Agreed.Unfortunately I have to agree with ChaosBoy and his review. Although I can Mod the game, I find myself fighting it. Mostly due to bugs, unfinished content, bug fixes, features that add nothing or just inability to get information. I know that isn't fair as the game is still heavily in development, and it is being developed by just one person, but it is how I feel and it makes me loose interest. It could be a very good game, but I feel its moving way too fast. The core of the game needs a lot more work before the features start to expand as they are. The new models where needed as the old ones where the weakest point. But now I personally feel its time to get the core gameplay right, rather than expanding it. Just a personal opinion and no disrespect intended.
AKA It needs fun!
However you provide no suggestion on how to make it fun.
IMO the gameplay for this game would suit the HHS+ approach where you can enter and exit different places with different contextual options (not too dissimilar to that of a text based game)
I feel that would really stream line the gameplay and allow for easy to mod locations and content. I made a fairly long post talking about this a few pages back. Long and short of it, the gameplay would be a lot easier to swallow if it was condensed and compartmentalized. Rather than having a a long list of actions to scroll through, create more contextual menus.
For example: Anything eating related should only be an option in a kitchen or food based setting.
Recreational activities should be appropriate for the location.
Adding the ability to explore indoors, even if it were simply a painted background or floor plan with buttons, that would be fine. That is practically what HHS and most text based games are anyway.
I like the idea of minigames being used to complete tasks, while growing skills relating to those tasks help to either 1. automate that task, and or 2. unlock more complex tasks so as not to become overly repetative or creating a sort of loop where all you do is max skills to automate tasks. Automated tasks should feel repetitive which is why raising the associated skill will help automate that task. But there should also be greater tasks that require attention and or better stats, to give that "rewarding" feeling.
Throw in animations to flesh out said tasks/mini games and you have better immersion.