Relax you don't have to explain or defend your thoughts. To each his own. Yours is not a rant but a preference indicator. No different from me or any other patron of this game.
I kinda liked the slow pace of the game. It matched the ambiance of the small town setting where everyone goes at their own pace and there is no rush like the big city. Where everyone knows your name and secrets and nobody gives a damm. I know its stereotypical but thats the image that comes up. Its my own preference and I don't think you are wrong either.
However I do agree if it continues like that we might become frustrated. But I think from playing so far this is a slow burn romance game more focused on character and relationships. Hey my guess is KJ is specifically there for our "needs" while the game proceeds normally

As for the MC and his GF situation the game clearly shows there is a complete breakdown of communication from the GF after some time. And then a mutual friend shows a possibly compromising photo. IRL anyone would think of the worst outcome in that situation. Plus the MC seems to not be fully confident in himself when it comes to relationship. Sure the choices we make in the game might make him feel more confident but thats our playing. The setup to the game seems otherwise. Anyway that's my take.
In fact i suspect their second game TBAK is more the opposite of LC and targeted to players who might prefer a faster setup. I played it and compared to LC i was not impressed. Didn't really hook me even though I loved the premise.