It's certainly not getting a stable and consistent 30fps as you claim with minimum specs.GTA Online works fine on both:
- Core 2 Quad CPU with medicore dGPU (GeForce GTX 750 - 1080p) or even low-end dGPU (GeForce GT 730 - 720p)... from 2013 (the same year the GTA V was released on game consoles)!
- Core i3/i5/i7 with modern iGPU (e.g. (U)HD 630)
We can't say the same about this game or any other UE4-based indie games (e.g. Last Hope). Sorry to say this, but most 3D sex games just suck when it comes to optimizations. It not the case with professional 3D titles based on UE (e.g. BioShock Infinite, Life is Strange) or Unity (Life is Strange: Before the Storm).
What is my point? Well, maybe indie devs should stick to 2D if they can't handle 3D graphics properly.
And BTW, I have a Pascal-based GeForce GTX and an 8-cores Core i7 in my main PC, but sometimes I want to play on my ultrabook as well.
Also classic case of goalpost shifting.
Maybe you should just blacklist the Unreal tag as the only problem here is your expectations of a AAA dev can do relative to a 1-2 man job.
Also, i could care less about your rig. If you're the enthusiast you proclaim yourself to be then stop opting to play on an inferior device and maybe just maybe you'll see a marked improvement. Until then just stay salty cause clearly that's more in your wheelhouse than being a rational actor.