Interesting game so far, only have a few questions/concerns.
It seems like it takes a very long time to start an incestuous relation, even with tension at 100. I was able to start 1 with my sister after like weeks of having tension at 100 and just staying home and doing nothing else, and then going on a date and randomly getting the option to ask her to be my girlfriend, despite her being my sister. Is there something I am missing that makes it easier to go to the next step? In many of the events I couldn't do anything, my character would just ignore the naked picture, ignore them masturbating calling out my name, while saying I don't have the courage to go to them. Is there a stat I can increase that would have allowed me to start a relationship at these points?
Another thing I noticed is that events at home only ever seemed to trigger when I was doing something. If I just left the game unpaused and let time go past, nothing happened. But if I decided to do the longest action at home, which seemed to be Creative Writing, then I would get some kind of an event every other time or so.
My final question is, when in an incestuous relationship, are there more scenes where their relationship to each other is brought up? It seemed to only be brought up in the event that started the relationship. After that the sex scenes seemed to just follow the standard descriptions and the various date scenes seemed to be the same. Not even calling each other "sister, brother, mom,daughter, dad, etc.".
Other than that, this is an interesting game and I like what is here already. I just wish the map was a little more legible for people who know of the city they are in. I chose a city that I am fairly knowledgeable because I live only about an hour away, and looking at the map, I had no idea where I was. Wish you could just import the Google Maps map or something.