- Sep 3, 2022
- 25,760
- 225,851
Still nothing? Been 7 months since last release.....
The dev has talked multiple times on the last few pages about the game and updates.
Still nothing? Been 7 months since last release.....
Learn to wait dude.Still nothing? Been 7 months since last release.....
Yes, but I needed to wait a bit so I can find a way not to have an Android game that's 3GB in size.Will there be an Android version in addition to the Windows, Linux and Mac ones?
There are several questions, so I will answer them separately so none of us get confused. Especially me hahaha.KingoftheJungle009
What's the text documents about 4, 8, and scenes, well I know what that is, it's about Linux distributions. But I meant to ask last time to, why are the script files "archived"? Just a backup or?
1, no worriesThere are several questions, so I will answer them separately so none of us get confused. Especially me hahaha.
1. Text documents are dialogue documents found in the new update. I wrote it scene by scene. And I numbered them so when I send it to proofreaders it doesn't override the previous document.
2. I don't know why you mention Linux distribution. Can you elaborate further, please?
3. Ren'Py does it when I build distribution. It's only 5MB in size so it doesn't matter. Does it have any consequences that I don't know of?
3, an archive called scripts, just did not know if that was you being tricky by providing the "incest patch" already there and just extract, and overwrite the files while extracting.W i n d o w s S u b s y s t e m f o r L i n u x h a s n o i n s t a l l e d d i s t r i b u t i o n s .
U s e ' w s l . e x e - - l i s t - - o n l i n e ' t o l i s t a v a i l a b l e d i s t r i b u t i o n s
a n d ' w s l . e x e - - i n s t a l l < D i s t r o > ' t o i n s t a l l .
D i s t r i b u t i o n s c a n a l s o b e i n s t a l l e d b y v i s i t i n g t h e M i c r o s o f t S t o r e :
h t t p s : / / a k a . m s / w s l s t o r e
E r r o r c o d e : B a s h / S e r v i c e / C r e a t e I n s t a n c e / G e t D e f a u l t D i s t r o / W S L _ E _ D E F A U L T _ D I S T R O _ N O T _ F O U N D
It might be just half or more, but the changelog speaks for itself.would it just be best to play when the half the update comes out
• Around 600 renders (excluding animations and sequences)
• Around 40k words - if that matters to you.
No fixes have been made yet.KingoftheJungle009 I've restarted from the beginning with this update and the dialogues still have the scene/show issue
Yes. It's not a half but like 80% of the game. Will explain it in a separate post. But yeah, it's quite worthywould it just be best to play when the half the update comes out
2. I am not familiar with this. Maybe it's something created in the distribution, but it didn't come from me.1, no worries
2, scenes.txt, just shows this....
3, an archive called scripts, just did not know if that was you being tricky by providing the "incest patch" already there and just extract, and overwrite the files while extracting.
More or less all those files are just fluff, and most dev's remove them before they publicly post them![]()
Easily enough done. Read it through, the word scene is used in places where the word show is a much more appropriate and natural-sounding choice.View attachment 3077596
This is dialogue that was extracted from the latest update. I am sorry if I am tripping, but I don't see it. Can you point it out for me, since I tried to find it at least 10 times.
King, dividing the game in parts is something a lot of devs do to avoid this problem, is it in your options? (Love your game btw)Yes, but I needed to wait a bit so I can find a way not to have an Android game that's 3GB in size.