
Feb 28, 2018
From "this month" to A WEEK into the next month because someone is getting their second covid shot? Bruv. Depending on where you live, you go there, wait a bit (or in my case I was the only one there lol so didn't wait at all) get the shot and go home again. How is that their reason for releasing 1 week into the next month? And if it's not about finishing touches and the update is technically ready for upload by that time, do they sit in a discord call and have to press upload at the same time or why the fuck could there be an overlap, even then it took me 30 mins (including the drive) to get the shot and be back home in the worst case he'll be gone for a couple hours so in now way, shape or form is this reasonable.

Honestly something like "Yeah if everything went smooth now it would be released on like september 3rd, but that's a bs number so we'll go with 1 week, aka on the 7th." would've been more reasonable than this.

Pls someone tell me I'm just a brainlet right now and I'm misunderstanding something here, this looks like they're desperate for new excuses.

(Edit : Also... there are still parts of the update that aren't in yet and will be patched in a bit later? HUH? How? I'm convinced they work on the game 2 hours a week at this point, holy fuck. But hey, the preview pic confirms why I'm still anticipating every update for this game.)
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Jun 27, 2021
Maybe they've been busy or something?

Not trying t'be a dick or anything, just devils advocate.

They've been workin' on it for ages and ages chronologically, but what if it's really only a week or two of work?

Say it's midway through August, when out of the blue one of them surfs the net and jumps on their Patreon:

"Ooohhhhhh shiiiit..... I knew I had to do something but I totally spaced..."

Maybe jobs or stuff?

I dunno.


Feb 28, 2018
Technically everything is possible, fact is they don't want to tell us the truth so it's probably just lack of passion or something.

In any case, this very update was supposed to come out in April, remember? Even if they had internet outages all throughout July and August it's still a joke. And IIRC April was already a delayed date and was supposed to be ready even earlier, but I'd have to lie to say that with confidence, so imma stick with April.

Though to be honest, I'd be glad if in reality they never really work on the updates seriously, because that means that if they ever decide to start taking it serious then we'd get huge bumps in updates.


Jun 27, 2021
Haha, fair enough.

I think for me it comes down to two things:

One, they're not milking it HOLD ON! In the sense that, I choose to believe, that Hreinn as a collective are NOT laughing maniacally at this wonderful income stream, gleefully lording it over petty mortal.

And two, I fuckin' LOVE orcs!

I played Noxian Nights when it was finished with a guide, thought it was alright, but have known about / played Kingdom of Deception since the first version or so.
So long as they don't cut out my green love machines I'm not terribly bothered by anything else.

And at the end of the day I have other things in my life, plus I knocked out two exams yesterday so I'm just happy for the communication!


Jun 27, 2021
But they state that an update for partreons will be out like today, regardless how they stay, and then they will patch it till 7th September. Or wtf?
The next time people'll be able to play the game will be the seventh.

What I take from the update is that sometime after the seventh but before the end of September, there'll be a 0.12.X update, and that ALL patrons will receive the bonus art and such.


Feb 28, 2018
1) Yeah I'm not accusing them of milking, just laziness or incompetence.(Though I hope it's the first)

2) Eh Orcs are alright, for me it's their brutish dominance rather than their appearance. Sabia getting more submissive the longer she's there is the best part imho. Although dom Sabia is a thing, I'm not really interested in it and I also heard that it's not very different enough to warrant a playthrough on it's own.

Yeah I loved Noxian Nights, mainly because there can't be enough League porn games and NN is one of the very, very, VERY few porn games in the League universe that aren't utter garbage. And with "very few" I mean that I can't think of any other decent ones, sadly. Maybe Winds Disciple, but I don't really like the gameplay of it. All the other ones that had potential are dead.


Jun 27, 2021
Second point second point second point!

In spite of this site and what it stands for, I'm not really on the net at all, online games even less so. Though I must confess to playing RuneScape and AdventureQuest years and years and years ago - the biggest kicker for me is the lack of net service: live in the middle of nowhere.

I actually saw for the first time a picture of Riven only a week or two ago and figured they did a decent job and weren't really making up the cloth top.

If the Winds Disciple is the game I'm thinking of, then I have to agree with you: really wanted to bone the werewolf guy (and his mates) in the sewers but I thought there'd be more agency or player choice. If I remember correctly, at first glance for some reason I thought it was Corruption of Champions with pictures.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
G'day strangers!

Just thought I'd pop in and say that the release date is the seventh (I'm gonna assume September but you folks can discuss that amongst y'selves).

Happy wanking!
(And I can't help but anger some people by saying that I donate, and happily too!) View attachment 1380636 View attachment 1380638
7th it is, then.

I shall see whether they are going to fulfill this one promise or not.

Thanks for the info, by the way.
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