VN Others Completed Life With a Slave -Teaching Feeling- [v4.0.6 - v2.5.2] [FreakilyCharming]

4.50 star(s) 125 Votes

Weeb King

Mar 11, 2022
She can freaking die ??????? I didn't do anything to her except talk, pat and take her out. I even gave her the same amount of food as me. The game suddenly told me she was sick, and the next dialogue is that she's dead. What did I do wrong ?


Jun 17, 2017
What's new in this new beta version?
Did some google translate copy paste maneuvers on latest changelog, and just made my best guesses regarding others. I can't read moonrunes though so if somebody knows and can provide an actual translation that would be great.

#2022/12/17 -ver4.β3.0
・一部の衣装を襟とベースで別々に変更できる機能追加。(Added a function that allows you to change some costumes separately for the collar and base)
・上記機能に合わせて一部衣装デザインの変更。(Changed some costume designs according to the above functions)
・Hシーン以外の服の画像を全て塗り直し。(Redrew all images of clothes other than H scenes)
・着せ替えのカラーリングを一括で変更できる機能を追加。(Added a function that allows you to change the coloring of dress-up at once)
・服、襟、一括色変更、に3色のプリセット変更機能追加。(Added 3 color preset change function for clothes, collar, batch color change. I guess he means color change sections?)
・一部のヘアアクセとツインテ&サイドテを併用できるように仕様変更。(Changed specifications so that some hair accessories can be used with twin tails and side tails)
・新機能と新仕様に合わせてコードとUIの変更。(Code and UI changes for new features and new specs)
・バック対位のイベントHシーンを書き直し、全ての衣装を反映可能に。(Rewrite the event H scene of the back confrontation and reflect all costumes.)
・上記対位をコマンドHシーンに対応。(The counterpoint above corresponds to the command H scene)
・瞬きと口パクのon/off機能を再追加。(Re-added on/off function for blinking and lip-syncing)
報告がごく少数かつ現象が確認できなくて懐疑的だったので実装を後回しにしていました。(Some notes about a bug involving the on/off, but couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, so it was re-added?)
・その他色々と細かな仕様やテキストの変更と調整。(Various other detailed specifications and text changes and adjustments)

※正常位の青姦シーンの書き直しを後回しにしているため一時廃止。(Some position he was working on but it seems that it broke?)
(後日再実装予定 エプロンは襟首パーツとは別にしたいので一時廃止。
(開発環境では問題なかったものの、今回の更新で使用レイヤーをだいぶ増やしたので 環境によって動作が重くならないかしばらく反応を様子見し、問題なさそうであれば別パーツとして再追加します)
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Oct 21, 2022
Sorry if I'm being extremely noob, but is there a way to easily find the latest version + uncensored mod + no scars mod? I've been playing the 2.5.2 version that I got from the original post, and I'm downloading 3.0.2 right now, but I don't know if there are newer versions other than 4.3 beta.
4.50 star(s) 125 Votes