Question: Why does HATE Status keeps increasing even when the girl is idle?
Hate increases passively because there is no love, right now if love became greater or equal to hate, hate would passively start going down. Obviously right now love gains are too slow but I'm also starting to think hate should go down when fear is greater or equal.
Question: Why does HATE Status keeps increasing even when the girl is idle?
The psychological reason is because you are keep her as a slave and she hates you for that, right now you need love to be greater or equal to hate, but the balance means it takes too long, will improve that in future version.
Played for a bit. Here's my feedback:
1.- Hate just ticks up to max in relatively little time with no apparent way to keep it down or make it go away.
2.- Taming seems to go up extremely slowly. I got bored of just looping training and punishment over and over and then working the arcade whenever money ran low. About an hour into the game I'm only at about 60% tame.
3.- On that note, my "Mostly tame" and "Compliant" slave is still refusing to do any actual traning requests.
4.- There seems to be no point in letting guilt build up for punishment (wouldn't know about merit cause I never got any, see point 3). Punishment seems to grant exactly the same amount of tame whether the slave gets punished at 1% guilt or 10%. I tried setting the auto punishment setting to 25% but it never got there cause Fear ticked down and she had to get punished to get back to max fear so she could keep training (cause hate is just perma stuck at max so anything below max fear just sets her to hateful).
5.- Any guilt gathered and punished when her mood is hateful and not fearful seems to grant no tame at all.
6.- Not sure if this is by design or not but between the ticking down while she sleeps and the little gains from positive actions, love is basically impossible to max with an untrained slave (didn't try it on the slave that reached higher tame cause at that point I was too bored to continue). Also, the only action that seems to give any love at all is drugging her. Free time doesn't give any and forced orgasms just seem to maintain the level without any perceptible increase.
7.- What's the point of making a slave orgasm?
8.- "Adjectly Terrified" status should be "Abjectly Terrified".
Thanks for the feedback
-Hate increases until love is equal or greater, I'm going to have fear also decrease hate if it's equal or greater
-I'll speed up how quickly taming increases (though it is faster against a character with low willpower)
-I think I set the requirement for sex training at 80% obedience, I'll probably change this to 60%
-it is intended that you can't tame or train when hate is in the way
-drugging her is the best way to increase love but at serious condition cost, orgasm increases love but has a multiplier that lowers the change each climax, so if you leave her climaxing non-stop you soon get almost no gain, need to leave her for a few hours then go again. (I think the love gain for this is too low, so I'll bump that up as well)
The sell button is only visible when in the rest state, oversight by me I'll make that available all the time.