
Feb 10, 2018
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I wish Maya doesn't make it through the next reset. Some time ago I was dreading this so much... but now knowing the existence of the Wishing Well where everything is stored and that she's proven to be completely unreliable and kind of unnecessary to the way Kumon mi works, I am actually VERY ready for it to happen.

I'd argue that then we would see a more "real" Maya than the "fucked up after a million resets" version. In addition this new (old) Maya with her former personality before the resets could be a catalyst for Akira to having flashback of their time together and so we learn a bit more.

Curious on how Sensei would react, iirc (can't check, on the phone) in the past he said he would miss her but still have sex with the new Maya. Now, he's grown up a little and cares more about her, as well as being warned on what would happen... but he's what he is. I'll give him credit for now being able to turn down sex on occasions (Molly, Imani), maybe that's actual training for the real challenge: having to reject Maya's advances.

I wonder if that could be HOPE's punishment, if Maya is the one he wants Akira to take, this version of her will be another way to coerce him into it.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
I like your theory, but what is the point of it in the first place?
Like, Sensei will seduce Otoha by roleplaying as her little bro? I don't think that is how that works.
Maybe Maya could screw up her reset prayer and make Sensei younger and herself older. I'd like to see something like that.
Actually, it's related to a potential future Sekai Otoha Connection Theory.

In retrospect, she coincidentally ended up in both Niki's and Sensei's lives, she is Artistic, a Cheater, and possibly a Shotacon just like Sekai, and just like she does for Sekai, Nodoka seems to have an unexplained affinity for Otoha:
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Not to mention, all the seeing Sensei as a little brother stuff while he was technically Sekai's little brother in law.

Strange enough however, unlike Nodoka:
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or Noriko:
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Who have their similarities to Sekai blatantly pointed out, the game seems to ignore Otoha's similarities to her, so far.

Otoha was also presumably the first to find out about her school being swallowed, which I've thought may have been related to Sekai this whole time as well.

Overall: There's something suspicious about Otoha.

Edit: Then again, I could just be reading into things too much.
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
She's not a bad person but it's pretty evident she's a sub par mother, i've met plenty like her, some part of 'mom-mode' just never activates in their heads so they tend to not think of being proactive about certain things, it needs to be pointed out to them by others and it seems no one has, certainly not her daughter or her adoptive daughter, so it hasn't exactly occurred to her. Consider it a blessing if your mom was/is 5 steps ahead of you in making sure your needs were covered.
She seems to subscribe to the "never force your child to do something they don't want to do" school of thought, and Miku has indicated before that she hates the idea of going to a shrink, so she probably refused and Maki didn't make an issue of it.

After her husband died, I give her a pass on not thinking to get Makoto to therapy. Headspace is all funky during stuff like that, and at a certain point you're in "do the best you can" mode.


Jun 22, 2020
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I wish Maya doesn't make it through the next reset. Some time ago I was dreading this so much... but now knowing the existence of the Wishing Well where everything is stored and that she's proven to be completely unreliable and kind of unnecessary to the way Kumon mi works, I am actually VERY ready for it to happen.
I think it's too late now, to make it really good it should've happened either after the second or third reset.
If it happens now it's gonna be kind of whatever, right? We already got some level of "closure" on Maya's relationship with Sensei and now we got a clearer picture, if it had happened way earlier or at least when Maya didn't make it to the rooftop that one time it could have lead to some very interesting things as we didn't know too much about her at those points.

That and the Halloween courage contest had already foreshadowed it being a possibility, so her being factory reset soon after would have hit even harder since the fear of it happening to her was still fresh.

Angra Shadow

Jun 6, 2023
I think it's too late now, to make it really good it should've happened either after the second or third reset.
If it happens now it's gonna be kind of whatever, right? We already got some level of "closure" on Maya's relationship with Sensei and now we got a clearer picture, if it had happened way earlier or at least when Maya didn't make it to the rooftop that one time it could have lead to some very interesting things as we didn't know too much about her at those points.

That and the Halloween courage contest had already foreshadowed it being a possibility, so her being factory reset soon after would have hit even harder since the fear of it happening to her was still fresh.
I agree. I do think I understand what Sel is going for here though. He probably wants to reset Maya after giving us hope that things between her and Sensei will finally work out, which is what Chapter 3 has been teasing so far. I like that idea from a writing perspective but my problem is that there was no need to have any sort of fake-out at the end of Chapter 2, much less a cliffhanger that lasted many months only to be for nothing. The build up throughout Chapter 2 could have still been there and then Maya shows up for the reset just like usual, and that way her eventual reset would be far more effective because it would come out of nowhere (but the set up for it will have already been there).
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Feb 10, 2018
I think it's too late now, to make it really good it should've happened either after the second or third reset.
If it happens now it's gonna be kind of whatever, right? We already got some level of "closure" on Maya's relationship with Sensei and now we got a clearer picture, if it had happened way earlier or at least when Maya didn't make it to the rooftop that one time it could have lead to some very interesting things as we didn't know too much about her at those points.

That and the Halloween courage contest had already foreshadowed it being a possibility, so her being factory reset soon after would have hit even harder since the fear of it happening to her was still fresh.
I disagree, had it happened sooner it might have been more impactful, but I'm not looking for shock value here. There are plenty of narratives that could be derived from it as I pointed out a couple of them already. A lot from Maya's past and her relationship with Akira is still in the air. And at that point, Sensei wasn't remotely close to take the role as the world-resetter, if he makes it that far in the first place... probably would've fucked Maya and get brain-fried on the spot.
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Nov 26, 2020
something to add to the Rin feeling hurt if Sensei dont tell Rin about Otoha is the fact Rin is a lot smarter than people give her credit for. not only did she skip a year in school she also able to put 2 and 2 together when it comes to people. she worked out a lot of things on her own like the reason she tell you to let her shot her shot frist with Chika is because she says she knows how Sensei looks at her. in the bad homie playthrought at the beach trip she work out Sensei already been doing stuff with Chika.

she also able to work out that Haruka like Sensei and even work out they was sleeping together without being told. She knew that Otoha was jealous of Chika and told her not to worry and trust her. she also looked hurt that Otoha didnt trust her. plus she smart enough to know their something wrong about the relationship it why she was so upset at the beach trip. it wasnt just Rin upset that Otoha didnt go on the trip and not relpying back she was upset beacuse she knows something wrong and this relationship is not normal right now.

so Rin is going to work out something is wrong and then work out that Sensei knows what it is because he going to act funny when she brings it up to him. right now Rin might be distracted because Otoha is sending nudes and is fingering her but that only going to last so long. i wont be surpised if Rin next event is talking to Sensei about how she feels like something wrong in the relationship. also Rin will 100% blame her self for everything and think it because she not good enough because that how depression works. if Rin find out it Niki who Otoha like it be even wrost because Rin has to compair herself to a famous idol.

also on a side note if it still just Otoha fingering rin but she not letting Rin finger her i wonder if she just dont what Rin to touch her like that or if she just using Rin for practice for Niki. or it could just be Otoha way of keeping Rin happy and quite


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I wish Maya doesn't make it through the next reset. Some time ago I was dreading this so much... but now knowing the existence of the Wishing Well where everything is stored and that she's proven to be completely unreliable and kind of unnecessary to the way Kumon mi works, I am actually VERY ready for it to happen.

I'd argue that then we would see a more "real" Maya than the "fucked up after a million resets" version. In addition this new (old) Maya with her former personality before the resets could be a catalyst for Akira to having flashback of their time together and so we learn a bit more.

Curious on how Sensei would react, iirc (can't check, on the phone) in the past he said he would miss her but still have sex with the new Maya. Now, he's grown up a little and cares more about her, as well as being warned on what would happen... but he's what he is. I'll give him credit for now being able to turn down sex on occasions (Molly, Imani), maybe that's actual training for the real challenge: having to reject Maya's advances.

I wonder if that could be HOPE's punishment, if Maya is the one he wants Akira to take, this version of her will be another way to coerce him into it.
I highly doubt that Maya fits into the category of something Sensei isn't supposed to have, she was already with Sensei before if current story is to be believed as true and not some in universe fabrication. It would make more sense if it was a girl he hasn't been with and is either already in a relationship, doesn't swing that way at the moment, or is taboo for one reason or another.

That also isn't HOPE's punishment, that's what HOPE wants Sensei to do before the next snow falls, then there will be unknown consequences if Sensei doesn't.

I disagree, had it happened sooner it might have been more impactful, but I'm not looking for shock value here. There are plenty of narratives that could be derived from it as I pointed out a couple of them already. A lot from Maya's past and her relationship with Akira is still in the air. And at that point, Sensei wasn't remotely close to take the role as the world-resetter, if he makes it that far in the first place... probably would've fucked Maya and get brain-fried on the spot.
I don't think it was meant to have a world-resetter the way it was teased, like the gods finally figured out how to get rid of the one girl in their way, leaving no one to replace her and leaving everything open to their whims.

something to add to the Rin feeling hurt if Sensei dont tell Rin about Otoha is the fact Rin is a lot smarter than people give her credit for. not only did she skip a year in school she also able to put 2 and 2 together when it comes to people. she worked out a lot of things on her own like the reason she tell you to let her shot her shot frist with Chika is because she says she knows how Sensei looks at her. in the bad homie playthrought at the beach trip she work out Sensei already been doing stuff with Chika.

she also able to work out that Haruka like Sensei and even work out they was sleeping together without being told. She knew that Otoha was jealous of Chika and told her not to worry and trust her. she also looked hurt that Otoha didnt trust her. plus she smart enough to know their something wrong about the relationship it why she was so upset at the beach trip. it wasnt just Rin upset that Otoha didnt go on the trip and not relpying back she was upset beacuse she knows something wrong and this relationship is not normal right now.

so Rin is going to work out something is wrong and then work out that Sensei knows what it is because he going to act funny when she brings it up to him. right now Rin might be distracted because Otoha is sending nudes and is fingering her but that only going to last so long. i wont be surpised if Rin next event is talking to Sensei about how she feels like something wrong in the relationship. also Rin will 100% blame her self for everything and think it because she not good enough because that how depression works. if Rin find out it Niki who Otoha like it be even wrost because Rin has to compair herself to a famous idol.

also on a side note if it still just Otoha fingering rin but she not letting Rin finger her i wonder if she just dont what Rin to touch her like that or if she just using Rin for practice for Niki. or it could just be Otoha way of keeping Rin happy and quite
Indeed she is, something that often gets overlooked. There's even a tier list out there that had her and Rika in a "dumb and dumber" tier together by themselves. Musicians tend to be smarter than average even if they sometimes don't act like it due to how music interacts with the brain beyond the sensory side of things, there are studies on this, and I think she may even be higher intelligence than the typical musician even. She's also extremely perceptive, she notices things around her that others may not. This is indeed what leads to her asking Sensei to hold back on Chika in the early game so she has a chance first and subsequently why Sensei gets caught when he betrays her on the bad homie route.

Her perception is my current worst fear with her, that she's going to notice things and that it will involve multiple people she will see as stabbing her in the back, including her own girlfriend, and will blame herself for allowing things to happen. I do believe those nudes aren't even genuinely made for the sake of sending them to Rin like nudes would typically be sent, but as pure distraction. Just as I think Rin will pick up on there being something very wrong in her relationship with Otoha, I think Otoha might already be aware that Rin is starting to move in that direction. This could be pure distraction, appealing to Rin's lust and infatuation with Otoha to keep her from putting all the pieces in place. A brilliant strategy, I have to say, but also devious of her if that is the purpose of those nudes.

I'm not sure if she's using Rin for practice, there's too little interaction between Niki and Otoha like in the one scene to be sure, but I do think she is just using Rin, perhaps as a plaything to sate her own desires without another girl in mind at all.
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Jan 30, 2021
I actually think Sekai is jealous of Niki, far more so than she is of Maya, and has been for a while:
And i think that was just a snarky remark.
As i said, i think she thought of her as an alibi relationship.
We know that Akira never laid hand on Nikki, before recently (there are some implications with that depending if Sekai is up to date with things happening).
And i think Sekai knew Akira didn't have a physical relationship with Nikki, when she was alive.
And i'm with you and others, that Nikki might have been Akira's save haven from Sekai, or at least, a different approach for a relationship.

An interesting thing is:
Nikki tries to resolve Akira's problems by offering him to listen and take things out on her mentally.
Nodoka's attempt to resolve Akira's problems is to offer her body to his physical desires.

On the other hand, she simply hates Maya, and I don't think she's ever expressed any actual jealousy of her:
You think she hates Maya because she made him cut all ties to her and the... Nakayamas? (Nikki's family, forgot the last name.)
IIRC. Please don't nail me to it.
Sekai giving away why she hates Maya might be an important plot point we're just not allowed (by Sel) to have yet.
Hate needs a reason. And the reason i see in conjunction with the story so far, given the sexual abuse, predatory behavior and what not, one of the games tones, is, that Sekai saw Maya as a threat.
Akira picked Maya up and took her in, and he had the same predatory/faulty relationship with her, that Sekai had with him.
Only this time HE was in control. Sekai might had foreseen a shift in power relations. No toy Akira anymore.
I think that'd be a big point, to be jealous of Maya and therefore hate her.
If you wanted to point out that Maya was taking Akira away from Sekai, at least here, we're on the same page.

In fact, based off the recent Uta 'Enjo Kousai' event, Sekai wants Sensei to remember his relationship with Maya:
Or, if that really is Sekai, she's just ranting in bad mood.
*How dare you fucked that disgusting bitches pussy and* blah blah blah yeah it's ok Sekai, you don't like her, we got it. How dare Akira fucked someone besides you, you Nozomu fucking hypocrite.

I'm thinking her hatred of Maya is actually more about how she "fucked him up for good":
Maya and Akira being fucked up was due to their pasts. With Maya's past still being a mystery and Akira's past being due to his upbringing and Sekai and the car crash. (While still, we don't know about Sekai's true nature. Meaning, if and what she is, if she is.)
If you're getting at the times where Maya fucked up some Akira incarnations in the cycles, we'd need to know if Sekai knows about it.

Which probably involved making him think he was all alone:
I think the reason Maya presumably forced Akira to cut ties with the Nakayama's and his past, was that she knew that his past would make him suffer. Did she wanted him all for herself? Yeah seems reasonable. The sole reason? I don't think so.
But we know this, from Baby Finches (depending what the event really is):
No matter what "A" Sekai might have thought or "thinks nowadays", Akira seems to have been good, with Maya alone.
(BF is pretty messy so i rather leave that in limbo.)

The problems i see here at most is that:
We still miss important info. Thats to be expected.
For me, we still need to know:

Was Sekai ever real? (Is anything in the story real? PERCEPTION)
If she was and died, was she really coming back, at least at the Yasu event?
Or is she just Akira's memories incarnate?, his perception. Like everytime someone comes up with Sekai related topics, he imagines her, and because he doesn't want to remember, he glitches.
It's hard to make any assumptions about Sekai if we don't know if her knowledge is restricted to pre car crash, or because of her living on/resurrection, knowing things that happen now.
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Jan 30, 2021
I highly doubt that Maya fits into the category of something Sensei isn't supposed to have, she was already with Sensei before if current story is to be believed as true and not some in universe fabrication. It would make more sense if it was a girl he hasn't been with and is either already in a relationship, doesn't swing that way at the moment, or is taboo for one reason or another.
AFAIR Akira says something about Maya like: "She's something i'm not supposed to have."
Though, and my memory might fail me here, he might have said that about one or two other girls too.

If you think about how Akira can't have a physical, or emotional relationship with Maya, (because end result is dangerous of leading into a reset for at least Akira), than Maya seems to be the main candidate for "Something i'm not supposes to have."

Ofcourse there are plenty of other girls that would make a good "He better not defile her " as a "something he's not supposed to have."
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May 22, 2020
I just had a random thought (that could be an interesting event). Chika knowing that Sensei isnt that devoted as she thought and Rin knowing that Otoha cheated her, then both of them make out and shit impulsively.


May 27, 2020
I just had a random thought (that could be an interesting event). Chika knowing that Sensei isnt that devoted as she thought and Rin knowing that Otoha cheated her, then both of them make out and shit impulsively.
I was thinking the same thing but Chika's otherworldly level of delusional proves otherwise.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
AFAIR Akira says something about Maya like: "She's something i'm not supposed to have."
Though, and my memory might fail me here, he might have said that about one or two other girls too.

If you think about how Akira can't have a physical, or emotional relationship with Maya, (because end result is dangerous of leading into a reset for at least Akira), than Maya seems to be the main candidate for "Something i'm not supposes to have."

Ofcourse there are plenty of other girls that would make a good "He better not defile her " as a "something he's not supposed to have."
I believe it has come up with multiple, yeah. I also don't think he meant it in the same way as HOPE when talking about Maya. I still think its a virgin, someone who he hasn't gotten consent from, someone who is with another girl, or a wizard. Those are the four biggest possibilities to me.

I just had a random thought (that could be an interesting event). Chika knowing that Sensei isnt that devoted as she thought and Rin knowing that Otoha cheated her, then both of them make out and shit impulsively.
I was thinking the same thing but Chika's otherworldly level of delusional proves otherwise.
Chika is anime harem protagonist levels of oblivious, not gonna happen. Also, Chika isn't the type to act on impulse OR to get with someone while in a relationship with another herself, in other words not a cheater. This would require Selebus to break away from his story first approach to the game in order to make it all happen with the way things are now, there's just too much canon built up that would have to be broken. That's something Selebus wouldn't willingly do.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
That's something Selebus wouldn't willingly do.
Not unless it's something he has had planned out at least, who knows where he intends to take Chika's story, she could get super jaded and go somewhat slutty if/when she discovers Akira's infidelity. I'm not saying how, i struggle to see an optimal path for it myself, but it's not impossible and it might take 30 steps to get there, but if that's his plan, that's what will happen.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
And i think that was just a snarky remark.
As i said, i think she thought of her as an alibi relationship.
We know that Akira never laid hand on Nikki, before recently (there are some implications with that depending if Sekai is up to date with things happening).
And i think Sekai knew Akira didn't have a physical relationship with Nikki, when she was alive.
And i'm with you and others, that Nikki might have been Akira's save haven from Sekai, or at least, a different approach for a relationship.

An interesting thing is:
Nikki tries to resolve Akira's problems by offering him to listen and take things out on her mentally.
Nodoka's attempt to resolve Akira's problems is to offer her body to his physical desires.

You think she hates Maya because she made him cut all ties to her and the... Nakayamas? (Nikki's family, forgot the last name.)
IIRC. Please don't nail me to it.
Sekai giving away why she hates Maya might be an important plot point we're just not allowed (by Sel) to have yet.
Hate needs a reason. And the reason i see in conjunction with the story so far, given the sexual abuse, predatory behavior and what not, one of the games tones, is, that Sekai saw Maya as a threat.
Akira picked Maya up and took her in, and he had the same predatory/faulty relationship with her, that Sekai had with him.
Only this time HE was in control. Sekai might had foreseen a shift in power relations. No toy Akira anymore.
I think that'd be a big point, to be jealous of Maya and therefore hate her.
If you wanted to point out that Maya was taking Akira away from Sekai, at least here, we're on the same page.

Or, if that really is Sekai, she's just ranting in bad mood.
*How dare you fucked that disgusting bitches pussy and* blah blah blah yeah it's ok Sekai, you don't like her, we got it. How dare Akira fucked someone besides you, you Nozomu fucking hypocrite.

Maya and Akira being fucked up was due to their pasts. With Maya's past still being a mystery and Akira's past being due to his upbringing and Sekai and the car crash. (While still, we don't know about Sekai's true nature. Meaning, if and what she is, if she is.)
If you're getting at the times where Maya fucked up some Akira incarnations in the cycles, we'd need to know if Sekai knows about it.

I think the reason Maya presumably forced Akira to cut ties with the Nakayamas and his past, was that she knew that his past would make him suffer. Did she wanted him all for herself? Yeah seems reasonable. The sole purpose? I don't think so.
But we know this, from Baby Finches (depending what the event really is):
No matter what "A" Sekai might have thought or "thinks nowadays", Akira seems to have been good, with Maya alone.
(BF is pretty messy so i rather leave that in limbo.)

The problems i see here at most is that:
We still miss important info. Thats to be expected.
For me, we still need to know:

Was Sekai ever real? (Is anything in the story real? PERCEPTION)
If she was and died, was she really coming back, at least at the Yasu event?
Or is she just Akira's memories incarnate?, his perception. Like everytime someone comes up with Sekai related topics, he imagines her, and because he doesn't want to remember, he glitches.
It's hard to make any assumptions about Sekai if we don't know if her knowledge is restricted to pre car crash, or because of her living on/resurrection, knowing things that happen now.
I think you're missing a few things, tbh.

Sensei and Niki did do sexual stuff:
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Nothing indicates that Sensei didn't want to fuck Niki or be with her, or even that Sekai wanted them together. Sensei just didn't use Niki for sex like he does virtually everyone else.

I also don't think there was a need for an alibi relationship. Sekai and Sensei were fucking around apparently long before he started dating Niki. Sekai is also his sister in law, and possibly his teacher, etc, so it's not like she needed some excuse to explain why she was around him.

I think potentially breaking the mind of an already broken Sensei, to the point he has virtual amnesia, is enough reason for Sekai to hate Maya. Sekai did love him afterall. Only second to Ami as far as has been revealed:
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Also, I think you might be a little confused about Sensei's and Maya's relationship. I hinted at it here:
So, Random Theory Time: Noriko and Maya's deal, may have broke an already broken Sensei:
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As for why Maya still avoids the Old District after all this time:
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I think it's likely for the same reason she remains a shrine maiden:
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She doesn't want to risk breaking the deal in case it influences her survivability.
But just from hints throughout the game, Maya seemed to be the one in control of her relationship with Sensei:
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since she was a kid. Sensei wasn't exactly in a state of mind to resist her. Hell, even now, he seems to let girls walk all over him if they want:
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Keep in mind, Makoto literally could have raped him recently. So far, Sensei being the one in control of his relationship with Maya seems more like Headcanon.

Also, Sekai being jealous of Maya just because Sensei fucked her seems out of character. Sekai seems Pro-fucking everything:
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Except for Maya because he can do better:
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Keep in mind that Sekai could have also forced Sensei into a threesome with Makoto and Futaba. I don't think Jealousy, sexually, is really even a factor when it comes to Maya for Sekai.

Btw, based off Baby Finches, it's possible that Maya might be behind Sensei killing himself before all of this:
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Also, whether or not it's actually Sekai I can't say, but whatever is taking her form can definitely affect the world around it:
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Hence the forced Futaba Makoto Sensei Threesome in Futaba's 'Toys'. Sensei also doesn't even need to be around for Sekai to affect things:
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Feb 13, 2020
For the people who don't want to set all of them, but just want to add some points for a specific girl, I think you can also use skwada's mod to open the developer console and give a specific name. For example, if you wanted to add 5 lust points, just type:

$ futaba_lust +=5
It won't give a message of confirmation, but it seems to add the points. I'm not sure if this is entirely foolproof, maybe someone else can confirm this.
Yep this is a foolproof way of modifying a specific girl's love/lust.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
I just had a random thought (that could be an interesting event). Chika knowing that Sensei isnt that devoted as she thought and Rin knowing that Otoha cheated her, then both of them make out and shit impulsively.
I'm down for that. I definitely ship Chika x Rin more than virtually any other relationship. I feel like they'd be good for eachother, even as they grow up. Chinami could make Rin more mature, and if something happens, I think Rin would do her best to support Chika.


Nov 26, 2020
I'm down for that. I definitely ship Chika x Rin more than virtually any other relationship. I feel like they'd be good for eachother, even as they grow up. Chinami could make Rin more mature, and if something happens, I think Rin would do her best to support Chika.
Chikia and Rin are both show to be very loyal and loving in a realtionship and i also think they are kinda perfect for each other. what sucks is that both of them are dating an asshole who dont care about the relationship and going to end breaking their hearts and leaving them in a really dark place.

but i cant see Chika finding out any time soon because it would end her route beacuse i cant see anyway chika would what to talk to Sensei afterwards. she would just freak out at Sensei and be done with him and then break down and most likly would leave her house
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Chikia and Rin are both show to be very loyal and loving in a realtionship and i also think they are kinda perfect for each other. what sucks is that both of them are dating an asshole who dont care about the relationship and going to end breaking their hearts and leaving them in a really dark place.

but i cant see Chika finding out any time soon because it would end her route beacuse i cant see anyway chika would what to talk to Sensei afterwards. she would just freak out at Sensei and be done with him and then break down and most likly would leave her house
Chika and Rin also both have jobs, care about eachother more than just sexually, and seem to be capable of satisfying eachother physically (even if a dick needs to be involved as both are fine with threesomes), which should mean they are set in virtually every way I could think of, relationship wise.

I'm not entirely sure how Chika will handle the news, but It's likely going to be bad for at least a little bit. Then again for all we know, these girls will be reset and reset until things work out in Sensei's favor, whether they want it to or not.
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