I'm really enjoying the game and it has tons of potential. My suggestions are gameplay based because the graphics are fine.
1) The sliders are very jarring, but one gets used to it. The biggest issue is redundancies. Why are there two penis sliders? There's one that's bonkers chock full of options (and I can fashion some nice units with it - except I tend to skip about 80% of the sliders or else the penis will look a dog's chew toy) and another that's super simple with like 4 options. This doesn't make sense, they should be uniform regardless of chosen character/game. Oh...and there's no vagina slider...pitty. Fix this.
2) More about sliders...Boobs don't look right unless they're big and it's damn near impossible to get a cute face. Thank you for the presets, but if those are the only legitimate way of having beauty, why do we even have so many sliders? I think it's time to streamline the sliders and add some new ones to replace the redundant ones so we can aim for variety.
3) BUGS. My plays weren't riddled, but the performance of the game is really lacking. Room objects render slowly and there's bloom EVERYWHERE. This became a huge issue after I used mods...Had a nice game going, 2 kids otw, A slave in my dungeon, and I had just signed up for college. The game had been active for a few hours at this point and it became super sluggish. I switched cities, fearing my PC couldn't handle the big city and a good amount of NPCs and other things my character collected - memory is finite, after all. That didn't help and eventually the game crashed. I decided to restart and turn off some mods I never use, like Bestiality, but I accidentally deleted them instead of disabling and the game wouldn't restart. I decided to wipe and reinstall. Is the engine going to be able to handle mods and an epic journey because it didn't like the abuse I was giving it.
4) Last, but not least...I HATE THE ROOM EDITOR. It has good ideas, such as the wallpaper/texture with a tile slider. Genius. However, when I stand in front of a lamp I want to place on my dresser and have to click the lamp about 10 times before I give up and just use the next arrows to find it, something's wrong. It's not very intuitive using the arrows in that dialog box, either...perhaps if the naming conventions were better and there was a way to distinguish duplicate objects it wouldn't be so bad, so let's figure that out. Oh, and moving things and trying to get them lined up straight again is frustrating. Is it too much to ask for the coordinate/scale reset button to also "snap" our objects to the floor and make them nice and uniform?
Fun game that scratches the SIM itch, but it needs some work.