I have tried to play this game twice and I found myself getting motion sickness from playing it for like less than an hour. This does not happen to me in other games, last time I got motion sickness from playing a game, it was in the early 2000's, playing the old Unreal Tournament for a few hours. I tried to find other people in this thread with the same issue, apparently, I'm the only one. xD
This game overdoes the post-process effects and is pretty sickening on default settings, which is unfortunate considering it's actually a fairly pretty game all things considered. Turn off Motion Blur, and set your FOV to a higher number. Disabling bloom and AO might help, too, as well as making sure you're sitting far enough back from the monitor.
90 degree FOV is generally ideal for 1080p at a reasonable viewing distance, but if that doesn't work try something lower if you're used to console shooters. Older games like Unreal that you mentioned usually had a wide FOV. Everyone is different. In layman's terms, FOV is how "wide" the camera you view the game from is, and you want it to be natural when taking into account your monitor's size and resolution, and your physical distance from the screen. Low FOV, fast motion, and motion blur usually cause a lot of eye-strain and motion sickness. Some people get sick from large FOVs as well, but I'm not sure why.
tl;dr: Turn up the FOV in Advanced Options and turn off mblur in Graphics Options