
Aug 8, 2016
Unfortunately I have to agree with ChaosBoy and his review. Although I can Mod the game, I find myself fighting it. Mostly due to bugs, unfinished content, bug fixes, features that add nothing or just inability to get information. I know that isn't fair as the game is still heavily in development, and it is being developed by just one person, but it is how I feel and it makes me loose interest. It could be a very good game, but I feel its moving way too fast. The core of the game needs a lot more work before the features start to expand as they are. The new models where needed as the old ones where the weakest point. But now I personally feel its time to get the core gameplay right, rather than expanding it. Just a personal opinion and no disrespect intended.
AKA It needs fun!
However you provide no suggestion on how to make it fun.

IMO the gameplay for this game would suit the HHS+ approach where you can enter and exit different places with different contextual options (not too dissimilar to that of a text based game)

I feel that would really stream line the gameplay and allow for easy to mod locations and content. I made a fairly long post talking about this a few pages back. Long and short of it, the gameplay would be a lot easier to swallow if it was condensed and compartmentalized. Rather than having a a long list of actions to scroll through, create more contextual menus.

For example: Anything eating related should only be an option in a kitchen or food based setting.
Recreational activities should be appropriate for the location.
Adding the ability to explore indoors, even if it were simply a painted background or floor plan with buttons, that would be fine. That is practically what HHS and most text based games are anyway.

I like the idea of minigames being used to complete tasks, while growing skills relating to those tasks help to either 1. automate that task, and or 2. unlock more complex tasks so as not to become overly repetative or creating a sort of loop where all you do is max skills to automate tasks. Automated tasks should feel repetitive which is why raising the associated skill will help automate that task. But there should also be greater tasks that require attention and or better stats, to give that "rewarding" feeling.

Throw in animations to flesh out said tasks/mini games and you have better immersion.


creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
To be honest, I think people are getting a bit carried away here:
The game is under development - I never said the gameplay was final, did I? The project doesn't earn enough on Patreon (at least not yet) to be my full-time income source so I have to fit game development around my other paid commitments (I explained this clearly on the Patreon page). Being self-employed, I have busy periods and relatively 'free' periods. When I'm free, I work on more ambitious stuffs. When I'm busy, I work on the 'safe' stuffs (something that takes less hours, something that I know exactly what to do - no trial and error / experimentation needed). The last extended period where I was relatively free I already dedicated to something really ambitious: the Daz character overhaul (and rightly so because that was the biggest weakness of the game), that wasn't all that long ago so it will be another couple of months before I have such a free period.
Trying to fit in a complete gameplay overhaul right now when I'm busy and don't have all that many hours a week to dedicate to the project would be suicidal - it would just be a bugfest. So instead, I work on the safe stuffs - animation and single fetish updates are really safe: I usually know what I'm doing in advance, low risk of game-breaking bugs and ,most importantly in my experience, they don't require me to concentrate fully on them for extended periods of time that I can't afford: my brain switching back and forth between LifePlay and my freelance work when needed doesn't really harm an animation update (a few animations each night etc), but it would seriously mess up a gameplay overhaul.
Besides, it's not like me making an animation / bdsm / bestiality update now is going to somehow prevent me from overhauling the gameplay in the future. By the time the game is completed, when we look back, will it really matter that much what I work on first or last?
If you're really that impatient, modding is an option ... (someone mentioned realistic needs, that's completely possible as a mod - and frankly it probably should be a mod because it would be too tedious for the base game, that can be made with just a text editor, no need to open the game sources with Unreal Engine even). Or, forgive my cheekiness here :p, another option is that you can also chip in a few bucks on Patreon to enable me to dedicate more hours consistently to game development (who knows, maybe it may earn enough to be a full-time commitment one day, and I won't have to fit it in around other things at all).


Mar 4, 2018
To be honest, I think people are getting a bit carried away here:
The game is under development - I never said the gameplay was final, did I? The project doesn't earn enough on Patreon (at least not yet) to be my full-time income source so I have to fit game development around my other paid commitments (I explained this clearly on the Patreon page). Being self-employed, I have busy periods and relatively 'free' periods. When I'm free, I work on more ambitious stuffs. When I'm busy, I work on the 'safe' stuffs (something that takes less hours, something that I know exactly what to do - no trial and error / experimentation needed). The last extended period where I was relatively free I already dedicated to something really ambitious: the Daz character overhaul (and rightly so because that was the biggest weakness of the game), that wasn't all that long ago so it will be another couple of months before I have such a free period.
Trying to fit in a complete gameplay overhaul right now when I'm busy and don't have all that many hours a week to dedicate to the project would be suicidal - it would just be a bugfest. So instead, I work on the safe stuffs - animation and single fetish updates are really safe: I usually know what I'm doing in advance, low risk of game-breaking bugs and ,most importantly in my experience, they don't require me to concentrate fully on them for extended periods of time that I can't afford: my brain switching back and forth between LifePlay and my freelance work when needed doesn't really harm an animation update (a few animations each night etc), but it would seriously mess up a gameplay overhaul.
Besides, it's not like me making an animation / bdsm / bestiality update now is going to somehow prevent me from overhauling the gameplay in the future. By the time the game is completed, when we look back, will it really matter that much what I work on first or last?
If you're really that impatient, modding is an option ... (someone mentioned realistic needs, that's completely possible as a mod - and frankly it probably should be a mod because it would be too tedious for the base game, that can be made with just a text editor, no need to open the game sources with Unreal Engine even). Or, forgive my cheekiness here :p, another option is that you can also chip in a few bucks on Patreon to enable me to dedicate more hours consistently to game development (who knows, maybe it may earn enough to be a full-time commitment one day, and I won't have to fit it in around other things at all).
If we have a bit honest moment here then let's be honest:

1) Casual player doesn't give a F... about Authors personal life and situation. I and many others may take all those things monition above into consideration, and not totally give up on the game, casual player will. I'm sorry that game developing doesn't provide enough income, that author doesn't have all that much time but that doesn't change current state of the game. We all know here that game is unfinished and is work is progress, but just because it is I will not lie about flaws of the game, up high its current rating, because "content may sometime appear" if I come back here after a vile and see game is totally different then it was then i will totally change my review and opinion of the game. To be painfully honest if this was a finished product this game in my opinion would be 2/5

2) Authors post is a big "Why things aren't there yet", we get it we all love him, we all like his work. But this doesn't changes current state of game. Fact that this game is developed by one hard working dude doesn't change the fact that game is painfully repeatable, and has tons of vide but shallow content, yes we can be less harsh on it because of it, and admit that this game surly have huge potential, but still that doesn't addresses and elephant in the room.

3) I guess that I'm not alone in this opinion, but i would 100 times more prefer a post from author that shows his future vision, his "end game" vision of the product, what kind of things that are now in the game will change, what things will stay, what's things will change most and what just slightly. Rather than some sort of self-defense with arguments that we already know and take into consideration.

4) Let's be honest, this type of industry has more games cancelled or "forever on-hold" then possibly any other and people are giving less and less trust to developers, and i can't wrap my head around a thought that giving honest opinion about current gameplay and state of the game those times is even considered "getting a bit carried away here". People wait for content that isn't there, don't know where this game is going because updates only add additional stuff not change a basic core of the game, people don't know how much must they wait for it to appear or if it appear and in what form. Is it so mind blowingly crazy to have honest doubts?

5) I know that game isn't finished and is made by one dude that doesn't have all time in the world or money, but let's not use for a 10000th time same card "lol its unfinished", "lol one dude makes it" or "lol you can mod yourself 4head" because its starting to be more repeatable then some events in game, and that says something. What i would like 100 times more is rather then "lol its unfinished" something like "I plan to change base game play in this and this way, and this will stay, and it will come this and there because i have time in that moment" or something like that.

That's all i have to say and it's my personal opinion, some may or may not agree with it, some may have totally different opinion. I'm looking forward what this game will become, but i must be honest with myself how this game is right now. I wish everyone to have a nice day, and i wish that author really gets support that he needs to finish this game properly because it would be a huge waste if all that potential was wasted.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
I can't speak for everyone but it would be folly to write a review (or even give an opinion) on the game without knowing it's the financial situation and the author's availability - I think most people are aware of those two factors, as well as the fact that it is an unfinished product, when they speak their minds. We're not asking for you to do the impossible, we're just pointing out the current state of the game under the present circumstances.

You've explained your priorities; it is easier to focus on simpler things because they require the least amount of work during your limited free time. Fair enough. The fact you've opened it to modding seems to suggest, to me, that you were hoping people would pitch in themselves to ease your burden (or at least distract the players while you tow away at the base game). However, this isn't always a reliable strategy, especially for niche games.

Since the game is being hindered by lack of financial support and modding contributions I guess it is fair to assume that this particular development cycle is going to remain for the unforeseeable future; lither things will be given priority in most situations. People, being made aware of the situation, have two choices here: either buckle in and endure it or move on to other titles.

Please, keep in mind this isn't anything personal - as it has been mentioned several times before - the game shows promise but its current direction and state isn't for everyone so these opinions are more of a heads-up to other players than a jab directed at you.
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creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017

This update will cover the rest of the adult animation types not yet covered in v2.1, v2.2 and v2.3. After this update, with virtually all sex scenes you can trigger in game, you will be able to enjoy new, better-looking animations made specifically for the new Daz character models:
~30 new animations, made specifically for the new character models so that they look much better than the old converted ones, covering:
1/ shemale on female animations
2/ shemale with male animations
3/ reverse gangbang (1 man, 3+ women) animations
4/ gay animations
5/ some male-female sex acts that didn't make the previous 3 animation updates (for example, boobjob & footjob)

cavjustica : try Alt + Enter then resize the window if it helps. Make sure you're not using any second screen software that may confuse Unreal Engine.


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
I understand that the critique posted ITT isn't a personal attack on the author, the points are valid, and everybody is entitled to his own opinion, but let me (respectfully) put in my 2 cents.

You do realize that there is a reason why games aren't reviewed by journalists while those are WIP? The game is buggy and clunky because it is unfinished, show me a WIP game of that scale that pulls off everything right.

Some have voiced complaints about gameplay mechanics, but let's be honest - nobody actually gives a shit about those. Look at Wild Life for instance - those devs have a full-time crew, earn fairly decent bucks on Patreon, and their game is still an over-glorified collection of sex animations. It doesn't mean that they can't develop the core mechanics, no - it's because they see that people don't care about the "RPG" part of their game, so of course they divert their attention from it. This is the case for almost any sex game - if it doesn't look "pretty", the (potential) consumer won't bother checking it out or supporting it with their cash.

Also, complaints about the development cycle are irrational. It is characteristic for almost every independent game, i.e. you can safely assume that each one of them is in the "development hell" unless proven otherwise (by the final 1.0 release).

I rest my case.


Nov 3, 2018
cavjustica : try Alt + Enter then resize the window if it helps. Make sure you're not using any second screen software that may confuse Unreal Engine.
Doesn't work, it only allows RESIZING, not changing the aspect ratio. Ie: whatever aspect ratio the game launches having, it stays no matter what, for example selecting the side of the window and dragging inwards, make the bottom side go upwards too automatically.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
"There is a reason why games aren't reviewed by journalists while those are WIP "
They are! The first commercial game I ever made "in the late 80s" was reviewed several times before release. This helps immensely with development and publicity and tells you if your on the right track. Every game I have worked on since has had some early reviews.

"gameplay mechanics, let's be honest - nobody actually gives a shit "+"don't care about the RPG part of their game "
Totally incorrect although I dont care a lot and you dont seem too, quite a few people have voiced that they do! and without basic game play the longevity of the game is very small. Also most of the porn games I play are based around a basic game play idea(Free Cities, Lab Rats, A spell for all) however Life play is different and more on par to Sims, This makes it far more difficult to develop but with far more possibilities. Life play could in fact contain each of those games I mentioned, dependent on who is playing it and the mods within the game.

"However you provide no suggestion on how to make it fun. "
There is a reason for that, they haven't been asked for! Most game designers have a very clear idea where they want the game to go and how to get there. Listening too much to the player base can actual damage a potentially good game, but you asked for it lol.
Game is too passive, mostly you do very basic things and wait for random events to happen to you.
More active events are needed, if for e.g there was a list of people on screen that are in your area (HentHighSchool). You could click on a person and interact with them. modders would do the rest, this would require core elements developing however.
The UI, ok this is a big problem. I could develop 100 active events to talk to people and do stuff. Now the player has to cycle through all these to find "Sleep" etc, this won't work. It needs a proper contextual game menu, with sub menus that can be modded and added too, this is the only way I can see modding working in this game. Think Sims. Again a core element.
Scenes are massively under developed. E. G "Should I organize a family dinner this evening?" So now I see four people standing staring back at me. No give me a table give me chairs, have them all sitting around a table talking. Ok unrealistic for where the game is at this time! (getting a bit carried away) But you get the idea. Currently, scenes have no life at all and need some tlc. I dont see this happening without someone making a clone machine, and Vinfamy making 6 copies of himself.
I will still say however, this is potentially one of the greatist porn games ever.


Aug 8, 2016
The suggestions I throw out try to work around what the game looks like now. Rather than some crazy ambitious thing that may or may not happen. Such as basic floorplan/background screens that act as "interiors" or "rooms" with intractable buttons rather than trying to make lifeplay a fully rendered 3D game that plays like the sims (imo thats just asking for too much).

Some people are a bit too demanding that is for sure. I know the reason I throw out so many suggestions/requests is because it lines up with what someone said in response to vinfamy responding with some real talk; that being how he wanted vinfamy to list or state his "end game" or "vision" for the game. Which I agree with, vinfamy pulls a "who knows what it will look like in time" I believe, and all I could think while reading it was. "You, you should know lol".

I feel I make my posts and suggestions for the same reason. I see the game as it is, as if its the final product. Which is basically a customizable overworld where you can go to places and initiate random events that leads to sex animations. Which is basically what any QSP/HTML/text based game in general does. Which is fine. That isn't a bad foundation or core. I think developing in that direction isn't bad, refining and organizing that long scroll wheel list of actions into more contextual and location based actions I feel will help increase immersion and playability, IMO.

I know what some people also mean about vaporware and such. Where you have someone come out with a game at 0.1 with some kickstarter like promise, practically harnessing the power of todd howard himself, with rants and raves about how great and amazing the project will be. And TBH I think we have mostly gotten past those times/projects.

I think this one is fairly grounded. I mean I could be wrong and vinfamy wants to actually make this a fully rendered 3D game where you walk around and stuff. If so he should say that for sure. Because I know I would probably re-asses the project. Because IMO that would be a full on gameplay overhaul and may be a bit too much to handle for a single guy doing it in his free time. I wouldn't want it for that, but also the strong possibility of burnout if it doesn't go right and people reject it.


Mar 4, 2018
You do realize that there is a reason why games aren't reviewed by journalists while those are WIP? The game is buggy and clunky because it is unfinished, show me a WIP game of that scale that pulls off everything right.
Do you know that every game has something called "beta testing"? You know that devs most of the time test their game not only alone but with help of outside people? Since author posts game here, and asks every time if current version is buggy that means we are actually beta testing this game. What's most important, if dev posted game here he wanted it to be reviewed right? Like when people where giving 5/5 you weren't there to say "lol its unfinished STOP" you suddenly appear when someone does not so overhyped review and starts discussion that isn't in tone "everything is ok", so it's ok to post positive opinions when game is unfinished, but when someone presents some less positive then suddenly "lol normaly devs dont let people review games before they unfinished" just to play "it's not finished" card for a 10 000th time? As and and any other here said for a 10 000th we know game is unfinished, and still biggest argument "lol its unfinished dude"...
Some have voiced complaints about gameplay mechanics, but let's be honest - nobody actually gives a shit about those. Look at Wild Life for instance - those devs have a full-time crew, earn fairly decent bucks on Patreon, and their game is still an over-glorified collection of sex animations. It doesn't mean that they can't develop the core mechanics, no - it's because they see that people don't care about the "RPG" part of their game, so of course they divert their attention from it. This is the case for almost any sex game - if it doesn't look "pretty", the (potential) consumer won't bother checking it out or supporting it with their cash.
Dude then why the hell you play life sim, or for that matter why author even tries to make it life sim? If you want to fap only to 3d models then there are tons of 3d porn out there, and even tons of 3d games with better sex scenes and anims wtf :V At first point you try to desperately defend game saying "lol its unfinished" in second you say "lol game play is not important" so what is it? Is it unfinished? Or gameplay is not important? If you don't want some sort on game play then why the hell you play porn/sex games and don't watch porn itself, what's the point of making porn game and not for example 3d porn? :V

Also, complaints about the development cycle are irrational. It is characteristic for almost every independent game, i.e. you can safely assume that each one of them is in the "development hell" unless proven otherwise (by the final 1.0 release).
From your post I get only one thing, every complains are irrational and we should shut the hell up because gameplay is not important its unfinished, development hell and not updating base core of the game is totally normal and you should not complain about that. And later guys like you complain that some games become abandoned or "forever onhold" :V Devs are not made out of sugar, especially those that willingly post their games for public review, and if they are and they cannot stand any other opinion then positive plus can't take critique then they shouldn't be developing a game sorry. Up to this point there are tons of better life sims and tons of better "fap material" type of a games, that actually take core of their game play correctly. No one forced dev to make life sim game, no one forced him to make it so much ambitious (keep in mind that sims for example are just small neighborhoods not entire cities), but if he is creating something like this, then if those core game play mechanics don't work he SHOULD be critiqued.

This is like going to restaurant and ordering chicken nuggets and fries, if fries are tasty then ok but if chicken nuggets are not chicken nuggets and taste badly, then what you should do? Shut up because fries where good? Or you should acknowledge that fries where good but critique nuggets? How much important to you would be the fact that Cook has problems? That wife cheats on him, that his salary is low, that his kids don't respect him? Would it suddenly change this bad taste? Would you intentionally come back for those bad nuggets knowing that and not go to restaurant that serves better ones? Because you "defending" post is like saying "Hey cook just started to work here and he is still learing, besides nuggets are not important, fries are":)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
People are too impatient, you can see the intent of where the game is going.

The only thing would suggest is to put more challenge / reward things in the game and change the way time progression works with the map.


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
Wow, it seems that what I said went straight over people's heads, and they've misinterpreted everything they could. I don't want to waste too much of my (and others') time, so I'll be concise.

They are! The first commercial game I ever made "in the late 80s" was reviewed several times before release.
When a review is posted on a WIP product, I believe that reviewers specifically mention that the product is not final, and is subjact to change. Same when a dev releases an alpha/beta/gameplay demonstration. Trying to pass an opinion on an unfinished product as a legit, carved-in-stone review is unfair to the person who develops said product. Also, bringing up '80s is a little irrelevant IMO, as times change.

Totally incorrect although I dont care a lot and you dont seem too, quite a few people have voiced that they do!
We can argue all we want on that topic, but let the actual examples speak for themselves. How much gameplay the aforementioned Wild Life got in the last 12 months? Not a lot. How much new sex anims it got? A shit ton. This shows that there are much more people who value a quick 5 minute fap over sexual stuff being a reward for playing the game. Maybe saying that all are like that was little rash, but the majority is. Also, I didn't say that I don't care about gameplay, I've followed this game ever since Vinfamy's first release on LL, and I must say that it has grown since then, so concerns about the game being abandoned in the future or gameplay being pushed on the second place are almost non-existent for me, as he/she is making a slow, but steady progress.

What's most important, if dev posted game here he wanted it to be reviewed right?
Dude, you're not a journalist, you just have access to the Internet, calm down. It is less of a review and more of your personal experience and opinion as a tester. As I said, journalists always mention that the product is subject to change and that their writing isn't final. You just have slightly negative opinion of the game in it's current state, and that's fine, but for the love of God don't try to pass it as a legit "review", it's a far call from it.

Like when people where giving 5/5 you weren't there to say "lol its unfinished STOP"
Believe it or not, I don't give a shit about the votes and stars and all that bullcrap, not here, not anywhere on the Internet. For all I know, every 1 star could be given by someone with a personal grudge, and every 5 stars could be given by a sockpuppet. Besides, you have a very high opinion of yourself if you believe my post was addressed directly to you or any recent negative opinion in general. I've shared my opinion on the complaints in general, not just yours. You're basically accusing me (and everyone who doesn't agree with your critique) of shilling for the dev.

Dude then why the hell you play life sim, or for that matter why author even tries to make it life sim?
As I said earlier, saying "everybody" was a little rash, I correct myself by saying that the majority prefers instant gratification over spending some effort to achieve sexual content. And there is no such thing as "playing the 'unfinished' card", the game IS unfinished, what did you expect coming here, The Sims but with hardcoded sex?

From your post I get only one thing, every complains are irrational and we should shut the hell up because gameplay is not important its unfinished, development hell and not updating base core of the game is totally normal and you should not complain about that.
Good job ripping things out ouf context and spinning them your way. Let me be more precise, just so that there are no misunderstanings - do you go to every indie game dev blog and complain about the development cycle? If yes, then you can go and write what you wrote here on almost every other WIP game posted on this site, if you have that much time. And what makes you consider a game not being in a development hell? Core gameplay mechanics? I assure you that Duke Nukem Forever had its core gameplay mechanics fleshed out somewhere around 2010, and look what a shitshow it became. My judgement comes from seeing progress, doesn't matter if it's slow or selective for some particular areas, and this game has it.
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New Member
Apr 28, 2019
@ChaosBoy, also, your example with the cook is a bad one, as nobody has actually employed the dev, he does this out of his own volition. Let me give you a better one. You sit on the bench near the playground where your 3-year old son is playing. Suddenly, he starts eating sand. "God, what a fucking retard", you think to yourself. "He is hopeless, isn't he? Can't even drive a car or fetch me beer from the fridge. Better hand him over to some orphanage".

I'm sorry, but this is exactly the outlook on things you have.


Mar 4, 2018
Dude, you're not a journalist, you just have access to the Internet, calm down.
Good job ripping things out ouf context and spinning them your way.
1) Nice try.
2) What that has anything to do with a subject? Dude defend game and any other things as much as you want, but at least be a bit consistant you shift so much in your arguments from one thing to another its realy hard to take those things seriously but ok i will try.

It is less of a review and more of your personal experience and opinion as a tester. As I said, journalists always mention that the product is subject to change and that their writing isn't final. You just have slightly negative opinion of the game in it's current state, and that's fine, but for the love of God don't try to pass it as a legit "review", it's a far call from it.
And that does it have to my or any other review, you started comapering them to journualist type reviews, and then you say im not journualist, yeah duhh... but i didnt started compering my review or "negative like opinion" to journualist type of did mister... :)

You're basically accusing me (and everyone who doesn't agree with your critique) of shilling for the dev
No im saying you are inconsistent, someone post negative opinion you bulk up with argument like "lol devs dont give unfinished product to be reviewed" but you didnt had any problems when some others where over-hyped... consistancy, not double standards. Secondly devs posted this game her so he wanted his game to be reviewed, if he doesnt have problem with that then why you have?

As I said earlier, saying "everybody" was a little rash, I correct myself by saying that the majority prefers instant gratification over spending some effort to achieve sexual content.
Does this somehow forbids you to makeings main game less repeatable and more polished? What this has to do with enything? Sure sex scenes are important, but if you want to create to create animation gallery then why the hell life sim elements, why the hell so big maps... wtf :V Autor clrearly designed game to be something more then animation gallery, if so then why critique is so nasty it can't be staded without being called "impatient, overreacting" etc... so far you are only one overreacting chill pill dude.

If yes, then you can go and write what you wrote here on almost every other WIP game posted on this site, if you have that much time.
Somehow developent cicle doesnt botter me as much in other games (some off course have worse), maybe becose they update their baseic gameplay more constistanly? Even by slightest? Also im not alone here and i dont see people brag about this in every single title.

your example with the cook is a bad one, as nobody has actually employed the dev
LOL... ok his selling coockies with glass of milk and is selfemployed :V Whats next "Lol cooks have white hats, dev doesnt have one bad example"... post wast nt about how dev is simillar to cook but how customer reacts to the product :V If you have a product that is partialy good and partialy bad, do you still eat it just becose you know that "creator" of this product have some "creation" problems, or do you go where they sell both good ?

Ok im done :V


Jan 17, 2018
My two cents?

Compared to most 'game projects ' in this site, this one is one of the more active projects (term of update and dev's interaction) and I ain't gonna check the gift horse's teeth so... in my opinion Vin can do whatever he wants with it, at his own timing.

Maybe I'm just patient but I don't see any point of rushing him since the game itself can be modded should people wish to add new features or what-not (and see for themselves how 'easy' it is to tailor things for not only their own liking, but to others' too /s).

I do wish that we could do our own animations one day though.

Try editing the file at:
Or delete it and let the game recreate it.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
This thread is starting to become more about people arguing about each other's opinions than the actual game itself.

The way I see it, the criticism presented was geared towards new players more so than a jab at the developer - we're not rushing him, we're just pointing out the current state of the game (as I've said previously). Right now you're just complaining about the people who are complaining and it's going nowhere (plus those comments are getting bigger and bigger and not everyone has the patience to skim through walls of text to present a good comeback or argument).

Agree to disagree and let go. It's just a bloody game, no one insulted your puppy to get all defensive about it. *shrug*
If things get out of hand, Vinfamy could just call the mods and ask them to erase this entire convo because it's starting to derail his thread. Is that what you want? (Rhetorical question) Take it to PMs if you want to vent that bad.
3.30 star(s) 118 Votes