There will probably be a last public demo before launch, but not until august i think, i still have lots of things to add to make a worthwile free demo. (that has different content than the current one!)
Zed, thanks for ur work, I really enjoy ur game! Hope to see online and 2vs2 in future! Ur game is awsome and I really like that u communicate with ur players/fans not only at patreon, but with poor ones too.
MrZed, did u thinked about ur next game? I have a little concept for the game but with really same mechanics. U now game about sneaky cheating(how weird this is sounds like). We have bar with the pleasure, cum and sound(noise), bar of sound depends of type and speed of movement and too big noise will short our time or end the game. And point to cum faster than other person find player. Finding may depend of a timer and sound bar(or noise bar). And really same mechanics with choising of movement, speed of movement, and random events which influe time for example. I not game developer and don`t know that much as u but I can write about how I see this game more, but it`s just my fantasies... I hope u or other forum dudes will like this kind of game(forum guys if u will like game like this by mrZed write this pls, support me).
And about kyfc, maybe u add a ability to recover clothes or even hero which base on faster ruin clothes or recovering self clothes.
Thanks for u work again,mrZed!
(Hope Zed will read this)
(Sorry for my english guys)