I really like this game/Novel whatever...
No Incest. No grotesquely young looking girls or MC and or wingman.
The MC is relatable, and seems like a normal non creeping guy, unlike 99% of the MCs in adult VN. He doesn't have a tripod for a lower body. I actually find myself liking the poor bastard.
Chris seems to be an awesome and flawed wingman. Possibly one of the best I have seen in this type of "game".
The writing is superior. Like really superior.
The music is superior. I just enjoyed listening to it in the background while reading other things.
The girls are all very very nicely done.
I am genuinely conflicted about Stephanie.
I am wondering what to do better for Kira and Robin, as it goes forward, both together and separately.
I am curious if there might be a Linda and Cece option, but regardless Cece is the girl you want to rescue, and Linda is stacked in a nicely realistic way, not monster titty 101. NOT that monster titties are a bad thing, but every girl in this so far is nicely built in their own way.
I am in love with Lexi. Well ok crushing on her.
So I actually think Drifty might be better than 99% of the other game/novel authors out there... I was so pleasantly surprised. I plan on supporting this developer.
Good Luck and I hope you strike gold on this!