
Feb 5, 2018
with the open/poly relationship is it possible to have for instance multiple wives living in the same location? like if i get my own residence and have my girlfriend/wife move in can i get another one to move in as well. and would there be more interactions that way.

also might be interesting to have a small interaction module specifically for living with multiple partners .. like 2 of your wives competing for you or perhaps a dominant female living with her cuck and a bull at same time.
As far as I can tell, with the current API that's not possible. The scene you described doesn't exist, at least not yet.

Tried to make that kind of scene myself, but no luck yet.


creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Wow, that was fast, 1.16 is out. Downloading now.
Well, I'd have to disagree with the assertion of porn games has to have good models. Though having good visuals won't hurt, IMO Vinfamy has gone above and beyond other similar games I've seen so far, even with the current state of the game graphics. Yes others have better, or awesome graphics, but not the scale, moddability, and God forbid, Open Source. Look at Fallen Doll for example. Good graphics, but I delete it after playing it once.

I once joined a dev team of an adult game. As soon as I mention building up 3d content and use open source engine as there were contributing 3d artist among us, everyone freak out, saying I'm batshit crazy for wanting to make it a free game. Free, not even an open source. So Vinfamy, you have my respect.

Expect to pay the 3d artist well above the normal rate. Porn + open source means the artist will milk you dry.
It won't be that bad actually. From my LoversLab connection, I do know a few nice 3d artists already who also participated in the Skyrim / Fallout modding community so they're not all about the money: people like Caliente (of CBBE's fame) and VectorPlexus (Schlongs of Skyrim's original modeler, also SAM). Then for animators, there are people like Leito86 (super nice guy, last person on Earth to milk anyone) and komotor.
They won't think twice about porn or open source. They just can't afford to work for free (which is why we've lost so many modders over the years, most reach a point where it's no longer financially responsible to dump tens of hours of free labour every week into modding - some find a way to monetize their modding with donations or commissions, others just leave it all behind). Half of them have kids to care for.
  • Sex Duration Multiplier: how long it takes for the actors to cum and the scene to end
  • Scene Frequency: how often you get scenes pop up while doing things, a very high number here and you'll get a chance to peep at your neighbors having sex multiple times a day even!
  • Pregnancy Term Multiplier: how long each pregnancy last (x1 means 9 months, 0.1 means 0.9 month)
  • Child Growth Speed: how long does it take for your child to reach 18 and becomes a normal relative NPC (x1 takes 18 years, x10 takes 1.8 years etc)
  • Allow Home Dye: with this on, you can go to the Inventory menu (Right click anywhere > Change Clothes), each apperal when selected will prompt you to change its color as you wish
  • No Scene Redress: prevents all scripted clothing changes during scenes: like putting you in a suit when you go for an interview etc
  • Ignore Animation Condition: some animations like carry and agressive anims require certain level of 'skill' (perversion, masochist or fitness) on the actors' part. You can ignore these and animate anyone with anything here.
I'll see if I can update the Docs folder with the next version

How can I translate it myself?
Go to LifePlay/Content/Modules
Search for 'lpscene'
Open each file, you'll want to translate anything inside ""

with the open/poly relationship is it possible to have for instance multiple wives living in the same location? like if i get my own residence and have my girlfriend/wife move in can i get another one to move in as well. and would there be more interactions that way.

also might be interesting to have a small interaction module specifically for living with multiple partners .. like 2 of your wives competing for you or perhaps a dominant female living with her cuck and a bull at same time.
There's a get around way to achieve this: go into the Contacts menu (P), find your girl, click on the text ' Girlfriend', untick Dating and then tick Dating again. This will make her a live-in girlfriend.
Yeah, poly/ open relationship in the game is far from complete. I will probably need to dedicate a whole future update to expanding it at some point.
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Reactions: Tenenbaum


Feb 5, 2018
It won't be that bad actually. From my LoversLab connection, I do know a few nice 3d artists already who also participated in the Skyrim / Fallout modding community so they're not all about the money: people like Caliente (of CBBE's fame) and VectorPlexus (Schlongs of Skyrim's original modeler, also SAM). Then for animators, there are people like Leito86 (super nice guy, last person on Earth to milk anyone) and komotor.
They won't think twice about porn or open source. They just can't afford to work for free (which is why we've lost so many modders over the years, most reach a point where it's no longer financially responsible to dump tens of hours of free labour every week into modding - some find a way to monetize their modding with donations or commissions, others just leave it all behind). Half of them have kids to care for.
You certainly have better experience than me. The main issues I'm hearing from the artists I've met is they want to control their work. There's a huge difference between creating assets for mods and from scratch to satisfy game reqs. I kinda understand why those artists don't want their creations falls in the "wrong hands" so to speak. This is also the reason why some of them will charge more for open source games, their work will be passed to so many hands doing who knows what editing. In other words, the extra charge is compensation for the grief knowing their masterpiece will be mangled.

  • Sex Duration Multiplier: how long it takes for the actors to cum and the scene to end
  • Scene Frequency: how often you get scenes pop up while doing things, a very high number here and you'll get a chance to peep at your neighbors having sex multiple times a day even!
  • Pregnancy Term Multiplier: how long each pregnancy last (x1 means 9 months, 0.1 means 0.9 month)
  • Child Growth Speed: how long does it take for your child to reach 18 and becomes a normal relative NPC (x1 takes 18 years, x10 takes 1.8 years etc)
  • Allow Home Dye: with this on, you can go to the Inventory menu (Right click anywhere > Change Clothes), each apperal when selected will prompt you to change its color as you wish
  • No Scene Redress: prevents all scripted clothing changes during scenes: like putting you in a suit when you go for an interview etc
  • Ignore Animation Condition: some animations like carry and agressive anims require certain level of 'skill' (perversion, masochist or fitness) on the actors' part. You can ignore these and animate anyone with anything here.
I'll see if I can update the Docs folder with the next version
Thanks for the explanation. IMO it should included in the docs as well. The docs folder badly need an update. The changelog there only covers up to v1.2.

There's a get around way to achieve this: go into the Contacts menu (P), find your girl, click on the text ' Girlfriend', untick Dating and then tick Dating again. This will make her a live-in girlfriend.
Yeah, poly/ open relationship in the game is far from complete. I will probably need to dedicate a whole future update to expanding it at some point.
The get actor API needs to be reconsidered IMO, especially how it returns multiple actors. The current one returns actors rather erratically if more than one actor fits the criteria given. I've tried to write a scene to move the GFs to move in, but hit a brick wall when trying to handle multiple GF because of this, and the seeming confusion about setLivingWithPlayer and loseHomeDating which can only process a single GF. And why the two APIs?

BTW how does scenes like 'propose_sex_dating_home' and those in the 'Consequences' folder are called? Does those hardcoded in the engine cos I can't find the caller for those scenes.


Oct 20, 2016
This is very true. But unless a 3D artist joins him in creating this game, we need to wait until he gets enough patrons (or donations) to hire one, or buy high quality 3D models. Right now he only have 23 patrons, that gives a total of $64 a month, so I doubt anything will happen with the models any time soon :\
Now I Is are retadr when it comes to coding and such, but aren't there tons of free or "free" programs you can use to make your models in? I've seen several other patreon games and they seem to take from various programs like Klub 17, Honey Select (not a huge fan of those), SFM and unreal engine, I believe.


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Now I Is are retadr when it comes to coding and such, but aren't there tons of free or "free" programs you can use to make your models in? I've seen several other patreon games and they seem to take from various programs like Klub 17, Honey Select (not a huge fan of those), SFM and unreal engine, I believe.
If you got the skills, you can make your 3D models for free with Blender. But this is a long and hard process, and you need months, probably even years of experience to make models with acceptable quality.

If I'm not too wrong, the 3D models in Klub 17 and Honey Select belong to the creators of these games, and can't legally (or easily) be exported to other 3D games. The "free" models you can get through Unreal Engine are usually still under a strict license (free for PERSONAL use etc) and probably aren't fully nude models, which is needed for a porn game.

Since this game is open source, the developer can't just simply save up to buy DAZ models with a interactive license either, as you only buy the rights to use the models for your game(s), not distribute them.


Feb 5, 2018
Now I Is are retadr when it comes to coding and such, but aren't there tons of free or "free" programs you can use to make your models in? I've seen several other patreon games and they seem to take from various programs like Klub 17, Honey Select (not a huge fan of those), SFM and unreal engine, I believe.
Those games you mentioned can only generate 2D graphics. I'm not sure what you refer as SFM. Unreal Engine only gives you the engine. There are artists who sell their works in UE Marketplace for sure, but it isn't enough for LifePlay. They only sell finished 3D objects, expressions and body modification morphs not included. It is these morphs which can jackup the prices.

Imagine you have to model each expression separately (the game has 33 expression), for each sex. Then you also have to model each of the body morphs (the game has 470 morphs), also for each sex. So let see, for the current version of the game, an artist has to model (33 + 470) * 2 = 1006 3D meshes. That's not including the hairs, and the clothes. I won't be surprised if the final count of the number of meshes need to be modeled, just to reach the level the game currently in, is reaching 10,000, depending on how the clothes is actually implemented.

If I'm not too wrong, the 3D models in Klub 17 and Honey Select belong to the creators of these games, and can't legally (or easily) be exported to other 3D games. The "free" models you can get through Unreal Engine are usually still under a strict license (free for PERSONAL use etc) and probably aren't fully nude models, which is needed for a porn game.
Klub17 is actually a mod to 3D S**V**la. I do have to obfuscate the original name cos the company do come after modders, hard. They will actually prosecute you if you monkey around their game. They're hunting the makers of K17 for years now, and those modders have to go deep underground.

The makers of Honey Select, Illusion is the other end of the spectrum. They're pretty permissive. Might be because they're Japanese based company and don't have jurisdiction. The same cannot be said about Japanese modders of these games though. They guard their work jealously.

I made several mods for ArtificialGirl3 and HoneySelect for personal use. Though in theory the models from HoneySelect can be extracted and used, making it work in LifePlay will mean extra work. And the looming possibility of a lawsuit makes it not worth the trouble.


May 8, 2017
@n1ck : yea, that explains a lot .. i tried and searched for k17 for a second time today and haven't found anything, but youtube videos and some reddit posts. Is it no longer available anywhere officially?


Feb 5, 2018
@n1ck : yea, that explains a lot .. i tried and searched for k17 for a second time today and haven't found anything, but youtube videos and some reddit posts. Is it no longer available anywhere officially?
AFAIK they don't have any official site, and release through forums and/or torrent. IDK whether they still active though.

I found it on this forum. Link:
This is the last version I have also. The Hook5 shows a lot of promise.

I just notice that NonConsensual animation are largely not available for females and trans player. Doing a 'Filter(Aggressive)' leads to largely empty animation list in sex scenes. Is this intentional? Any plans to incorporate them in the future? Was thinking about a mod about domestic abuse in lesbian relationship, and/or dominatrix scene.


Aug 12, 2017
I noticed, that with a group swing scene (playing a pregnant female) if you sabotage protection, and one of the other couples manage to get pregnant (No idea if that is actually happening), then the player character's own pregnancy timer resets to 0. I am pretty sure this is a bug.


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2018
Hi,Vinfamy,the ShowTutorial function use two FString arguments,it makes the Localization gather failed.So,can you change it to FText?


Jul 11, 2017
Interesting game so far, only have a few questions/concerns.

It seems like it takes a very long time to start an incestuous relation, even with tension at 100. I was able to start 1 with my sister after like weeks of having tension at 100 and just staying home and doing nothing else, and then going on a date and randomly getting the option to ask her to be my girlfriend, despite her being my sister. Is there something I am missing that makes it easier to go to the next step? In many of the events I couldn't do anything, my character would just ignore the naked picture, ignore them masturbating calling out my name, while saying I don't have the courage to go to them. Is there a stat I can increase that would have allowed me to start a relationship at these points?

Another thing I noticed is that events at home only ever seemed to trigger when I was doing something. If I just left the game unpaused and let time go past, nothing happened. But if I decided to do the longest action at home, which seemed to be Creative Writing, then I would get some kind of an event every other time or so.

My final question is, when in an incestuous relationship, are there more scenes where their relationship to each other is brought up? It seemed to only be brought up in the event that started the relationship. After that the sex scenes seemed to just follow the standard descriptions and the various date scenes seemed to be the same. Not even calling each other "sister, brother, mom,daughter, dad, etc.".

Other than that, this is an interesting game and I like what is here already. I just wish the map was a little more legible for people who know of the city they are in. I chose a city that I am fairly knowledgeable because I live only about an hour away, and looking at the map, I had no idea where I was. Wish you could just import the Google Maps map or something.


Feb 5, 2018
Interesting game so far, only have a few questions/concerns.

It seems like it takes a very long time to start an incestuous relation, even with tension at 100. I was able to start 1 with my sister after like weeks of having tension at 100 and just staying home and doing nothing else, and then going on a date and randomly getting the option to ask her to be my girlfriend, despite her being my sister. Is there something I am missing that makes it easier to go to the next step? In many of the events I couldn't do anything, my character would just ignore the naked picture, ignore them masturbating calling out my name, while saying I don't have the courage to go to them. Is there a stat I can increase that would have allowed me to start a relationship at these points?

Another thing I noticed is that events at home only ever seemed to trigger when I was doing something. If I just left the game unpaused and let time go past, nothing happened. But if I decided to do the longest action at home, which seemed to be Creative Writing, then I would get some kind of an event every other time or so.

My final question is, when in an incestuous relationship, are there more scenes where their relationship to each other is brought up? It seemed to only be brought up in the event that started the relationship. After that the sex scenes seemed to just follow the standard descriptions and the various date scenes seemed to be the same. Not even calling each other "sister, brother, mom,daughter, dad, etc.".

Other than that, this is an interesting game and I like what is here already. I just wish the map was a little more legible for people who know of the city they are in. I chose a city that I am fairly knowledgeable because I live only about an hour away, and looking at the map, I had no idea where I was. Wish you could just import the Google Maps map or something.
Events are largely triggered when you're doing something. At the current state of the game, most events are random and modular, meaning that each events stands alone, no relation between events, controlled by the stats and random number. So, the sense of 'progression' is just an illusion.

The way the scripting API for selecting NPC to include in an events are also behaving randomly if you have multiple NPC with the same type of relationship, i.e. multiple relatives, GF/BF, spouse. This makes it hard to predict which event next to fire, and breaks the sense of progression. You may have a relative that have 100 tension, but if that relative doesn't get chosen by the API, which select an NPC at random even if you specify explicitly to select a relative, than nothing occur. This is because how the API implemented AND how they are used in the supplied event scripts. At the current state, an event script must use rigorous checks to ensure something happen.

About the masturbating scene, although it's noted that you don't have the courage to take further, if you check the script for that particular event, you'll see that nothing further is intended to happen. So, no matter what stat you tweak, that event has already gone as far as it should. The event is designed just to increase the tension, no sexual encounter meant to happen.
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creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Hi,Vinfamy,the ShowTutorial function use two FString arguments,it makes the Localization gather failed.So,can you change it to FText?
Easy enough. I'll do that for the next version
Thank you for your localization effort :)

I just wish the map was a little more legible for people who know of the city they are in. I chose a city that I am fairly knowledgeable because I live only about an hour away, and looking at the map, I had no idea where I was. Wish you could just import the Google Maps map or something.
Thanks @n1ck for doing such a great job in answering people's questions in the thread :)
You can hit Tab to show the street names (Tab again to hide, these can get very crowded).


creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017

- Anal animations
- 'Sleeping' animations (i.e. one partner remains still / appears unconscious)
- Scenes to trigger the new animations
- Unique scenes for bf / gf / spouse that used to be 'forbidden' to distinguish from the normal significant other scenes
- Some more sliders for the 'Customize NPC Distribution' menu
- Bug fixes and improvements


Dec 4, 2018
I remember checking out this game and trying to be a serial rapist, but could never figure out how to actually rape NPCs. If I brought someone home there was no option except getting them drunk first which just caused them to leave, and I couldn't figure out how to do it to randos on the street.

Also, how do you install the Content/Heavy folder into the github version of the game directory?


Feb 5, 2018

- Anal animations
- 'Sleeping' animations (i.e. one partner remains still / appears unconscious)
- Scenes to trigger the new animations
- Unique scenes for bf / gf / spouse that used to be 'forbidden' to distinguish from the normal significant other scenes
- Some more sliders for the 'Customize NPC Distribution' menu
- Bug fixes and improvements
Would you also update the docs to include the new/undocumented scripting APIs, please?

Also, I found the following behaviors with the current APIs:

Using the API like this:
Actor = getCompanion()
Actor2 = Actor.getRelatedPerson(Siblings)
While Actor2.isValid()
    // do something
    Actor2 = Actor.getRelatedPerson(Siblings)
If Actor has more than 1 siblings, getRelatedPerson() will randomly not find the rest of them. The WHILE will always run once, but after that it will randomly terminates even when I have verified that the Actor has 3 or more siblings.

I use getRelatedPerson() instead of getRelatedPeople() because there's no way I could programmatically iterate all the related NPC with the way it returned by the API. I have tried with a bunch of IFs but the code get messy very fast.

Also, this code will fail if this code is in the same scene file
Actor = getCompanion()
Actor2 = generatePerson()
addNpcRelationship(Siblings, Actor, Actor2)
// do somthing else
ActorN = Actor.getRelatedPerson(Siblings)
If ActorN.isValid()
    // do something else
ActorN won't be valid, unless it is moved into a separate scene file. addNpcRelationship() seemed won't update relationship during the running of the code. Only after the code done running the new relationship take effect.

I also have several questions/suggestion/found some quirks about the scripting API. Where should I send them?


Dec 10, 2018
My question might by funny but... How do you do sex here? Literally I tried to play it for some time, but the interface is a bit difficult to handle. Do i have to wait hours until I can have sex?
3.30 star(s) 118 Votes