My guess is that this extra dialogue isn't viewable during normal gameplay. Maybe it's dialogue from the cutting room floor that wasn't implemented, or it's content that was eventually fleshed out and released in later versions of the game.
(Take this guess with a grain of salt, as I don't have anything to back it up.)
I don't entirely think so, not to sound too rude, apologies.
The extra NPCs show up during test plays, have flags, are totally fleshed out (play and dialogue wise), and is even mentioned directly in one of their Ci-En posts specifically for this version. But wasn't mentioned again after.
フラグは周回でリセットされるので、被弾縛りや地図縛りに挑戦してみてください。 "
"Conversation additions
We have added variations to the tutorial-type conversations based on the NPCs accompanying you.
Flags are reset by lapsing, so try tying to be hit by bullets or tying to a map."
It's just, while I can see the in-game flags that trigger the dialogue, I have no way to tell what changes them directly lol.
From everything I've seen, they're MEANT to be there, but no idea how to get them.
Guys, is there any way to resize the fronts?
The game looks so spaced out that i cant really read what's going on.
There is not. This is a problem with the engine as is, and is one of the reasons you need a human hand with actually doing the typesetting for English lol.
I swear I made a mention of this in this thread, but it's a long standing question in the other thread for this game anyway too haha.