I ended up linking the cum decal level to the belly inflation ratio.
The original approach that increases the level by one on every cum event isn't that suitable now as decals get cleaned after scenes/battles. Ideally, creating a new table to store decal levels for each scene/enemy would be the best solution, but I am too lazy to write another table.
Decal levels are returned by the DoBellyInflation method as follow:
if (ratio >= 0.8f)
return 5;
if (ratio >= 0.6f)
return 4;
if (ratio >= 0.4f)
return 3;
if (ratio >= 0.2f)
return 2;
return 1;
Other than that, I've also added deflation to battles.
In the original game, it plays a sound effect and some dripping cum effect at turn start; now it shall play the effects but also decrease the belly inflation by 10% per turn.
And, I've also fixed the cum decals option's checkbox from always showing as marked, even when it's actually disabled.
EDIT: Made decals cumulative, just like belly inflation.
EDIT: Fixed fast mode's checkbox always showing as marked.
EDIT: Added more scenes and enemies.
EDIT: Fixed deadlock/crash when using Temptation on Bone Piles.
EDIT: Added more scenes and enemies.
EDIT: Added belly inflation to the Merchant.
EDIT: Added more scenes and enemies.
EDIT: Fixed SetBellyScale errors by applying the function to females only.
EDIT: Added more scenes and enemies.
EDIT: Added more scenes and enemies.
EDIT: Restored a previously disabled scene.
EDIT: Disabled belly inflation for scenes that have animation-based inflation.
EDIT: Added more scenes and enemies.
EDIT: Added final scenes and enemies.