
Apr 28, 2018
Losing the game because it didn't explain a core gameplay mechanic, which is doing an action leads to stat increase and levelup related to that action. For example: Using slash skills give dexterity xp, pierce skills give agility xp, handshakes while working as a receptionist give charm exp etc.
If only you could read
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
If only you could read
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Cool, a random npc vaguely mentions something. Now go figure which action gives what kind of xp. For example, did you know handshakes give charm xp? I had to look at game files to find it. There is no mention of any of these in the game. Feel free to have "fun" memorizing which action gives what kind of xp. I, on the other hand prefer playing hentai games to fap, I do not play them to memorize entire game.

Well that is just an opinion. For me it is the best H-Game. Not that it doesn't has it's flaws. I have enough posts here, with issues the game has. But some people here are over the top with it and act like, their opinion is shared by most, even if that is not the case. And then call others fanboys, because they cannot fathom that not everybody shares their vision of how this game has to be.
You say you have enough posts here about the issues the game has but I've never seen you mentioning any issues.
However, I always see you whenever someone talks slightly bad about the game. You're always there to tell them why they are wrong, how that is only their opinion, how majority disagrees with them etc. Just like what you are doing right now.
I don't know what "fanboy" means if it doesn't mean what you're doing right now.

And no, I do not speak for everyone or act like everyone agrees with me. I speak for myself.

I criticize this game every once in a while because I think it is not as perfect as you and others like you make it out to be. I've played far better games than this. This game only has a unique battlefuck and a good va. All other aspects are worse than majority of the other management and turn based games I've played in my life. This is not my opinion, this is my experience and I've got that experience from playing all kinds of games over the years. Also, your and developer's "vision" is mostly a time wasting, garbage kind of vision(imo).
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Apr 28, 2018
Cool, a random npc vaguely mentions something.
He is literally first tutorial NPC in the tutorial room and he has EXP icon next to him. Ignoring him is your choice not game's fault.

Now go figure which action gives what kind of xp.
Literally his 3rd line:
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For example, did you know handshakes give charm xp? I had to look at game files to find it.
I didn't. But it is not the best way to lvl charm anyway. Since you can't reliably use it. If only there was an explanation for a better way to rise charm.
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Feel free to have "fun" memorizing which action gives what kind of xp
It isn't as hard as you imply. "use strength to lvl strength" "use agility to lvl agility" etc. Unless you are brain dead or this is your first RPG it is very simple. Literally Oblivion lvl up system.
I, on the other hand prefer playing hentai games to fap, I do not play them to memorize entire game.
Cool, but most people prefer their H-games to be games, not just glorified CG viewers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
He is literally first tutorial NPC in the tutorial room and he has EXP icon next to him. Ignoring him is your choice not game's fault.
Press wasd to walk, use mouse to look around kind of "tutorial".
I know "blunt damage is scaled with strength", you genius.
Now, tell me, which stat do sex attacks scale off of?
How much and what kinds of experience points you get when playing any sidejob?
What does any up and down arrows mean in edicts screen? Give me %'s or flat values, you know, the most important details in any management game.
Question is, do you know any of these and does the game explain them so you can actually build your character and manage the prison properly?

I didn't. But it is not the best way to lvl charm anyway. Since you can't reliably use it. If only there was an explanation for a better way to rise charm.
So you decide to ignore a game mechanic, because you "can't use reliably".
A sidejob you can do everyday to increase a stat is considered unreliable? Yeah, ok, if you say so.

Cool, but most people prefer their H-games to be games, not just glorified CG viewers.
So according to you, I must like glorified cg viewers because I criticized your favorite game?
Holy knight ricca, last evil, goblin burrow, ayura crisis are easily among my favorite games on this site AND despite criticizing this game, I gave it a 4 star rating a long time ago.
What's your next slander gonna be?
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Apr 28, 2018
Question is, do you know any of these and does the game explain them so you can actually build your character and manage the prison properly?
Wait a second I thought you said "I, on the other hand prefer playing hentai games to fap, I do not play them to memorize entire game." but now you want game to give you even more information? What happened? Almost like you just want to shit on this game and will just pick whatever reason. To answer your question, game gives you more than enough information to build your character and manage your prison, however it doesn't give you all the information possible. Most games work like this they give you enough information to play but if you want to minmax you have to go to forums or look into game's code.

So you decide to ignore a game mechanic, because you "can't use reliably".
A sidejob you can do everyday to increase a stat is considered unreliable? Yeah, ok, if you say so.
Who said i ignored this game mechanic? It being less reliable than buying stuff is a simple fact.

So according to you, I must like glorified cg viewers because I criticized your favorite game?
Not according to me, you yourself said:
Feel free to have "fun" memorizing which action gives what kind of xp. I, on the other hand prefer playing hentai games to fap, I do not play them to memorize entire game.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2018
You say you have enough posts here about the issues the game has but I've never seen you mentioning any issues.
Oh really? Not like, I was worried about the Gym DLC before even the Beta came out because of what was said, of how it was supposed to work. And after Beta release was very unhappy with it

That actually makes me more worried, that it will end up like the Glory Hole Side Job, in which you need to have Sex Skills to do anything. I really hope that is not the case.
Would say actually fairly the opposite. This Sidejob falls in the same Trap, the Gloryhole Sidejob fell. No meanigful Gameplay at all, while ignoring a Core Mechanik of the Game. Gloryhole and Gym Sidejob both are just you looking at pretty pictures. What you actually do doesn't really matter at all.

Now look at Gloryhole and Gym Sidejob. What is actually the Gameplay here? You are just picking whatever Sexskill you want to use. That is it. Even something basic as, Using Observe to read the eyes of a Prisoner to get a Dialog like "Awwww, he is looking at my Tits... well I know what he wants" so if you then give him a Boobjob it gives you some sort of a Bonus, would at least add some sort of Gameplay. But no just like with Gloryhole you do whatever until you are done and that's that. If I just want to look at pretty pictures, I don't need to play a Game.
And this is just an example. Glory Hole is a very bad implemented Side Job, since it ignores a Core Mechanic which is the Desire System. You could remove it from that Side Job and it wouldn't change anything. And guess what, I was correct about the Gym Side Job and that people will not like it.

I could now go through all my posts here but instead I will just say things that I have said over time.
- Receptionists Side Job not having a unique Defeat Scene. Or that the Visitors and Goblins have this weird pact, that Visitors can only use her upper body and Goblins the lower Body.
- Stripper Side Job Private Danceshow only being a glorified Defeat Scene instead of being an Advanced Version of stripping like Lap Dance and such.
- In general that the Game should have more Side Jobs and too much will be left on the floor.
- That there is now way, to keep Karryn inbetween. It is either you go Pure or she will become a crazy Slut.
- The Wanted System is underwhelming. More should have been done with it.

I could say more but I will leave it at that. But sure go ahead and claim that I only defend the game just because I don't shit on the game always like some people here.
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Aug 31, 2017
Hey I got a question regarding code editing.

There's a particular Thug I'm trying to get to take Karryn's Anal Virginity, but with minimal cheating + me being stuck on Level 2 on my current run, the only option I have is with the Rogues getting Karryn to expose her behind, and no Thug wants her ass.

What do I change in the code?


Active Member
Mar 7, 2020
Hey I got a question regarding code editing.

There's a particular Thug I'm trying to get to take Karryn's Anal Virginity, but with minimal cheating + me being stuck on Level 2 on my current run, the only option I have is with the Rogues getting Karryn to expose her behind, and no Thug wants her ass.

What do I change in the code?
Open up RemtairyCombat.js and search for POSEJOIN. You'll see a list of codes for joining a sex scene, anal is 1704. Now open up Enemies.json and search for TG to find the thugs. One of the elements is <AI PoseJoin Skills:1703,1703,1706,1706,1701,1702>. Add a bunch of 1704s to those and the thugs should start choosing buttsex.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2017
Almost like you just want to shit on this game and will just pick whatever reason.
More like you just want to dismiss any negative criticisms or valid concerns someone makes or even if they're only sharing their experience on the game because to you, it just looks like "shitting on your favorite game/dev" or "over the top"(whatever that means) even though they gave a detailed reasoning for it in their original comment but no, they're just "whatever reasons" or especially if they're a pirate, their opinion is automatically invalid! :LUL:
Which basically means that you're offended by someone having an opinion contrary to you.

Who said i ignored this game mechanic? It being less reliable than buying stuff is a simple fact.
OP never argued against your point that "there's a more reliable method" but simply mentioned the fact that there are mechanics which they have to look into the code to find out(regardless of if they're important information or not).

And you're here dismissing that point(which is why OP said you're ignoring) by bringing up the excuse of "there's a better way so who cares about some hidden mechanics" which is the same dismissal attitude I'm pointing out about people like you having towards any negative points being made.

Is it possible to reset the edicts we buy? I accidentally chose an edict while trying to choose another one and now I don't know any way to choose the other edict. Is there any way to reset it?
Yes, you can with Aziien's RPGMV Cheat Menu. I've tested it and it's working even though visually, the edict appears to still be active.
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Aug 31, 2017
Open up RemtairyCombat.js and search for POSEJOIN. You'll see a list of codes for joining a sex scene, anal is 1704. Now open up Enemies.json and search for TG to find the thugs. One of the elements is <AI PoseJoin Skills:1703,1703,1706,1706,1701,1702>. Add a bunch of 1704s to those and the thugs should start choosing buttsex.
Will 1704 also apply to the Bathroom defeat scene?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Wait a second I thought you said "I, on the other hand prefer playing hentai games to fap, I do not play them to memorize entire game." but now you want game to give you even more information? What happened?
Jeez, it is almost as if someone said game gives enough information and I'm the one that's ignoring those just to shit on your precious game.
So, do you have answers to the any of the questions I asked OR are you going to keep ignoring those parts of my post and just reply to whichever parts you want to?

Who said i ignored this game mechanic? It being less reliable than buying stuff is a simple fact.
You cannot buy accessories everyday because you need to spend money and edict points on other things.
You can play sidejobs everyday, no money or edicts points needed after unlocking them.
How is this supposed to be less reliable again?
If only you would actually understand the game instead of parroting whatever developer wrote.

Not according to me, you yourself said:
I play hentai games to fap != I like cg viewers(whatever that even means)
What is so hard to understand, especially after I already wrote which games are among my favorites on this site?


Apr 28, 2018
More like you just want to dismiss any negative criticisms or valid concerns
You mean valid criticisms like:
" Losing the game because it didn't explain a core gameplay mechanic, which is doing an action leads to stat increase and levelup related to that action " something factually wrong.

someone makes or even if they're only sharing their experience on the game because to you, it just looks like "shitting on your favorite game/dev"
Being factually wrong is not "sharing their experience"

they gave a detailed reasoning for it in their original comment
Except most of that list can be summed up as 'I don't like this game's direction'. Take the "passives" paragraph as example, literally just takes deliberate design choice by the developer ignores reasons for its existence and presents it as some mistake.

OP never argued against your point that "there's a more reliable method"
I know he didn't. I agreed what handshake=charm isn't something taught by the game. I brought up other method to show it isn't a big deal, because it really isn't.


Apr 28, 2018
Jeez, it is almost as if someone said game gives enough information and I'm the one that's ignoring those just to shit on your precious game.
Yes you are the one who ignored information, you are the one who pretended like game doesn't teach you about "doing an action leads to stat increase"
So, do you have answers to the any of the questions I asked OR are you going to keep ignoring those parts of my post and just reply to whichever parts you want to?
I did answer those questions " To answer your question, game gives you more than enough information to build your character and manage your prison, however it doesn't give you all the information possible."
You cannot buy accessories everyday because you need to spend money and edict points on other things.
It is almost like you have to choose in an RPG game :eek:
You can play sidejobs everyday, no money or edicts points needed after unlocking them.
How is this supposed to be less reliable again?
Because you rely on the fans showing up. But with accessories you just buy them.
If only you would actually understand the game instead of parroting whatever developer wrote.
Oh i understand it. Unlike you with your:
"Losing sidejob reputation for no reason after a few days of not doing them."
I have a pretty good idea why it is done this way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Yes you are the one who ignored information, you are the one who pretended like game doesn't teach you about "doing an action leads to stat increase"

I did answer those questions " To answer your question, game gives you more than enough information to build your character and manage your prison, however it doesn't give you all the information possible."

It is almost like you have to choose in an RPG game :eek:
I "pretended"? Are you for real? So I "pretended" game has some stupid shit just to shit on it more? How does that logic even work in your head? I'm having a hard time understanding your logic here.

What does the game actually teach you? You can't even see what kind of xp and how much you get whenever you do anything.
How are you going to build your character properly in a rpg game when you can't even see the xp you get? Does that sound "more than enough" to you? Oh but sure go ahead and argue about a random vague npc "explaination":
"doing things increases stats", well, no shit sherlock I wouldn't possibly know about it if there wasn't an npc to explain it to me. Might as well also explain/say "attacking will damage opponents" or "use arrows or mouse left click to move" or "use left click/enter in menu's to select an option". You would consider those enough, I am sure.

Because you rely on the fans showing up. But with accessories you just buy them.
Those fans are pretty much guaranteed to show up after a little bit of play time and you can unlock it pretty early...

Oh i understand it. Unlike you with your:
"Losing sidejob reputation for no reason after a few days of not doing them."
I have a pretty good idea why it is done this way.
Oh please do bless us with your infinite discord wisdom!

I am done talking to fanboys such as you, now excuse me as I play other, much better games.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2017
Being factually wrong is not "sharing their experience"
I wasn't only referring to OP or you when giving examples because these kinds of cases has happened in the past.

This case is one of them where their experience was basically being invalidated with the excuse of "X information exists which would've prevented Y from happening so your experience with the game being harder is invalid".
(It all started off of a false assumption which OP later pointed out so the whole thing was just an unnecessary tangent.)

To answer your question, game gives you more than enough information to build your character and manage your prison
Going to simply agree to disagree and leave it at that as I do not care to waste my time arguing and repeating stuff over a subjective topic like I did in the past but here are already mentioned stuff which is similar to my reasoning:-
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now excuse me as I play other, much better games.
"Actually, that is factually false because KP is a MASTERPIECE!(will still pirate it tho) There are no other better games" -:4Head:
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