The game crashes every 3 minutes and is generating crash dump files I don't know what to do with.
Haven't played this, but based on previous experience try this:
1) Extract as japanese, see other comments in thread.
2) Use japanese locale, from locale emulator (or just set in your system options)
3) Make sure your folder/file names aren't too long. If the game tries to pull a file from location c:/happyfun/mkosdnf0490n0sdnf0n0sn0i340tnes0ns0dnfd0gnng0ns0dn0sndf0fnf0in0i4n0ns0dndf0nsfdns0dfnds0s0dnf0sn0sn/mkosdnf0490n0sdnf0n0sn0i340tnes0ns0dnfd0gnng0ns0dn0sndf0fnf0in0i4n0ns0dndf0nsfdns0dfnds0s0dnf0sn0sn/hotpic69.jpg, you are going to have problems.
If you did all of the above, and you STILL get errors, then most likely the translator did a big no no and translated scripts or variable references, which unless they were careful would result in errors. This isn't that uncommon when a translating tool is used, since its automated and not that smart at picking out those kinds of things.