I played almost 10h in total, this is really a promising game. Nice job !
Some thoughts:
- On a gameplay stand point i think it would be nice to have an indication of what the npc likes/dislikes are once we discovered it. When you take a girl to watch a movie for the first time you'll have indication if she likes it or not (face and message), but it would be really nice to be able to keep this information : like when you date the girl later it shows you on the UI if she'll like watching a movie or not because you should remember it (maybe it's green when she liked it before, red when she didn't and gray/white when you don't know)
- More labels please ! Like acquaintance, neighbour, coworker, boss, etc is nice. But what about the fuck buddies, sugar baby, enemy, porn actor/actress, prostitute, etc.
maybe also something to see relationship between npc like Wife/Husband of X, sister of x, aunt, etc
- You should give more control to the players. What i mean is right now some scenes only triggers under special conditions while doing something unrelated. Like when you can call an escort or make a porn video: there should be an action "Call an escort", "make a video for my pornsite", "call a fuck buddy", "call my sugar baby", etc.
It will also make it easier to add more content with more consequences and give more meaning to the scenes.
- Sex scene without having control. Like say you're in the cinema scene, it's dark and you convince your date to give you a bj right there. Maybe don't go into the full sex scene mode and just have a bj animation plays right here ? it'd be nice to have the option sometime.
I think having full control on all the sex scene is nice but it also make it very generic in the long run.
Just some initial thoughts, i hope you'll put them on your todo list if it's not already there. Thanks for the game mate, i'm probably gonna play every update.
And please make it so we can use tab for indentation, it'll make modding a lot less painful ^^