
May 29, 2017
Yes I only ever play Bath map, and i have read the information so i have used "Randomize Unknown Buildings" and ensured there is 0% of unknown buildings remaining.

This makes the game so much more playable and faster.
" I have a good PC but still do this " !! even when Using 64-bit LifePlay
Turned down PP Quality (minimum) ,
Turned down AA Quality (causes flickering on edges of city parks)
Turned down Shadow Quality
Turned off Show? Buildings

I do have mods installed "26 in total " but they are not creating many issues .... and sit along side the "vin_" modules/core

A few things I have noticed
  1. Fatal Error (some times and rare) , usually only happens on first attempt to start the game , and I always start the game from NickNo's Mod Installer

  2. Manage Polyamorous relationships do not all always list every lover every time the action is triggered. Atttached screenshot with the lovers circled in red and my family circled in yellow. Granted this is new so i am not that bolthered by it
    Screenshot 2021-08-13 150105.png
    I have tried adding into NickNo's NPC Manager , code to manually select and modify my relatioship with my polyamorous lovers. However I was not able to get work. The code allowed the menu to appear but not the results to be applied.

  3. Sometimes a quest marker is often left on the map even after the last stage of the quest has been completed. Attached is example quest marker on the map
    Screenshot 2021-08-13 150500.png
    List of quests which had stuck broken stages
    So far gameplay has shown "She Kissed A Girl" and "The Alpha Male" having left the final stage on the map.

    Usually a Save and Load (newly saved game state) fixes this issue

  4. Sometimes "player character" is naked when they should not be .. but it does not bolther me
    This tends to auto correct its self, and if in doubt i save and load game.
A shoutout to
Vinfamy for making the game and the following for, Presets, mods , etc and mod installer
Ravenger6660, NickNo, , , , , , (tkwas) , Dbcaf

I would not enjoy the game as much without your hardwork


May 3, 2018
LC_AE-JohnEP: Ouch...
You dont understand my point and try to push it in a direction what has clearly nothing to do with it. But no wonder when people try to jump into conversation between two to just show their position.
And if you try to talk about respect, you should start with showing that there people who wants to play without being forced into specific content.
It has nothing to do with LGBTQAI + or respect for the work of the modder. So best, keep your position for yourself. ;)

Really guys, play as you want, i do as i want.

And if i have Problems with a Mod, i try explain it and searching for solutions with that Modder, mainly so everyone can choose what to get and what not without workarounds. Like the Option to bring that Content as extra Download.
Modular(or Options/Settings), like the game and most Mods is, is best for all. So everyone can enjoy the game how they like. You will not miss a thing, if theirs solution for everyone.
And deleting isnt solution for long, even when the filenames arent obvious, if more coming (What i think will be, whats ok.). No one gets hurt if trying to get a solution for all, so everyone can decide what to get and enjoy and what not.

I do like the other Mods Raddeck has done already and for sure respect that work. Im totally aware, that it is much work to do the Mods. Really appreciate it. Still i tell whats going wrong for me and try to find solutions (as said: Modular best) with the Modder. And he just can know if anyone tells him. Then he tries to find a solution, or not. Up to him. Not anyone else who thinks to must show their position.

We both are not native English, so on some points we might talk past each other(or get it wrong sometimes). Happens, and im fine with. Overall i really have no Problem with Raddeck.

And with his last Post he explained for me important thing(that its not documentated how to, if). So im waiting if he will find a solution, and really appreciate that hes trying (dont feel rushed Raddeck, i really mean it: Take your time.).

So for the others: Get over it, back to roots and focus on yours. ;)
I will, so im waiting whats Raddeck bringin in the end or not.
Case closed for me and dont care if anyone try to push it more.
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May 3, 2018
It takes forever to load on a normal PC too. It needs more optimization.
Whats "normal" and "forever" for you? I have no problem with Startup and loading Game. Even on Big Maps.

But what bothers me is, the longer a save goes, the longer it takes to load People in Locations. Dont know, if it has to do with Numbers of actually NPCs already generated, or something different.


May 29, 2017
I recall trying this game out before , about version 2.## time , and back then i tried use to use London or other custom maps and i would have some loading performance issues but not many. Frankly back then i did not know much about what i was doing in the game anyway.

If you use a map other than Bath, Example London , please leave the Randomised Unknown Buildings at 0.1% , or the default value when you start a new game , so the total percentated of the remaining ? Buildings should read as 99.6% in the world , but i cant recall if this is stated in one of the tutorials/ingame text

If you use the Bath Map (smaller) , please Randomised Unknown Buildings , all ? Buildings,

On my Bath City map , I have set mine "Randomised Unknown Buildings" to 28 28 16 28 , respectivly with Remaining Unknown is 0.0 % ?

the game actually tells you this, but i do not recall if it always has done so.
The default for "Randomised Unknown Buildings" is 1.25% for all and Remaining Unknown is 95.0% (new game)

Personally I dont think i have any performance issues at all (contents of my most recent save)
Screenshot 2021-08-13 160634.png
currently running with what looks like 177 generated NPCs ,

4 are NPCs generated by me and are relatives (at start of New TF game)
Random Game generated

  • 1 landlord , and a few neighbours
  • 3 quest NPCs "The alpha male"
  • and the rest ares through the course of the gameplay

I do get a little stutter sometimes as triggers for random events are processed "from mods/core game" and "having so many NPCs " and generally this is not an issue .... but rather an acceptance as it is a game mechanic.

One of my current challenges / curriosities .... is if i have all my Polyamorous Lovers living with me , how many in a room at night when i sleep is enough to break the game ?
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May 29, 2017
I do have an issue with some NPCs not loading "invisible" ...

  1. Sometimes when changing scenes and locations
  2. Often Delivery NPCs for packages "gifts" scene , such as the Holy Handgrenade , horse dildo and Gift with hidden spy cam
  3. Repairmen NPCs for "broken oven etc" scene
  4. Sometimes my current date/companion
Generally I am not bolthered by this .... but fixing it would be nice

If i can be bolthered i would remove some mods and check to see if it is them causing an issue


Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
I know it's highly unlikely to happen, but I really wish someone ported this game to phones. :sneaky:

Speaking of mods, I'm not sure which one it is, but one of the mods is giving me a kind of conflict: I start the game without phone or computer and even when I buy one, I still can't use them. I think it's one of those storage mods. :(


May 29, 2017
I know it's highly unlikely to happen, but I really wish someone ported this game to phones. :sneaky:

Speaking of mods, I'm not sure which one it is, but one of the mods is giving me a kind of conflict: I start the game without phone or computer and even when I buy one, I still can't use them. I think it's one of those storage mods. :(
Just a though but have you check mod load order ?
Some mods are dependent on load order to interact/work when they depend on other mods

unfortunally i am only aware of changing the mod load order in game , using the mod manager and the arrow heads on the right.

An improvement here would be to have a button which can send a mod to the "bottom of the order " as to move a single mod down is tedious
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Nov 25, 2017
It is puzzling you guys have problems ruining this game as I have no problem at all and it runs like a bat out of hell. Loads fast, maxed out graphics so when you claim the game is not optimized you are wrong! Unreal engine is number one! The rest, not even close.

The Grifter

Active Member
May 28, 2017
May I ask to have one of the people who actually know what they are doing to kindly take a look at the scene I tried to write in the spoiler...?
What I tried to do was to take the lesbian_sperm_donor.lpscene event and create a slightly extended one where the couple decides that not just one of them should get knocked up, and that they change towards being bisexual and in an open relationship after a consentual threesome.
Please don't spam me with posts of how I'm politically incorrect, that 'curing being gay' does not work and in addition of being a bad human being I cannot code and my english is bad. I'm already aware of those, agree with you and still feel strangely fine about it.

Where was I... ah, yes, the scene:

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Nov 13, 2017
Has anyone else had issues with taking over a business?
It seems to be a crapshoot whether the place stays in the same location, and it never recognizes me as owner while at the same time letting me manage the business as I see fit. I have hiring and firing authority over someone else's company lmao
The "Take over Business" option is always there. If I close it all down it will disappear and I lose karma.
I've waited until the end of the month to see if I get $$ but it just says my business generated $0 of revenue
Running as Admin doesn't change anything

Aside from occasionally invisible dates, the game actually plays pretty well. Very addicting


Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
May I ask to have one of the people who actually know what they are doing to kindly take a look at the scene I tried to write in the spoiler...?
What I tried to do was to take the lesbian_sperm_donor.lpscene event and create a slightly extended one where the couple decides that not just one of them should get knocked up, and that they change towards being bisexual and in an open relationship after a consentual threesome.
Please don't spam me with posts of how I'm politically incorrect, that 'curing being gay' does not work and in addition of being a bad human being I cannot code and my english is bad. I'm already aware of those, agree with you and still feel strangely fine about it.

Where was I... ah, yes, the scene:

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If you insert the scene text as code instead of a spoiler it keeps the indentation which makes it easier to read in the post. Or you can just attach the scene file to the post instead.

One issue that sticks out is you're missing the closing " on this line:
"Of course, if that is what you both want!
It should be:
"Of course, if that is what you both want!"

Also, since it's supposed to be the PC saying that out loud, you should do something like:
Player:: "Of course, if that is what you both want!"
Or if you want some kind of emotion:
Player(Flirty):: "Of course, if that is what you both want!"
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New Member
Dec 19, 2018
Has anyone else had issues with taking over a business?
It seems to be a crapshoot whether the place stays in the same location, and it never recognizes me as owner while at the same time letting me manage the business as I see fit. I have hiring and firing authority over someone else's company lmao
The "Take over Business" option is always there. If I close it all down it will disappear and I lose karma.
I've waited until the end of the month to see if I get $$ but it just says my business generated $0 of revenue
Running as Admin doesn't change anything

Aside from occasionally invisible dates, the game actually plays pretty well. Very addicting
I had some problems with this. I was able to fix it by deleting the map save file stored in


This should reset your map to its original state. You might find you have to start a new save as well.

The Grifter

Active Member
May 28, 2017
If you insert the scene text as code instead of a spoiler it keeps the indentation which makes it easier to read in the post. Or you can just attach the scene file to the post instead.
Yes, I know. I didn't want someone to confuse this with a working scene and download it.
Since yesterday though I got it working and polished the dialogue a bit.
It will start a scene with a samesex-couple who want a child. There's an option to have sex with both of them, followed by a threesome, or only one, or none at all.
The threesome branch ends up with both of them in your contact list (if they weren't already) and having the sexual preference to the player's gender added (in case one of them didn't swing that way before). They should now also be in an open relationship, so no more karma drama.
Unzip and move the attached file to <gamefolder>LifePlay\Content\Modules\vin_Pregnancy\Scenes


May 29, 2017
I probably already know the answer ... but ... out of interest ,
I have had some "NPC_discovers_pregnancy" scenes trigger .... and interestingly the NPC does not show in the contacts list .. even with using "cheat" make all contacts with generated NPCs known.

I was wondering if there was a way from saved game state to find out who is pregnant by the player character ?

I am not that bolthered but i am curious ,
  1. as i have had the scene
  2. not saved the game after the scene
  3. loaded up most recent save, before the scene triggered
  4. So far i have not had the same "NPC_discovers_pregnancy"
I can only assume it is a "mod" and temporary generated NPC

I think i have found a way using NickNo NPC manager and batch command ...


Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
It takes forever to load on a normal PC too. It needs more optimization.
Loading is alright, kinda, but the game does need optimization. My computer can run the game no problem, but each time I launch it, my coolers start spinning like crazy and the computer starts heating up the room better than any heater.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
On which scene you have problem ?
Please report bugs about my mods on my for faster answer!
Well, first off, I'm not sure if it's one of your mods specifically.
As to the scene, it's the home scene, I guess. I start a new game and want to, for example, browse the internet, but the game tells me that I have nothing to do it with (no phone or computer). So I go to a store and buy a phone (or computer) and it asks me where I want to store it. Regardless of what option I choose, the phone never goes into my inventory. If I go home to look for the phone\ computer in storage, I do find it 'in storage' but I still can't take or use it.
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