
Feb 1, 2020
There is a flashback scene where Callista lost "Luke" in "not-an-accident".
What if she was pregnant 20+ years ago, lost her baby and got baby Seth instead from whatever source ... the children would have seen her pregnant, go to hospital and return with a baby.

On the other side if Seth has the same biological parents as Kane, then he can fuck all the women Kane can fuck without violating the incest taboo ... easy for the dev. Seth just shouldn't fuck Kane.
Still runs into the whole never mentioning the pregnancy in game debate (just can't believe a person wouldn't immediately flashback to seeing their little sibling for the 1st time in their mothers arms after a life-changing 10-month wait, if told that person isn't their brother/sister)
But let's table that, since I can understand Miles point too.

Seth doesn't have a dom path yet & probably won't on the dom track, but might be considered as a counterpoint to the sub MC in the sub path (Like the dick comparison in the kiyomi scene).
So that might be worth taking into consideration.

Tbh there are pros to Seth being MC's replacement game setting wise, especially for the sub track. But I feel storywise it'd be better if Seth had a distinct identity/part in the gambit instead of being the 2nd son/replacement.
I'm actually open minded about Seth's origins (as in don't care), but am leaning slightly towards "3 siblings all not blood related" story-development-wise.

Seth certainly is intriguing in this aspect. Given his last scene in Island 4, I think it'll be better(more fun) to have this theory crafting in ep8, if that isn't fully occupied by the game show. We should get some clues from more Seth scenes.
Maybe someone remembers the pregnancy, or lack thereof. But your theory already threw a pebble into that pond (pregnancy confirmation) :ROFLMAO:

PS: By a similar logic, Seth not being related to the MC might open up at least one option for Nadia...


Dec 19, 2022
Still runs into the whole never mentioning the pregnancy in game debate (just can't believe a person wouldn't immediately flashback to seeing their little sibling for the 1st time in their mothers arms after a life-changing 10-month wait, if told that person isn't their brother/sister)
But let's table that, since I can understand Miles point too.

Seth doesn't have a dom path yet & probably won't on the dom track, but might be considered as a counterpoint to the sub MC in the sub path (Like the dick comparison in the kiyomi scene).
So that might be worth taking into consideration.

Tbh there are pros to Seth being MC's replacement game setting wise, especially for the sub track. But I feel storywise it'd be better if Seth had a distinct identity/part in the gambit instead of being the 2nd son/replacement.
I'm actually open minded about Seth's origins (as in don't care), but am leaning slightly towards "3 siblings all not blood related" story-development-wise.

Seth certainly is intriguing in this aspect. Given his last scene in Island 4, I think it'll be better(more fun) to have this theory crafting in ep8, if that isn't fully occupied by the game show. We should get some clues from more Seth scenes.
Maybe someone remembers the pregnancy, or lack thereof. But your theory already threw a pebble into that pond (pregnancy confirmation) :ROFLMAO:

PS: By a similar logic, Seth not being related to the MC might open up at least one option for Nadia...
My assumption implies that Calista is Nadia's mother and that there was an exchange of children at the time of delivery, with this we would have the sister identified and Seth is not blood related.


Feb 1, 2020
My assumption implies that Calista is Nadia's mother and that there was an exchange of children at the time of delivery, with this we would have the sister identified and Seth is not blood related.
Nice theory actually. That'd make Seth a DeKock, cementing his importance (kinda bothered me Seth was a random birth, even if Callista was one of the parents, see what I said about Callista being too important to get knocked up by random plebs)
So we'd have Karlsson (Olivia), Callista (MC) & DeKock (Seth)
(I'm kinda ignoring Cole cause his importance<<<Callista's & also because I still like to be sceptic about MC's birth)

It also muddies the timeline a bit for the pregnancy debate. Callista could be pregnant earlier(maybe nadia is MC's twin?), so they have very vague recollections of it, & then swapped a 2 year old for a new born. I don't think a 5 year old Olivia would notice that & since the pregnancy happened when she was 1-3 year old, the memory would be messy enough to not allow a confirmation either way (whether Callista was ever pregnant or not for Seth)

Hmmm.... :unsure:
But then Cynthia isn't showing any concern for her son like Elena did.
Or is she just that composed??
Tbh, I'd believe it, given how badass she is set up to be:
ph "The Karlsson Group is in a state of flux...with Alexander gone. And nothing personal...but neither of you are a match for Cynthia DeKock."
ph "Neither was Alexander to be frank. But your younger...candidates. I might be convinced...oh right consider one of them."
scene e6bo8 with mediumdissolve
ph "I know your daughter doesn't want the mantle of leadership Yvette...but perhaps someone else...Elena?"
if phoebevote: (sub path)
ph "I have had the chance to observe [pname3]. My first impression of her is very good. I believe she might be the leader you need someday."
elif True: (dom path)
ph "I am most curious about [pname] and [pname3]. Both of them...such strong family history. And my first impressions of them did not discourage me."
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Dec 19, 2022
Nice theory actually. That'd make Seth a DeKock, cementing his importance (kinda bothered me Seth was a random birth, even if Callista was one of the parents, see what I said about Callista being too important to get knocked up by random plebs)
So we'd have Karlsson (Olivia), Callista (MC) & DeKock (Seth)
(I'm kinda ignoring Cole cause his importance<<<Callista's & also because I still like to be sceptic about MC's birth)

It also muddies the timeline a bit for the pregnancy debate. Callista could be pregnant earlier(maybe nadia is MC's twin?), so they have very vague recollections of it, & then swapped a 2 year old for a new born. I don't think a 5 year old Olivia would notice that & since the pregnancy happened when she was 1-3 year old, the memory would be messy enough to not allow a confirmation either way (whether Callista was ever pregnant or not for Seth)

Hmmm.... :unsure:
But then Cynthia isn't showing any concern for her son like Elena did.
Or is she just that composed??
Tbh, I'd believe it, given how badass she is set up to be:
The Karlsson Group is in a state of flux...with Alexander gone. And nothing personal...but neither of you are a match for Cynthia DeKock."
ph "Neither was Alexander to be frank. But your younger...candidates. I might be convinced...oh right consider one of them."
scene e6bo8 with mediumdissolve
ph "I know your daughter doesn't want the mantle of leadership Yvette...but perhaps someone else...Elena?"
if phoebevote: (sub path)
ph "I have had the chance to observe [pname3]. My first impression of her is very good. I believe she might be the leader you need someday."
elif True: (dom path)
ph "I am most curious about [pname] and [pname3]. Both of them...such strong family history. And my first impressions of them did not discourage me."
Well Cynthia doesn't give a shit about her so-called children so if Seth were hers I wouldn't be surprised either. She is too focused on revenge against the Karlsons.
I think her thought is either you are useful to me or you are worthless


Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
If you go back to "gambitrevealone", it is obvious that Seth has a different role than Kane ... and Callista is most likely not Seth's mother. The gambit is about Kane and Karlsson's daughters to mix Callista's and Karlsson's blood. Seth is not considered to "mix" his blood ...

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Feb 1, 2020
If you go back to "gambitrevealone", it is obvious that Seth has a different role than Kane ... and Callista is most likely not Seth's mother. The gambit is about Kane and Karlsson's daughters to mix Callista's and Karlsson's blood. Seth is not considered to "mix" his blood ...

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Yes. This was one of the points that was behind my saying I don't think Seth is Callista's blood & MC's replacement. The storyline just doesn't fit that way.

Ofc it also means they know Seth is not Callista blood, otherwise they'd question Veronica about him. They probably know his true parentage too... :unsure:

Cannot wait for MC to find out he has no family. Hope the dev drops it on the MC in quick succession (olivia & seth). Such a mind fuck to go from 2 siblings to none...

Also, this intrigues me : "If [pname] is worthy of power, he shall have it". Gives me hope MC can be the top of the hierarchy insted of only ever sharing power with the mother.


Dec 19, 2022
Yes. This was one of the points that was behind my saying I don't think Seth is Callista's blood & MC's replacement. The storyline just doesn't fit that way.

Ofc it also means they know Seth is not Callista blood, otherwise they'd question Veronica about him. They probably know his true parentage too... :unsure:

Cannot wait for MC to find out he has no family. Hope the dev drops it on the MC in quick succession (olivia & seth). Such a mind fuck to go from 2 siblings to none...

Also, this intrigues me : "If [pname] is worthy of power, he shall have it". Gives me hope MC can be the top of the hierarchy insted of only ever sharing power with the mother.
like i said i just wanna see the galaxy burn.
when the game its complete i gonna made a run for screw the gambit not knock up any karlson and blow up both companies:devilish::devilish::devilish:


Feb 1, 2020
So at this point, Elena doesn't know about Astrid being alive.
This also why I'm open about Seth's parentage & remain sceptical about MC's father. Just because it is stated doesn't mean it is true, only that it's the knowledge of the character.
Be such a shock to Cynthia if seth is Cole's son & not MC :ROFLMAO:
Aside from Olivia, I like to think Kane & Seth are still wide open for wild theories. Image if a wild theory hits the mark:geek:

Like Seth & Astrid. Feels very coincidental about their same condition.

PS: Also, maybe she just didn't consider someone in cryostasis would ever wake up & run for the company. Occam's razor.
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Feb 1, 2020
f96zonetrooper's post made me realise why I never considered Seth to be Callista's son & felt it didn't suit the story when some ppl mentioned it here.
It's because no one in the story acts that way.
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It's like this the whole game. Everyone's behaviour points that Seth isn't related to Callista or the MC, nor that he could be a replacement for MC's genetics in the gambit. (Atleast in the dom track I played. I didn't play: sub, secretsub & junko routes only- no sub mc & junko is too narrow a route, don't wanna do a whole play-through for that)

They may all be in the dark, sure (like Elena about Astrid).
But if Callista's son has a brother, people will have questions, unless they already know something else about Seth :unsure:
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Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
The Gambit is a huge "Breeding" experiment ... and for breeding you usually exclude the ones with genetical disease like Seth. So excluding Seth is logical from a biological point of view.
Seems like it also explains why the newes Karlsson daughter is not eligable, because she has a disease too.


Feb 1, 2020
The Gambit is a huge "Breeding" experiment ... and for breeding you usually exclude the ones with genetical disease like Seth. So excluding Seth is logical from a biological point of view.
True. But that's just us finding reasons after the fact.

When the details were given, it was never questioned. In gambitrevealone when it was explained, I don't think Elena & Yvette understood that without any explanation from Veronica. Especially Yvette, who had many questions, didn't question about Seth being excluded. Like "What about Seth, doesn't he fulfill the requirements of being Callista's son?"
If they knew Seth was child of Callista, or even if they only knew him as brother of MC, some questions should've come up atleast, even if those could be answered by your logic.

Also, that's only one aspect. Like Elena only mentions MC in relation to Callista, but equates Seth to Jake. Ofc that could be Elena being evil & only looking at Olivia's interests.

The overall tone of the whole game seems to differentiate Seth from MC whenever Callista is involved. After Olivia, Seth being unrelated to MC feels telegraphed kinda :unsure:

Seems like it also explains why the newes Karlsson daughter is not eligable, because she has a disease too.
I hope she becomes eligible, or atleast available lol :devilish:
Also, she was in cryostasis, basically dead. Leaving her out of everything, not just breeding experiments, was logical.
Actually, I think without those experiments on Seth, she might still be frozen & couldn't be unfrozen without dying from the disease :unsure:
So thanks Seth (conditional on her having scenes :p)


Active Member
Dec 11, 2022
i am new in this thread
so what's with the female protag tag ??
in the middle of the game do we switch protags or what?


Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
i am new in this thread
so what's with the female protag tag ??
in the middle of the game do we switch protags or what?
Multiple protags. You begin the game with one character, then after a little while his sister and brother (or so he thinks) are introduced. The perspective shifts frequently throughout the game, but stays primarily with the first two characters.
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Feb 1, 2020

sis "I managed to become a decent actress and musician because of you. I'll never forget our time together."
pt "You're so wrong [pname3]. You're great at music, but you have an incredible level of raw talent for acting."
scene e6ty8 with mediumdissolve
pt "In fact, I've never seen a better actress in my entire life."
mom "Also, it may be a little rough for you at first not knowing when...but rest assured. They will come. But you're ready."
sis "I am."

Can't wait for the payoff. Gotta question every move Olivia makes o_O
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