Hi and thanks for the help. I can say that I have played all DOM paths and maybe that's why I haven't reached anything higher than K7.
I followed your advice and went back to try and find the pages(501-515) where the K rating paths were but didn't see them. I also downloaded both Walkthrough's (0.6 by Raven and 0.7 by Tess) and discovered that neither is laid out for following a path to obtain the highest K rating. At least for my simple mind. Especially for my age.
I feel that there should be a separate Walkthrough that is solely for obtaining the highest K rating possible. Thus eliminating any and all superfluous entries not related to obtaining the highest rank possible. Maybe both existing Walkthrough's could be enhanced by the authors to include a new Text Color to signify the path to achieve highest K rating regardless of DOM/SUB/LI's/Etc.
I'd ask you for your further help but feel that I'd be dominating your valuable time in F95 and don't want to do that. I really like this VN/Game for all it's story content and plots. Maybe enough iterations will teach me what I need to do to get better.
Thanks again for your help.
Thanks for the guide. It's nice to have this.
I was lucky enough to actually get to K9 on my 7th playthrough by making some changes in my decisions.
I'm kind of the the player that likes to do it without walkthrough or guides if possible but this one was a bit hard on me
Was going to give you detailed ways on both..but see Yu beat me to it hehe. Never worry about taking up my time, I'm retired, have plenty of time to help people with this wonderful VN. My door as they say is always open either here or in DM. Glad you finally got it though. I will add though, not sure why Yu did not tell both paths as the Dominique way is 1. Simplerand 2. Probably more benefical long term.
For Dominique way,
you must have Junko's Romance path open and meet Dominique first. Do not break Junko's romance path at the spa scene with Kitty, Channel, Delilah and Reyes. Dominique will fast-track you herself to K7. The next morning in the new home, Junko will wake you. Feel free to reject her here if you wish, what you do now going forward is irelevent. This way will also net you an extra sponsor, and allow more wiggle room for mistakes in order to still hit K8 on first appraisal.
I don't know who no.7 is but I'd be extremely shocked if it was Astrid. Homegirl took getting tortured with a disease to bending to his whims, I don't see her being on a board that would help bring his vision to fruition. Especially when she doesn't give a shit about his theories.
So if we eliminate Cole ( Of the sisters, only Dom and Veronica know where he is), Astrid ( reasons stated above), we are starting to run out of people. I'd wonder if Callista was unlucky no.7 but it wouldn't be that easy. This is a difficult thing to figure out
I originally thought it could be Cole, but as people here have pointed out - most folks in KG think he's dead, so it doesn't work. The Board member is on a 'special assignment', so unless it's an entirely new character we've never seen before I have to go with Callista (with her being GQ and all). Alexander kept tabs on her, but didn't interfere in the Jakobs family life (so far as we can tell), so he might've kept her Board membership.
Look. You all know how a board of directors work. We've been told it's 7 specifically so there can never be a deadlock. Whoever it is, has to be around somewhere...or certainly around a lot in the past or they would not be able to vote now...would they? You can't have a missing board member unable to vote for however many years. Callista was also supposed to be dead as far as the board were concerned remember? Hmmm? So whoever it is, is someone who is only away 'temporarily'...but has been at the KG or the facility for quite some time.
This immediately rules out characters that have been 'missing' for quite some time. I've moved away from Astrid given Alexander presumed she was dead (as probably other board members too). I'm leaning towards Alessa/Julies mother right now.
Could playing save from compressed part 1 have any effect in part 2? Asking because I got a dialogue referencing something that didn't happen in my playthrough -
Speaking of what didn't happen, shame there wasn't more with Pamela, deep mine tour sounded nice
Compression doesn't affect the story, only the quality and size of the images.
However, there is a code bug regarding the Veronica/Nadia scene where even if you did not have Veronica's sponsorship (never went to her work placement) the dialogue still states you saved Maria, even if you didn't. The code for MariaDies is set to false by default in 08 and no check is made to see if she actually either a) did or b) you were never there anyway. it doesn't affect anything at the moment either way so don't worry about, sure will be fixed in a b version or Part 2.
As for Pamela, yes that 'tour' should have happened on GD07, maybe it did but was a throwaway line just to show that Kane is doing stuff even if we don't see it, or maybe Tess forgot lol...or given everything that does actually happen on GD07, maybe (hopefully) it just got delayed. I was looking forward to that myself.
Any news / updates on Tess`s written walkthrough for v0.8.1 part 1 ?
There has always been a ton of info about the current and future of the VN in those.
Give her a chance...it's coming.
and now Elena, who MAY have told Olivia legally or otherwise
Still going with Olivia knows nothing huh. She knew all along.
Maybe Kiyomi, as she was there at the one meeting, and she looks to be working with the Revolution
Where do you figure that exactly? The dialogue from Callista could have been directed to either Veronica or Kiyomi. She was most likely there for Veronica, not Callista. So she has deals with Otto...that makes her a revolutionary now does it? No evidence to support it anywhere. That aside, Kiyomi romance is only on one specifi world state ending...and that is not the revolution ending.
Veronica also says that Board members will not trust or heed Callista, especially with her long years in hiding.
I miss something again?