in case you have some time left, could you give me some tips on how to make a game like that? the reason I'm asking this is that in the future I intend to work on a game in that style.
Sure, let's start with your knowledge: If you know python (really well, as in years of experience), you can actually use Ren'Py which covers the whole Visual Novel system, and make a dungeon system like otherwise if you have experience in other languages or none at all, you are better off learning C# since using real 3D will make things much easier and less time consuming.
If you know/learn C# and decide to use Unity, you will have to either code a Visual Novel system that has all features of Ren'Py (else people will lynch you) or buy a framework, I bought Naninovel on a 50% discount, it went 75% after 1 month and I am still salty about it.
Now, with that covered, the tips I can give you (whether you end up using Unity or not) are:
1- Create a Game Design Document before even beginning the project, it is really important. If the game is a house, then the Game Design Document is the foundation, and it must be solid if you do not want everything to go down eventually.
If you have never written one or do not even know what that is, start from here.
2- While Game Engines are very accessible, you cannot start working on a project while learning them from day one, you
could but give it a few months and the whole thing will be really messy. Depending on the Game Engine you are using, you will need from 6 months to years of experience before you can release anything to the public, hence why postponing it to the future is a really bad idea. If you want to make a game, start now because it is a lengthy process before you can actually release anything to the public.
3- Keep it simple, especially if you decide to go for Unity or any other Game Engine other than Ren'Py or RPGM.
In the SFW scene they always suggest to make a pong game or other really simple looking games for starters, and while that may sound dumb, it is actually a pretty good suggestion: Even if something looks and plays simple on the surface, it does not mean it is actually simple to make for a beginner. If you have just downloaded Unity, then you have no idea how to make a pong game, and by learning how to do that, you learn many important concepts that you can apply somewhere else.
4- Do not update your Game Engine mid-development.
While you can get away with updating some Game Engines such as Ren'Py (although even that lead to some issues in the past), engines like Unity are a big no-no. You are surely going to break something if you update mid development, and it is not really worth it. Choose a production ready release of Unity, and stick to it until the end of the project, fixes are of course an exception. Those are 99% safe to install.
5- Keep it simple (x2): Even after getting a lot of experience, you should still release a simple game (which can still be good) on your first time. The reason is that players
will break your game, and you need to be ready to fix all the reported issues.
You testing your game vs other people testing your game will always yield different results, that is why testers are a thing, so the more complex your project is, the more you will be overwhelmed which is bad on your first time. You should dip your toes with a simple project like a pure Visual Novel, which is the great majority of games in this website anyways.
6- Have a solid base from which you can work off from.
Thanks to your Game Design Document, you know ahead of time all the core system your game needs... Inventory, Battle System, Items, Characters, and so on. All those core elements, even if boring, need to be made flawless right from the beginning, and easy to extend and edit. They need to be as solid as your experience/knowledge allows them to be, otherwise the whole thing will crumble eventually (or won't be as stable as it could).
A good example is actually this game: R18 (the alpha build currently updated here) has tons of issues because I had to redo the whole Battle System from scratch (literally deleted the old one), and even the Input System to integrate the Gamepad support. I knew ahead of time that would bring issues as many other things depended on the Battle System, but the old one really didn't work out as well as I had hoped.
Those are a few general tips that come to mind, if you'd like my opinion on something more specific, feel free to ask!