The Scene Frequency setting won't actually reduce the amount of scenes you get hit with initially. What it does is alter the timeout duration of the scene once it triggers. So even if you reduce the scene frequency, you may still get hit with a lot of them early on until they trigger once and then timeout.Is there any way to tone down the frequency of random events? They happen all.the.damn.time!
I went to Settings and turned down something like "scene chance" to 0.2%, the lowest possible, but i'm still being bombarbed by random events literally every second. I have to spam the "Emergency! Skip" button at the corner of the screen or else i can't cannot make even one minute in-game because of the constant random occurrences interrupting my gameplay >.>
If there's certain scenes that you don't like, and you aren't averse to editing the scene files with a text editor, you can make them so they won't trigger at all. You can also change the timeout value of individual scenes this way if you don't want to alter them all globally with the Scene Frequency setting.
Edit: I should also mention that by hitting the Emergency button you're ensuring that the scene in question doesn't timeout, thereby making it trigger more frequently than it normally would. A scene typically has to finish normally for it to timeout and not trigger again for a while.
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