created in part C.
17. Exit and enter the menu again to save the changed amount of runes.
--> You should now have a large amount of runes on that character.
--> Repeat part D for all characters you want more runes for.
This method should finally work every time you start the game.
(The reason that the previous method did not work is because the game randomly changes the starting value for "0" and the changes during one "cycle" we found in part C.
E.g.: Sometimes it is as simple as "+16384" from one value to the next higher one, sometimes it actually is "-16384" to the next higher value and sometimes it is a sequal of "+/- multiples of 16384" and a huge jump every 4th step.)
But at that time I had not actually understood how it worked correctly.
Hence my attempted explanation on how to apply CE on the game did not actually work.
Therefore here a way that will work:
Part A: Finding the address for the turn number:
01. Save in the 1st tutorial mission on turn 1. (It will be used to find out the values needed for every time you start the game.)
02. After starting the game load that save file.
03. Use CE to scan for "unknown value".
04. Now make 1 move at least 1 tile away.
05. After then 2nd turn starts use CE to scan for "Changed value".
06. Click on "end turn" in the game and scan again for "Changed value" after the 3rd turn starts.
07. Repeat that till you are in turn 5.
08. After scanning in turn 5 click on "undo move" in the game and you will return to turn 1.
09. Scan for "Changed value" in CE.
10. Then change to "Compare to first scan" in CE and scan for "Unchanged Value".
11. Set CE back to "Compare to last scan".
12. Repeat steps 04-12 a few times to narrow down the amount of results you have in CE.
13. You should reach a situation where you have about 10 addresses left. Among those addresses will be some whose adress starts with 3 or 4 and they have a very large value.
14. Copy those 3 addresses down.
15. Then freeze the value of one of them.
16. You should be in turn 1 right now, so make a move again.
17. After that move look at the turn number in the game.
--> If it advances to 2 and then goes back to 1 you have the correct address. --> Continue with step 20.
--> If it advanced to 2 and stays there then you have the wrong address. --> Continue with step 18.
18. Undo your move, then unfreeze the address and remove it from your list in CE.
19. Repeat steps 15 - 18 till you have the correct address selected.
20. Once you have the correct address selected, remove the remaining addresses (if you still have some).
--> You have now found the address that will have the turn number during your entire play until you shut down the game.
Even after loading another save this address will still be the one containing the turn number.
So once you start a mission simply freeze this address and you have infinite turns cause you always stay on "turn 1".
Part B: Using the address of the turn number to find out the values for 1-50:
01. Make yourself a chart table with Excel or a comparable programm. The chart needs to have 3 rows. 1st row simply going from 0-50, 2nd and 3rd will be empty for now.
02. Go back to turn 1 in the game and then unfreeze the value in CE.
03. Now copy the value from CE into the 2nd row of the chart table behind the cell with "1".
04. Make a move and wait for the turn number to change to "2".
05. Copy the new value from CE to the chart table behind the cell with value "2".
06. In the game click on "End turn", wait till the turn number changes to "3" and once again copy the new value to the chart table into the 2nd row behind the cell with value "3".
07. Repeat step 06 until you have filled all values for 1-50 in the 2nd row of the chart table.
Part C: Finding the value for 0
01. Load your actual last save file where you are in the shrine of the end, so that youz can access your medal equip menu.
02. In the medal equip menu look what costs you current medal equipment needs.
03. Use chart table and copy the corresponding value for the costs from there.
04. Paste the value into CE and scan for it.
05. Remove a medal to lower your medal equip costs and then scan for the new value that you also get from the chart table.
06. Unequip and equip medals and scan for the cost values each time until you have only 2 addresses left.
07. Take these 2 addresses into your CE list.
08. Now remove 2 medals so that your character has like 4-5 points open for costs. E.g. 15/20 or so in the costs.
09. Freeze one of the two addresses in CE and equip a medal witha cost of 3-5.
10. Now go to the remaining open slot and look what medals you can equip.
--> If you can equip medals costing 3 and more even though you should only have 2 points or less left (e.g. at 18/20) then you have selected the correct address.
--> If not then you have selected the wrong address.
11. After finding out which is the correct adress remove the medal costing 3 or more again, then unfreeze the frozen address and delete the wrong address from your list in CE.
12. Unequip ALL medals from your character and you will get a cost of "0".
13. Copy the value for "0" from CE and paste it into the chart table behind the cell with value "0".
14. Freeze the address for medal equip costs at the value of "0".
15. Do not forget to re-equip your acharacter again now.
--> You have found the value for "0" and the adress for medal equip costs.
By freezing the address at the value for "0" you can now equip ALL characters with whatever medals you want even if the costs would usually be too high.
There is only 1 address for all characters, they share it. So you do NOT need to search it individually.
Part C: Finding / Creating a value for a huge number to use to get large amount of runes.
Now go into your chart table's 3rd row.
Starting from the line for "1" till the line for "50" always make it so that it subtracts the value of the 2nd row from that line from the value of the 2nd row in the line above it.
E.g.: In 3rd row of the line for "10" you place "value for 10 from 2nd row" - "value for 9 from 2nd row".
You will end up with a pattern making likely 3 smaller steps and then 1 larger step at every multiple of 4. - Line for 4, 8, 12, 16....
Look from lines for 1-50 in the 3rd row and you should find a pattern that repeats itself after 32 lines.
Let us call this a "cycle".
Now use 1 free cell Y anywhere and make that cell add up ALL the values of 1 cycle from the 3rd row.
Use another free cell Z next to Y and enter that it shall equal:
Value for "0" from 2nd row + 30 * value of cell Y
This should end up being quite a large number for the game - somewhere between 400 and 1200 usually.
Now how to use it:
Part D: Changing the amount of runes you have.
01. You need to have at least 1 unused rune for the character you want to get runes for. (Which rune you have does not matter.)
02. In the rune menu you then select that character.
03. Search for the value of the amount of one type of runes your have for that character.
03. You apply one rune from that type and now search for the value equal to the amount of the runes you have left of that type (cause you used one rune).
04. Now reset the character's runes and search for the first value again.
05. Repeat using and reseting runes and searching for the value until you are left with only a few addresses left. (usually 3 or less)
06. Change the value of these addresses to the values of 40-50. Each address with a different value, of course.
07. Exit the status up menu and open it again.
08. The amount of runes of the character should have changed to the value of 40-50 that you have entered into the correct address.
09. Delete all the incorrect addresses.
10. Copy the address (not the value but the address) and use it to adjust your search range in CE.
11. The addresses for runes are ALWAYS in the following order: Attack -> Magic -> Hit -> Evasion.
12. So paste the address you copied into the start and end range to search for and change the last 3 digits to "000" and to "FFF".
(Sometimes the the digit before that also needs to be adjusted to 1 less or 1 more than it is in the copied address in case that the copied address ends on something like "004" or "FFC"..)
13. Now search for "Unkown value" and then for "Unchanged value".
14. Look for the address you already know and then you will find the 3 addresses for the other runes of this character directly around it as mentioned in step 11.
15. Once you have all 4 addresses simply enter the value for "50" into them, exit the menu and enter again to confirm that you have the correct 4 addresses by now seeing 50 runes for all 4 types on that character.
16. Change the value of all for runes to the value you have created in part C.
17. Exit and enter the menu again to save the changed amount of runes.
--> You should now have a large amount of runes on that character.
--> Repeat part D for all characters you want more runes for.
This method should finally work every time you start the game.
(The reason that the previous method did not work is because the game randomly changes the starting value for "0" and the changes during one "cycle" we found in part C.
E.g.: Sometimes it is as simple as "+16384" from one value to the next higher one, sometimes it actually is "-16384" to the next higher value and sometimes it is a sequal of "+/- multiples of 16384" and a huge jump every 4th step.)
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