- Mar 19, 2019
- 19
- 55
I've got a solution to immediately end all serums currently active on every character for anyone that, like me, has any bad and/or self-replicating effects that they want removed. All it takes is a simple edit to Person.rpy located in game\major_game_classes\character_related.
Find the run_turn(self) function and change this for-loop:
To this:
The change makes it so that every active serum gets added to the remove list at the end of each turn no matter its remaining duration or self-replication. Make sure to change it back afterwards, otherwise your serums will only ever last the turn they're used. Hope this helps anyone in the same spot I was in.
Find the run_turn(self) function and change this for-loop:
for serum in self.serum_effects: #Compute the effects of all of the serum that the girl is under.
serum.run_on_turn(self) #Run the serum's on_turn funcion if it has one.
if serum.duration_expired(): #Returns true if the serum effect is suppose to expire in this time, otherwise returns false. Always updates duration counter when called.
remove_list.append(serum) #Use a holder "remove" list to avoid modifying list while iterating.
for serum in self.serum_effects: #Compute the effects of all of the serum that the girl is under.
serum.run_on_turn(self) #Run the serum's on_turn funcion if it has one.
#if serum.duration_expired(): #Returns true if the serum effect is suppose to expire in this time, otherwise returns false. Always updates duration counter when called.
remove_list.append(serum) #Use a holder "remove" list to avoid modifying list while iterating.