pretty good game
until the point of the visit at donna and sean
btw :
i chose to have no "interrest" in jamie at the mentioned visit
later at the office the mc told jamie nothing about a museum visit
at post robert interview he says to aghavni he invited jamie to the museum
its a "writing slip" right ?
Impious Monk
no check for the interrest var here
scene 2-5-x206a with dissolve
a "But first we need to go revisit Mr. Hawkins and have him explain himself."
a "Let's go pick him up and bring him down to the local Sheriff's station."
a "We'll go see the ex-wife tomorrow."
scene 2-5-x207 with dissolve
mc "I can't tomorrow."
mc "I promised Jamie we'd go to the museum."
scene 2-5-x214 with dissolve
a "Oh."
if aghavni_luis == True:
scene 2-5-x215 with dissolve
mc "Sunday?"
scene 2-5-x216 with dissolve
a "Sure."
scene 2-5-x217 with dissolve
$ renpy.pause()
elif True:
scene 2-5-x208 with dissolve
mc "Sunday?"
scene 2-5-x206b with dissolve
a "Sure."