
Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Cheers, and thanks for all your kind words. It does help, I can tell you. In this case, it's not the guy that got banned, if you look at the history, there's some nice and resonable interactions there.

I think what's happened here is mostly that someone burnt by past experiences somehow's gotten to feel that devs are the unpleasantness that has has to be dealt with to get to your favorite games, like some the creepy peddler that is trying to overcharge you for your order while they keep licking their lips as they stare at your groin. I don't get that, really, I'm making the entire game free for everyone to play the moment it releases, no content locked, no paywalls in place. But I guess if you're burned good, you have a hard time seeing the difference.

Still, I can't say it doesn't burn right back. I'm putting everything I got into this, night after night, weekend after weekend, all I really want is for people to play this and enjoy this (and if you want to support in any way, you get my deepest gratitude, but if you don't or can't, I'm still happy as a June bug that you're enjoying this game, because that's why I'm doing this in the first place). Someone coming along and trying to make it like you're the thing that's wrong with this industry, or some money-grabbing corporate entity, or a lazy bum milking hapless rubes for all they got, that really throws me, and I can assure you it's the best way possible to suck the joy out of the day of any dev out there who loves this little *********** of the internet and is trying to give a little back to it.
Maybe i am to cold for this but i am tired of explaining to such people how bad experiences are not an excuse to be a dick or an asshole towards others. I always try to be polite but there is a point when i just lose it with certain people who want to make up an issue when there is nothing to complain about.

You can have 20 people praising your work and at the same day one asshole who manages to bring you down and ruin your day. In my experience we are allowing them to bring us down. We choose to let this affect us that much. So i simply started to choose that those individuals can kiss my behind and while there can eat the nuts out of my shit before i let them speak again.

Don't let this dude or anyone else bring your mood down or ruin your day. Ignore them as they only try to get to you cause they know they have nothing else in their life. If someone close to them rises they have to bring that someone down in order to elevate themselves to feel better about their life. Such people are not worth to lose a thought over.

As an old saying goes. First they ignore you. Then they make fun of you, Then they fight you (You are here). Then you win.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Cheers, and thanks for all your kind words. It does help, I can tell you. In this case, it's not the guy that got banned, if you look at the history, there's some nice and resonable interactions there.

I think what's happened here is mostly that someone burnt by past experiences somehow's gotten to feel that devs are the unpleasantness that has has to be dealt with to get to your favorite games, like some the creepy peddler that is trying to overcharge you for your order while they keep licking their lips as they stare at your groin. I don't get that, really, I'm making the entire game free for everyone to play the moment it releases, no content locked, no paywalls in place. But I guess if you're burned good, you have a hard time seeing the difference.

Still, I can't say it doesn't burn right back. I'm putting everything I got into this, night after night, weekend after weekend, all I really want is for people to play this and enjoy this (and if you want to support in any way, you get my deepest gratitude, but if you don't or can't, I'm still happy as a June bug that you're enjoying this game, because that's why I'm doing this in the first place). Someone coming along and trying to make it like you're the thing that's wrong with this industry, or some money-grabbing corporate entity, or a lazy bum milking hapless rubes for all they got, that really throws me, and I can assure you it's the best way possible to suck the joy out of the day of any dev out there who loves this little *********** of the internet and is trying to give a little back to it.
Haters love to hate. Bitchers love to bitch. Those people will always be out there. :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2017
Maybe i am to cold for this but i am tired of explaining to such people how bad experiences are not an excuse to be a dick or an asshole towards others. I always try to be polite but there is a point when i just lose it with certain people who want to make up an issue when there is nothing to complain about.

You can have 20 people praising your work and at the same day one asshole who manages to bring you down and ruin your day. In my experience we are allowing them to bring us down. We choose to let this affect us that much. So i simply started to choose that those individuals can kiss my behind and while there can eat the nuts out of my shit before i let them speak again.

Don't let this dude or anyone else bring your mood down or ruin your day. Ignore them as they only try to get to you cause they know they have nothing else in their life. If someone close to them rises they have to bring that someone down in order to elevate themselves to feel better about their life. Such people are not worth to lose a thought over.

As an old saying goes. First they ignore you. Then they make fun of you, Then they fight you (You are here). Then you win.
Truth. As an old dude I can say the one lesson I think everyone should learn is to Never accept the drama from haters and trolls _ Fuck um. Don't allow them to define you, influence your actions, get you wound up emotionally or take you off course. Live Your Life as you see fit. Give them no power or they will drag you down into the shit they wallow in and cover you in the stink. Same for drunks, crazy woman, and false friends _ stay away from them, you can't fix any of that and trying will bring nothing good into your life.

And remember: What pisses the haters and crazies off most is watching you prosper _ and that makes me smile :)


Jun 26, 2019
NR there are always going to be people that are ungrateful and/or are assholes. You find them in every walk of life, profession, and hobby. You just have to center yourself enough to realize that they are the ones in the wrong and don't feed into anyone else's issues. Are there some devs that burn or milk supporters? Sure. Is that really worth anyone doing anything beyond not supporting them? No. So don't feel worried about having to justify someone else's crazy personal crusader.

Light of My Life is by far one of the best games on here by a long shot.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020


Active Member
Nov 24, 2018
I'm gonna play devils advocate here; lots of games on here have LOOONG update times that end up with the game being abandoned, the dev going completely silent, and running an inactive Patreon (basically stealing money from the people that supported them)... that's not what's happening with this game (thankfully) but I understand where that dude is coming from, he didn't express his feelings in a healthy manner but with so many games on here (games with great potential) getting abandoned he's justifiably angry... I get angry too but I don't shit post, I just move on with my life (lol).

In a perfect world this dev would be making enough money to hire a team to work on the game for them; create amazing updates every month, with branching storylines, character expansions, spin-offs, and a dick on every girl (it would be amazing), with money left over for blackjack and hookers! But we don't live in a perfect world...


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
You may feel you have a right to complain, but you should have no expectation that what you say has any influence on the project. We also get rather tired of people popping into forums to complain without taking the time to understand first. It may be a bit crude, but the old adage, money talks, bullshit walks, still applies in commercial spaces. In a public forum on a private space, you have the opportunity (not right) to talk, but no guarantee that you'll be taken seriously.

There are a few developers who are putting out very uncommon content that is not appreciated by the average player, whose work appeals to a limited demographic because of the emotional quality of the story (we tend to be older too). LoML is one of those gems. Like I said, not everyone "gets" this game, and your rather thoughtless reaction (showing not a lot of forethought) suggests that right now, you don't get it. I hope you find the ability to appreciate it, or barring that, find a game that does meet your interests and sensibility.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
Not sure what you mean by that. The progress image is readily available.
Jamdan there's just poking a bit of fun I think. :D

Equal Rights? I thought F95 was a private company, not an elected government.
Dave's back with an opinion? Most of them seem to be about how all opinions are equally valid and should be expressed at all time, and I totally get that position since he's always had sooo many of them but no-one wants to pay them much attention for some reason. I otoh just express my God-given understanding of equal rights and logical thinking to utilize the ignore button on this particular one.

That reminds me, I wrote a very short story a little while back for my own amusement. Not in response to that particular user btw, he's been off my radar for a long time now. Anyways, I thought I'd share it, since otherwise it'd go to waste:

My opinion chair.

I have this thing I like to call my "opinion" chair. It's really nice, quite expensive too, made of white porcelain. I had it installed in my bathroom so as to have a place where I can have a little bit of peace and quiet for when I make my opinions. Every day, I go there and I sit, and I work on my opinions for a bit. You can tell it's hard work, because I go real quiet, and my face screws up, like I'm concentrating real hard and stuff. And then I form my opinions.

When they're done, I take out my phone and I photograph what I created, and I put that up on every social medium and every discussion board and forum that I can. Usually, it's under an alter or throwaway account these days because there's always oppressive asshats that want to suppress my opinions because they're smallminded and petty, and my dimwitted family long since blocked me on all media, but I don't let that stop me, and you shouldn't either.

Never mind that everyone says it's just shit, deep in your heart you know what you're spreading is pure gold, so put your face real close to the seat there and take a deep whiff of that heady aroma, and smile at your accomplishments.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
There is always a good way to express disappointment. Not by anger, nor by insult, nor by denigration. It is still necessary to have a serious motive for this. Just because a number of unscrupulous DEVs behave like money pumps by producing nothing but a wallpaper from time to time that they are all in the same bag. I mentioned above a number of VNs that deserve our praise because their DEVs produce quality with respect for their supporters. And NR is obviously part of this elite. J'ai dit !


Game Developer
Jan 21, 2021
You are correct that no one has to give money to the developer and I am one of those that chose not to because of the extreme length of time between updates. EVERYONE has a right to decide which games to support and ALSO which games to complain about regardless if they spend money or not. I am always surprised by how many people incorrectly assume that you can only complain about something that you pay for while complaining about people that do not pay for it. Very short sighted and shows a total lack of understand equal rights and logical thinking.
While what you say is true, it is also true that idiotic complaints remain idiotic. But of course, EVERYONE has the right to be an idiot if they want to.
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