VN Ren'Py Law School [Ep.1] [MisterMaya]

4.20 star(s) 22 Votes


New Member
Dec 2, 2022
some walktrough would be apreciate,some mini games have actual law based questions,hell we all can answer some of them but not all and they unlock special renders and is annoying to google stuff about those questions

other than that,the game seams nice and hope it will get updates and not another abandoned good game :)
Answers to the first test: 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.C


Nov 29, 2020
Will this game have harem route where we can have them all MisterMaya ? Would like to know before hand to not make the same mistake I made with entrepreneur, started playing it but then dropped it because didn't have harem . Ty in advance
I know that at some point on different paths (far end of the "selfness" spectrum) to pursue some girls will be locked, however I don't know if you can have harem path with some girls.

But seeing how Dev's last game didn't have it, I am assuming this wouldn't have it either.


Nov 29, 2020
Guys chill out about Lana's hair, somebody asked Dev(MM) in discord and MM said he/she will look into it. Instead of fighting eachother on what's right or wrong, maybe give a suggestion to Dev or ask the Dev, most of the time you will get a response.
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Dec 25, 2018
I'm going to go back and replay this episode in a few days, but so far I'm kind of on the fence about what I think. I feel like most of it was great, but then there were some jarring things that made feel kind of meh about it.

- MC is just too perfect in everything
- He really wants to be able to spend his nights in the library. I mean he REALLY wants to, to the point that I think he wants it more than being a lawyer
- Some of the dialogue and the characters are quite childish and it doesn't fit neither their age nor the setting
- Lana's hair change
- Aurora and especially Andrea are just insufferable. I can see where those storylines are eventually going to lead, but it just feels extremely childish and tropey
- Speaking of tropes, there is a whole lot of it here and in quite a few cases it's turned to the maximum
- Freeroam. Do I need to say more? I appreciate the fact that we can skip it, but I can't see any benefit in including it in the first place

I'd still rate the episode like a 3.5/5, but I'm going to be honest, after the dev's previous game I expected a bit more especially on the writing front.
Not going to argue as mostly I have the same opinion.

I personally never liked freeroaming straightforward games. These games have a linear story. Than we get a freeroaming part where ou have to clikc on everything in a given order to advance in the linear stroyline, since there are no different routes. Like we could have got this content without the freeroaming part too. Te difference it made was it took 2 extra minutes to go through it.

90% of these games have free roaming without any good reason, most of the are just time wasting without influencing the story at all. The only game which come to mind now and freeroaming is acceptable is BaDIK and even there it feels like time wasting too.
DEVs should decide that they want to make a sandbox game or a visual novel.
No offense againts any DEVs I get the idea of them trying new things, but freeroaming in a VN isn't it for me.

But agree other than the childish text this game has potential to be good.
Edit: But I have to say this is one of the small amount games which I read through from start to finish in one go. It is rare for me to that to any game yet this DEV succesfully did it with both if the games.
Before anybody asks there are a lot of game where I simply skip through part of the story as I either don't care about that charater or the story.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Yes, it is, having a few choices on how the MC acts and how some scenes unfold aren't an unrealistic expectation that would require a lot of effort to be coded into the game, it's something most players expect to have.
As you said before, the additional choices are just to purely satisfy your personal preference. This is at the cost of making the MC inconsistent with the characterization that the dev has given him. To me, it's obvious that your personal preference doesn't beat what the dev envisioned the MC to be.
What is it with you and this 'pacifist' argument in a game about top lawyers, of all places ??:WaitWhat: You think real-life lawyers are a bunch of pussy ass 'pacifists' too afraid to defend their opinion and clients in court ?? Cuz I'm pretty sure lawyers are as aggressive, smart and wicked-tongued in court as sharks are in water, and need I remind you that our so-called 'pacifist' wants to be the best of them ?? Can you even imagine a wimpy dork defending his client against an ambitious, smart and talented lawyer like Mike in a complicated criminal case ??
This is spoken like someone who only ever see lawyers from watching TV shows and never actually deal with them IRL. The vast majority of lawyers are actually pacifists that they bend over for their clients. I've dealt with thousands of lawyers IRL for decades.
or a wannabe pacifist too afraid to stand up to a dumb bitch like the MC was when dealing with Caroline's shitty attitude
And this is where we know you self-insert again. Your read over the situation is that MC was "too afraid to stand up" because if you did the same, the only reason is that you're too afraid. You're unable to consider any other reason as to why MC didn't fight back.
Lol, just bcz you can customize a character's appearance doesn't mean that you're forced to self-insert yourself as that character, dude... you reading too much into it. I say this cuz I usually give those type of MCs a lot of funny 'personal touches' for the heck of it, not bcz I look anything like them, and if self-insertion was the main reason to why some games allow the player to do this, shouldn't they be asking them to take a selfie and customize the characters based on it or something ??
Character appearance is only one example of self-insert. It goes beyond that, such as shown above, expecting a character to behave/think like you would've.
I don't have anything against your preference for MC's current approach when dealing with Caroline, but I personally find it ridiculous that a supposedly smart, calculated guy like him, who fancies himself to be the next big shot lawyer, wouldn't use her lil fling to his advantage to get that after-hour access to the library he rambled so much about that it bored and annoyed a lot of us, convince her to put a good word to the dean for them on the housing situation, and/or simply convince her she owes him a favor if she want him to keep her secret.
Because smart person thinks about the long-term. What you want is short-term satisfaction, which is not the optimal outcome.
Again with the 'pacifist' argument ?? You really like your MC's act submissive, don't ya ??
You're confusing things. I don't "really like" any type of MC. What I like is MC that behaves consistently. My comment so far has been based on the MC that the dev has written, and not based on my personal preference. That's why I didn't say MC should've done this or that based on my personal preference. I only said that it makes sense for MC to be pacifist because he is written as a pacifist.

Basically, your opinion is simply "I don't like pacifist MC" which is obviously a legitimate opinion, but that's like saying "I don't like female main character in a movie" when you watch Little Mermaid. It's meaningless because Little Mermaid will have female main character.
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Sep 5, 2022
one thing bothers me: you get asked two times so far, if you would defend someone who (you think) is guilty.
I sincerely hope, that the answer(s) does not reflect in your personality traits or limits your choices.
because there is hardly a question more stupid than that for a lawyer!
Imagine, every lawyer would refuse to defend somebody, because he thinks his client is guilty.
it would be the end for the legal system!
in best case, it's a romantic question, but not a logical or practical one.
in short: the only POSSIBLE answer in your chosen profession is YES! (not, what makes you feel better!)


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
one thing bothers me: you get asked two times so far, if you would defend someone who (you think) is guilty.
I sincerely hope, that the answer(s) does not reflect in your personality traits or limits your choices.
because there is hardly a question more stupid than that for a lawyer!
Imagine, every lawyer would refuse to defend somebody, because he thinks his client is guilty.
it would be the end for the legal system!
in best case, it's a romantic question, but not a logical or practical one.
in short: the only POSSIBLE answer in your chosen profession is YES! (not, what makes you feel better!)
It's a moral question, and lawyers do have option to refuse client.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2023
Yes, choices will impact the story. Now, as for how many, I can't really say, since there are minor choices, but also major!
The story is all mapped and the game is planned to have 9 episodes. There are 6 LIs, and a number of other girls here for "fun" let's say
So there's 6 LIs unless MisterMaya has changed his mind and I missed it. Based on Episode 1, who do we think they are?


Is it simply these 6 (That's a lot of redheads! LOL).

Taylor (Kissed, but barely any buildup and no romance.)
Aurora (Is in the intro and clearly mesmerized by MC.)
Olive & Miranda (are starting to show signs of liking MC more than just FWB.)
Elsa (The older woman, there's been some flirting. It feels like it.)
Rose (The Best Friend, non-romantic so far, but it is the common trope, she's done the kiss, and she is in 90% of Episode 1. It feels like she will turn into one.)

And What about
Lana (Had sex, but also talked about no feelings. Has the second most amount of screen time after Rose, so doesn't feel like a SG.)

That's 7, one of them isn't.

Probably unlikely but Sienna (wasn't in this intro, but she was in the demo intro.).

No one else feels like more than a SG to me.


Nov 28, 2020
one thing bothers me: you get asked two times so far, if you would defend someone who (you think) is guilty.
I sincerely hope, that the answer(s) does not reflect in your personality traits or limits your choices.
because there is hardly a question more stupid than that for a lawyer!
Imagine, every lawyer would refuse to defend somebody, because he thinks his client is guilty.
it would be the end for the legal system!
in best case, it's a romantic question, but not a logical or practical one.
in short: the only POSSIBLE answer in your chosen profession is YES! (not, what makes you feel better!)
It's a moral question, and lawyers do have option to refuse client.
NoMansMind , actually the second time the answers of MC are not quite the same. It's an exploration of a very interesting topic. And I think this topic could be explored more in the further releases of the game.

Because sometimes defense attorneys choose whether to represent a particular client. Sometimes they are appointed as the public defender to a client, and it's a part of their duties which they can't realistically refuse. But even then they have some wiggle room. One thing is to fight for an innocent, another thing is to help a certain criminal to avoid justice. Though even for a disgusting client, you should work in their interests, not for "greater good" as you imagine it. At least you have to make sure that the process goes according to the law. And if you fail to do some obvious things in the interests of your client, then your negligence would be likely discovered, as sometimes your work gets reviewed by other lawyers, I think.

So that's one of the most interesting topics. I like that MisterMaya wants to make the game not just a porn envelope but a story and a bit of education. I personally am curious to learn a bit more about laws, and those things can definitely add to the story.


Oct 27, 2022
Handsome! I've finished episode 1 now!
Congratulations MisterMaya, the game looks promising!
Is it possible to know how often updates will be made?


New Member
May 7, 2020
So that's one of the most interesting topics. I like that @MisterMaya wants to make the game not just a porn envelope but a story and a bit of education. I personally am curious to learn a bit more about laws, and those things can definitely add to the story.
Acquiring legal knowledge from AVN has to be the worst decision ever. Legislation varies throughout states, countries in Europe, Asia etc, so you should only study from reliable sources. What is permissible or lawful in one location may not be in another.


New Member
Dec 25, 2018
So there's 6 LIs unless MisterMaya has changed his mind and I missed it. Based on Episode 1, who do we think they are?

View attachment 3726093

Is it simply these 6 (That's a lot of redheads! LOL).

Taylor (Kissed, but barely any buildup and no romance.)
Aurora (Is in the intro and clearly mesmerized by MC.)
Olive & Miranda (are starting to show signs of liking MC more than just FWB.)
Elsa (The older woman, there's been some flirting. It feels like it.)
Rose (The Best Friend, non-romantic so far, but it is the common trope, she's done the kiss, and she is in 90% of Episode 1. It feels like she will turn into one.)

And What about
Lana (Had sex, but also talked about no feelings. Has the second most amount of screen time after Rose, so doesn't feel like a SG.)

That's 7, one of them isn't.

Probably unlikely but Sienna (wasn't in this intro, but she was in the demo intro.).

No one else feels like more than a SG to me.
I am pretty sure these 5 is for sure.
Taylor(Like you said not much "screentime", but for me she feels like a LI since she is in a lot of renders in cutscenes (sorry I dont know the name of those scenes.)
Aurora(Same exact thoughts, completely feels like a love interest. )
Olive(When she made the picture of the MC I was like, for sure she has to be one of the 6 LI and as we get a bot of extra content with her she felt more like it.)
Miranda(DEV did a good job with facial expression and completely sold me on her and already made plans for a gym date. Sienna feels like a charater being in the game because of Miranda and nothing else.)
Elsa(Not much to say all university games has a teacher who is either a MILF who is one of the most important sg or a young teacher who is young and is a LI.)

These 2 on the other hand.
RoseMostly likely she will be the 6th, as we saw her being jelauos of Lana and Mc kissing and when they talked about it with Lana for me it felt like it was jelaousy over unpleasant feeling, but she could be the ususal sidekick of the MC just like every school game has 1, but she is a girl character and not a guy which for me suggest the chance of she being a bigger love interest.)
Lana(Want to be friends with benefits and nothing more? It didn't completely convinced me, and we seen it in other games too FWB turning into LI. And MC give me a vibe of him wanting more for her.)

Everybody else feels a sidegirl for me. But considering which 6 characters are on the cover it should be obivious even if it was not stated by the dev which charaters are LIs. Wouldn't be suprised if all 7 of them turn out to be love interests at the end.


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
As you said before, the additional choices are just to purely satisfy your personal preference. This is at the cost of making the MC inconsistent with the characterization that the dev has given him. To me, it's obvious that your personal preference doesn't beat what the dev envisioned the MC to be.
Your read over the situation is that MC was "too afraid to stand up" because if you did the same, the only reason is that you're too afraid.
The amount of subjective reasons you use to defend your point just cuz it's yours and you don't agree with mine, which is fine btw, and just want to disprove it is real funny to me, cuz there's choices in the game based on stats like charisma (a more confident/dominant MC) and intelligence (a more pacifistic one). Replay the scene when the MC and his crew try to convince the dean to let them move into a former fraternity house together and pay attention to what they say.

There's two stats clearly hinting at this bro', why try to convince me, yourself and everyone else the dev didn't intend to write the MC as a smart, confident, charismatic leader when the story itself contradicts you lol ?? I already said it a few times I don't have any problem with you liking a calmer, more pacifistic, or whatever you wanna call it, version of him, to each their own, but to me, when I hear the description of a person like that, a 'pacifist' is the last thing I picture in my mind. Isn't it a funny coincidence that picking the charisma stat leads to a Caroline, who's dominant, dream BJ scene and the intelligence stat leads to a Selena, who's submissive, dream BJ scene ??:WeSmart:

This is spoken like someone who only ever see lawyers from watching TV shows and never actually deal with them IRL. The vast majority of lawyers are actually pacifists that they bend over for their clients. I've dealt with thousands of lawyers IRL for decades.
Uhh, thousands of them ?? Really ??:WaitWhat: You sure I'm the one who saw too many lawyer movies ?? Cuz honestly speaking, I only saw a few of them, can't recall exactly how many, and only a few episodes of Suits, but that was a looong time ago.

Anyway, let's pretend I believe you, tho for some reason it sounds far-fetched, I'm gonna go back to my previous example in one of my previous replies and ask you again, would really hire a so-called pacifist as your lawyer in a criminal case, where your freedom, reputation and family's good name and what ppl would think about them are at stake instead of a confident, intelligent and talented young lawyer determined to win every single case, no matter how, like Mike ?? I know I wouldn't risk it. Call me paranoid or whatever, but I'd want a guy in my corner that has at least 90% chances of saving my ass, not a dude who'd figuratively "bend over for me", which is exactly synonymous with being a afraid to defend their opinions. That kinda lawyer don't belong in a criminal court defending anyone, cuz the prosecutors would eat them and their client alive.

You seem to forget this, intentionally or not, but I remind you again that our MC wants to be the best lawyer in his fictional country, he even stood up to and challenged Mike's opinion on what a real lawyer should be like and he got praised for his take on this. This don't sound like something a 'pacifist' would do, and if what you said was actually true, what's the point in attending Morris' course anyway ??:unsure:

Because smart person thinks about the long-term. What you want is short-term satisfaction, which is not the optimal outcome.
Owing someone a favor for keeping their mouths shut about a dirty lil secret like that IS a long-term investment with a satisfying outcome, unless the person keeping their secret (the MC) is a complete idiot who takes shit too far.

I don't "really like" any type of MC. What I like is MC that behaves consistently. My comment so far has been based on the MC that the dev has written, and not based on my personal preference. That's why I didn't say MC should've done this or that based on my personal preference.
I remind you again there's two stats, charisma and intelligence, and Caroline's class about how a lawyer should talk and carry themselves, a fundamental skill for every lawyer, according to her, that contradict you, stuff that's in the story, not something made up by me.

Think of the MC as a work in progress, just like this game and every other person IRL is till they reach a point of success in their life when they can confidently say they're satisfied with what they have accomplished, both in their personal and professional lives. Nobody starts out as a completely perfect person, they learn stuff, make mistakes and become better as they get older, it's this type of inconsistency that makes ppl become the best version of themselves, not doing the same things and repeating the same mistakes over and over again without learning anything from them. Same goes for the MC. You understand my point now ??


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2023
I am pretty sure these 5 is for sure.
Taylor(Like you said not much "screentime", but for me she feels like a LI since she is in a lot of renders in cutscenes (sorry I dont know the name of those scenes.)
Aurora(Same exact thoughts, completely feels like a love interest. )
Olive(When she made the picture of the MC I was like, for sure she has to be one of the 6 LI and as we get a bot of extra content with her she felt more like it.)
Miranda(DEV did a good job with facial expression and completely sold me on her and already made plans for a gym date. Sienna feels like a charater being in the game because of Miranda and nothing else.)
Elsa(Not much to say all university games has a teacher who is either a MILF who is one of the most important sg or a young teacher who is young and is a LI.)

These 2 on the other hand.
RoseMostly likely she will be the 6th, as we saw her being jelauos of Lana and Mc kissing and when they talked about it with Lana for me it felt like it was jelaousy over unpleasant feeling, but she could be the ususal sidekick of the MC just like every school game has 1, but she is a girl character and not a guy which for me suggest the chance of she being a bigger love interest.)
Lana(Want to be friends with benefits and nothing more? It didn't completely convinced me, and we seen it in other games too FWB turning into LI. And MC give me a vibe of him wanting more for her.)

Everybody else feels a sidegirl for me. But considering which 6 characters are on the cover it should be obivious even if it was not stated by the dev which charaters are LIs. Wouldn't be suprised if all 7 of them turn out to be love interests at the end.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking. Those five, and a toss up between Rose & Lana for the sixth. The feeling I get from interaction is more likely Lana, because of the roommate thing and she seems to have deeper feelings. But the childhood friend trope is so popular & so much focus on Rose, I just don't know. Was keen to see what others thought.
Jul 1, 2018
I'm convinced you ALWAYS support devs financially before you tell ppl to stop talking about their games and share their thoughts and impressions on them, the one and only thing this forum encourages its users to do, but everyone has the right to have their own opinions and to express them, it's how freedom of speech works, according to the dictionary.:WeSmart:

Sorry to disappoint you, but you have exactly 0 authority to tell anyone here what to do. Don't like what I or anyone else here posts, fine by me, just reply back, ignore, or report their posts to the mods, if you are offended by them for some reason, but complaining about some ppl's complaints only shows that you're getting unreasonably defensive over something only the dev can change if they want to.

Gotta love the internet and communist censorship, right ?? Seems like nowadays, we've progressed sooo much as a society, you can't even talk freely anymore without the fear of repercussions anywhere, not even on porn game forums, smh.:cautious:

Yes, it is. Personal preferences aside, I don't think this is that bad of a problem either, but like I said, ppl have the right to express their opinions and you have the right to ignore their posts if you don't agree with them or feel offended by something they posted. It's the mature, reasonable thing to do, IMHO.
I ain't readin' all that yapping lil bro


Jul 16, 2023
Its pretty damn good, some of the writing is not landing for me, especially given that leaving dna is just way stronger in writing department, but for avn ? Not gonna complain about it.

Olive is the most likeable of them all
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Sep 5, 2022
NoMansMind , actually the second time the answers of MC are not quite the same. It's an exploration of a very interesting topic. And I think this topic could be explored more in the further releases of the game.

Because sometimes defense attorneys choose whether to represent a particular client. Sometimes they are appointed as the public defender to a client, and it's a part of their duties which they can't realistically refuse. But even then they have some wiggle room. One thing is to fight for an innocent, another thing is to help a certain criminal to avoid justice. Though even for a disgusting client, you should work in their interests, not for "greater good" as you imagine it. At least you have to make sure that the process goes according to the law. And if you fail to do some obvious things in the interests of your client, then your negligence would be likely discovered, as sometimes your work gets reviewed by other lawyers, I think.

So that's one of the most interesting topics. I like that MisterMaya wants to make the game not just a porn envelope but a story and a bit of education. I personally am curious to learn a bit more about laws, and those things can definitely add to the story.
so, here is the moral dilemma I see:
the game judges ;) the MC for his characters choices.
you can be SELFISH or you can be an ALTRUIST

but where does the answer to the question "would you defend someone, perceived as guilty?" belong?

wouldn't it be more selfish, if you only defend people who you think are innocent, because it's better for your reputation and your career? this option is playing it safe!

or wouldn't it be more ALTRUISTIC to defend someone, when everyone thinks he is guilty? especially, when you are a firm believer in the law system and therefore EVERYBODY deserves the right for the best defense possible? this option takes personal risks!

as I understand it, the answer YES to "would you defend someone, perceived as guilty?" is the more altruisitc one. why would it be "selfless" to answer this no?

I answerd this question two times with YES, without hesitation. the moral dilemma is: I THINK that the game would decide this as being selfish, which is not permittet ;)
OR the developer is smarter than all of us and this was a trick question?:cool:

and for the smartasses: the question "would you defend a guilty person" is the same. no it is WORSE. this is not a valid statement because it would contradict the
"Presumption of innocence"
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Jan 29, 2023
Here's my opinion.

I'm honest, it's a solid project but it has several minor problems in my opinion.

First: the characters use the classic archetypes of the genre like many other projects but here they are really too archetypal. As a tip, I would add a few different shades to each not necessarily matching with their major personality.

Second: the points system has too little impact at the moment. I understand that the developer doesn't want to do double work and is therefore keeping things vague but there are other AVNs that do the same thing better without having to work 2 branches at the same time. The advice is to make the choices clearer and, despite these, still keep other possibilities open through specific narrative paths.

Third problem: if we exclude a scene with the dean and the adoption stuff, we don't have the slightest idea of the story the author intends to tell besides the college stuff.

At the moment it's between a 3.5 and 4 stars: the dialogues are generally well written but the XXX scenes leave something to be desired.

Thanks for the work you put in this, I'll keep an eye on it and maybe support the project in the future.
4.20 star(s) 22 Votes