
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Well now would be a good time to mention that something like this exist on discord (as a subscriber-only feature).

The results are often...Interesting.

(Can't pirate that now can you ? Suckers)
Wait, what? I had no idea it had a function like that, I actually have a reason to use it now.

and LiL... currently makes sense...
we the fans make shit up all the time to justify the nonsensical BS that happens from time to time
add in the unwanted rants, coke/shadow legends ads, and such... I dont think the AI could go off track to much... who knows maybe this is how Selabus actually wrote this game
When I say it doesn't make sense, I mean in the sense that you could be asking it to write a story about a modern day society with no fantasy elements and suddenly your story's society is getting raided by orcs, a fantasy race. AI has a tendency to break out of what it was told to do and go in a direction it was told not to. That example comes from experience, it wasn't a modern day society, but there were no orcs in what I was designing until the AI suddenly put them in out of nowhere.

You could ask it to write an update, but don't be surprised when suddenly there are things that don't mesh into the story or universe of what you are updating. It's just one of the kinks that need worked out of AI at the moment, it will get fixed eventually.
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Nov 25, 2018
Well I took an interesting time to take some time away, came to quite the mess.

I've been supporting sel, I dislike the guy personally but find that the content is good. I can't really support it anymore, his actions are becoming borderline mental illness. I'm happy with the admins of the site, they did a great job at managing this odd event.
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Black Raven

May 4, 2020
Well I took an interesting time to take some time away, came to quite the mess.

I've been support sel, I dislike the guy personally but find that the content is good. I can't really support it anymore, his actions are becoming borderline mental illness. I'm happy with the admins of the site, they did a great job at managing this odd event.
But don't you think it takes that kind of person to make that kind of game interesting ?

Selebus' adorable little quirks fuel his art. If you can't handle him at his worst you don't deserve his best.
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Jan 9, 2022
Well I took an interesting time to take some time away, came to quite the mess.

I've been support sel, I dislike the guy personally but find that the content is good. I can't really support it anymore, his actions are becoming borderline mental illness. I'm happy with the admins of the site, they did a great job at managing this odd event.
Wait I haven't really paid attention to this in a long time what did I miss?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
But don't you think it takes that kind of person to make that kind of game interesting ?

Selebus' adorable little quirks fuel his art. If you can't handle him at his worst you don't deserve his best.
not really, you have a ton of devs that dont behave like this. prima donna syndrome only leads to horrible things like a bunch of them banding together to eliminate everyone that isn't a prima donna and gate keeping the industry/community from anyone that doesn't want to like suck their toes or whatever it is they want
dont really think sel is that far gone but it is a slippery slope and shouldnt be encouraged

Black Raven

May 4, 2020
not really, you have a ton of devs that dont behave like this.
Obviously but none of their games are as good as Lessons in Love.

prima donna syndrome only leads to horrible things like a bunch of them banding together to eliminate everyone that isn't a prima donna and gate keeping the industry/community from anyone that doesn't want to like suck their toes or whatever it is they want
dont really think sel is that far gone but it is a slippery slope and shouldnt be encouraged
I don't think that's a very likely scenario for people like that to team up. I'm also not sure how they would even go about gatekeeping anything even if they did.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Obviously but none of their games are as good as Lessons in Love.

I don't think that's a very likely scenario for people like that to team up. I'm also not sure how they would even go about gatekeeping anything even if they did.
much like how everything is... control the media/word of mouth. prevent awareness so only the people they want to get publicized get it...

Black Raven

May 4, 2020
much like how everything is... control the media/word of mouth. prevent awareness so only the people they want to get publicized get it...
Yes yes, but how exactly do you think Selebus and a hypothetical gang of Selebus-like people would ever manage to reach a position where they have the power to do such a thing ?
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Active Member
May 25, 2022
Obviously but none of their games are as good as Lessons in Love.
This statement is extremely subjective. The same as someone saying that there are no films as good as The Shawshank Redemption or Rain Man for example. Or no musicians as good as Bruce Springsteen or Lang Lang for another.
There will always be critics of the work of artists and creative persons of all stripes. A large part of being in that space will be learning how to handle that criticism in a healthy and positive way. Not in flying off the handle at people who disagree with you.
Behaviour like that which has been seen recently will ultimately become a doom spiral feeding on itself if allowed to continue as has been seen over the last few months. ie The more aggressive the language used to denounce certain individuals, groups, communities etc, the likely that people in those groups will take actions that will further irritate or wind up (for lack of better terms) just to spite the individual, which then is seen to necessitate a further response and so on and so on and it doesn't end. Ultimately events like that which has been seen recently could encourage even more people to leak or pirate his work simply to spite him which is the opposite of the effect I presume he wants.

Sometimes we need to run things past our own inner pyschologist before we say/write anything (which to be fair you could say of me and this). As an example your keeping a friend distracted from something happening outside you don't tell them not to look out of the window because they are likely to immediately look.

I would like to add as a caveat that I am not trying to enflame another argument or anything like that. I am to the best of my knowledge not directly affiliated with anyone who either develops or leaks any title on this site. I am just simply trying to call for calm on all sides.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Yes yes, but how exactly do you think Selebus and a hypothetical gang of Selebus-like people would ever manage to reach a position where they have the power to do such a thing ?
gain control of f95/itch for 'media' control' using plants, keep their head down till they have enough power to force decisions. much like how the video game journalist industry got destroyed in the last 10 years. infiltrate the industries that work as their money source in the same way, such as patreon/SS and 'cancel' things that compete with them.

this is so route in our current society that it really doesn't need to be pointed out


Feb 4, 2018
Why are their so many best girls?!?!? Its almost impossible for me to settle on a top 3 with Rin, Maya, Yumi, Kaori and Molly constantly rotating their positions every update. I played this pretty much exclusively since the new year and have finally finished all the content and I feel a strange mixture of both empty/blown away.

Drama aside Selebus sure can write a compelling story.


Jun 9, 2022
whats the password for the care packages
if you go back a handful of pages to before Selebus posted here, you'll find that DarkDaemonX posted the passwords. I can't remember them off the top of my head, but they are here.

edit: nevermind, found it.

Letter02 SUMMER
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Black Raven

May 4, 2020
This statement is extremely subjective.
No shit Sherlock. For the record i'm not saying LiL is the absolute best thing ever, just that in my humble opinion no art of value was ever created by a perfectly sane mind.

gain control of f95/itch for 'media' control' using plants, keep their head down till they have enough power to force decisions. much like how the video game journalist industry got destroyed in the last 10 years. infiltrate the industries that work as their money source in the same way, such as patreon/SS and 'cancel' things that compete with them.

this is so route in our current society that it really doesn't need to be pointed out
Interesting. You ever thought about creating a game ?
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Active Member
Oct 15, 2019
When I say it doesn't make sense, I mean in the sense that you could be asking it to write a story about a modern day society with no fantasy elements and suddenly your story's society is getting raided by orcs, a fantasy race. AI has a tendency to break out of what it was told to do and go in a direction it was told not to. That example comes from experience, it wasn't a modern day society, but there were no orcs in what I was designing until the AI suddenly put them in out of nowhere.

You could ask it to write an update, but don't be surprised when suddenly there are things that don't mesh into the story or universe of what you are updating. It's just one of the kinks that need worked out of AI at the moment, it will get fixed eventually.
The current AI just forgets your earlyer prompts (in free versions), and if not, after each step of the story many scales shift here and there giving you this result. Like, if in the beginning of the story there was 0% chance to encounter necromancer, after, for example, step 1500 it will go up enough to be a possibility, since some of the relatable scales were touched. There was a corpse? +1. There was a cemetery? +1. Its currently night? Here, have a vampire. In non fantasy world. Ah, yes, there was a swamp somewhere, so, here some lizardmans. But they have guns. Since its non fantasy and all.
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Black Raven

May 4, 2020
I just feel like this is one of those cases where you have two sides, but one side has a really extreme position. That needs to get called out and acknowledged before we start trying to find a middle ground.
I've seen some extremely dumb takes on both sides, honestly. Finding a middle ground would require everyone to make a step towards the other and compromise. Maybe acknowledge this whole thing went too far and apologize.

I think it's very unlikely to happen anytime soon.


Jun 4, 2017
stealthily engaging in asymmetrical polygamy
This is my favorite way of describing this I've ever heard. Kudos to you sir.

If you can't handle him at his worst you don't deserve his best.
Bro you did not just bust out the motto of every miserably toxic 14 year old terminally-online tumblr user unironically :KEK:

Selly's quirks were perfectly benign and the game was perfectly as fucked up as it has always been a year ago before Patreon imploded. Temporarily losing his income and wasting all that time making the SFW version for nothing seems to have broke something inside of him. Which is understandable, but I think most of his fans are hoping he'll finally move on from it for the sake of the game.
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Aug 29, 2019
I truly do not understand why anyone cares about Selebus' personality. If I like the game (which I do), I'm supporting him. If I don't like the game, then I'm deleting the game and obviously not supporting him. Whether I like Selebus or not is completely irrelevant - neither is whether he's raging against F95.

Of course there are things outside the game which would keep me from supporting him. If it turns out he's a huge neo-Nazi or something, then yeah, I'm going to stop giving him my money. But simply being an asshole? Who gives a shit? It affects me in no way whatsoever.


Jun 4, 2017
Then why are you here? I am being completely serious. If you know the guy absolutely hates you and everything you stand for, why do you keep coming back here?

For anyone that likes the game enough to use the CP, wouldn't you care what the author thinks of you? I mean, for most games, sure who the fuck cares. This is, literally, the longest visual novel ever written. Playing is a huge time and emotional committment. I mean that has to leave you feeling conflicted?
You're making the argument that black people shouldn't be able to enjoy HP Lovecraft's works. Who gives a shit what the author thinks, as long as it doesn't leak into the work itself? I can only speak for myself, but I've been a fan of this game for years and sunk a decent chunk of money into it. I want it to succeed. The only time the author's neuroses have been at all relevant are when they interfere with the development and quality of the game, which they have.

I honestly cannot understand why admins can't calm the F down and be reasonable.
:WaitWhat: What are the admins here doing that is so unreasonable? Facilitating the purpose of this website within the interpretation of the rules they have decided to enact?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Then why are you here? I am being completely serious. If you know the guy absolutely hates you and everything you stand for, why do you keep coming back here?

For anyone that likes the game enough to use the CP, wouldn't you care what the author thinks of you? I mean, for most games, sure who the fuck cares. This is, literally, the longest visual novel ever written. Playing is a huge time and emotional committment. I mean that has to leave you feeling conflicted?

Everything was so chill before this. People were pirating the game and Selebus was pissed and losing subscribers, but not ready to go nuclear. It wasn't until he went above and beyond for patron-only content and even THAT shit got leaked that he came here looking to end this thread if he could.

I just feel like this is one of those cases where you have two sides, but one side has a really extreme position. That needs to get called out and acknowledged before we start trying to find a middle ground.

I know people think Sel is rich because he makes a decent monthly income, but consider the hourly pay he has. Is there any other creator on this site that produces as much as he does?

Whatever, this whole thing is completely ridiculous. There's an obvious middle ground where we return to the status quo and mods police only the CP and not the other leaked patron stuff. It's an obvious way to resolve the issue.

I honestly cannot understand why admins can't calm the F down and be reasonable.
i dont know what you are getting at... i support piracy... didnt get the 'CP content' cause it seemed like a waste of time even after it became free.

You're making the argument that black people shouldn't be able to enjoy HP Lovecraft's works. Who gives a shit what the author thinks, as long as it doesn't leak into the work itself? I can only speak for myself, but I've been a fan of this game for years and sunk a decent chunk of money into it. I want it to succeed. The only time the author's neuroses have been at all relevant are when they interfere with the development and quality of the game, which they have.

:WaitWhat: What are the admins here doing that is so unreasonable? Facilitating the purpose of this website within the interpretation of the rules they have decided to enact?
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