go to vin_Base, Scenes, meet random, and in there, is 2 files one is pop and pop1, where it says Generate Person Temperary, write the type of the npc inside the brackets, ie Actor = generatePersonTemporary(common2_F)or what ever you name the npc file, it gives you eight places to add your own npcs, 5 in one 3 in the other, these two files populate the rooms and businesses the majority of body types seems to come the briget and micheal files, as of the 4.0 base the Presets dont get reconized, any more, or they dont in my game, and when the bodies where ie bodybuilder_F or bodybuilder, its now its like FMB Bodybuilder, and it is built into micheal and briget files, so the game will reconize the FBM Bodybuilder first before the bodybuilder_Mor_F, cuz of the new clothes,Guys, could anyone help me with a question.
I'm trying to put characters created by me in the game, like NPC's, nowadays, I manually add each one of them, through the contact list, and then I block them, so they act like npc. (I meet them in the game and etc.)
but let's say one day I have more than 400 characters created, and I want to add them in a new clean save.
If I rename the created characters to xx.lpcharacter and put them all into a save folder, will they show up in the game, normally as if I added them manually?
I'm asking because using the "unlock all npcs" button they don't show up in the contact list, only the ones I created manually appear.
I appreciate if anyone knows.![]()