Hi, new here. Big fan of the game, keep up the good work. Few things I wanted to say.
1. What's with the clothing of Andi? Within the weeks she is always seen with white top and blue jeans throughout the whole game. Even on his birthday's dinner, which was odd. You would think the woman like that can dress to the occasion (even if she doesn't like him, it's still a public place). There's no way any woman in the world would come to the restaurant wearing white top (that she was wearing the same day earlier).
2. Must say, happy with the cinema option with Vanessa. She's hot, hopefully she could be nice addition and another option for the guy in the future.
3. I've seen a few people complain about the threesome coming too soon with Mare not ready yet. For me the bigger wtf was when she was in her father's place, just seen him with bunch of whores, and still within a few hours later up for a rough sex under his roof. And yeah, that was the first time she wanted rough as she wanted to "be owned" as she put it.
So yeah, she was ready for a threesome, alright.