Jesus tap dancing christ, I don't check the site for one day and I miss four pages of bitching. I wanna get in on it, dammit!
Yeah, the game absolutley *should* be using 256x the total game size in memory. That makes perfect sense. Unless I missed a couple zeros, I'm working on limited time with how long this post is about to get.
Like, she wrote some really shitty fake gambling bullshit instead of the incredibly obvious *and incredibly easy* game of strip poker. Like, I used to teach intro to programming students how to create a five card draw poker game in javascript back when I was teaching at a uni lol
It's so god damn obvious, I'm honestly still bothered by the fact that it wasn't done. My only assumption is that she couldn't figure out how to remove items of clothing with a bunch of the edge cases like sealed clothing. Which, you know, is also super easy to get around if you just check the god damn player inventory before starting.
Totally unrelatetd... *cough cough* I might have already created this in my own game prototype *specifically* because this bothered me so much lol
Everything about Nyan's fucking quest screams "shitty highschool fanfic bullshit", including kay.
Monica is some equally useless NPC who I can't even tell you about because she's not even interesting enough to be infuriating.
Except the SoP games have like, passable game elements to them. The current SoP does get updates like, once every three months. Which amazingly is still more often that LT.
Okay, first, not surprised. Second, are you rocking 64GB+ of memory or something? WTF computer are you playing this game on lolSince there isn't a whole lot going on upstream, how about we talk about how LT will happily allocate a total of 41GB of RAM for about two minutes of gameplay?
Yeah, the game absolutley *should* be using 256x the total game size in memory. That makes perfect sense. Unless I missed a couple zeros, I'm working on limited time with how long this post is about to get.
lmao, if you told me that Inno knew what lists were when she created that, I'd have not believed you.
DUDE! FUCKING RIGHT?!Also still surprised there isn't like, a strip dice game or something. or any kind of mini-game in that vein.
Like, she wrote some really shitty fake gambling bullshit instead of the incredibly obvious *and incredibly easy* game of strip poker. Like, I used to teach intro to programming students how to create a five card draw poker game in javascript back when I was teaching at a uni lol
It's so god damn obvious, I'm honestly still bothered by the fact that it wasn't done. My only assumption is that she couldn't figure out how to remove items of clothing with a bunch of the edge cases like sealed clothing. Which, you know, is also super easy to get around if you just check the god damn player inventory before starting.
Totally unrelatetd... *cough cough* I might have already created this in my own game prototype *specifically* because this bothered me so much lol
Kay's the owner of the warehouse you goto once and never come back. He's got some really shitty interactions where he's instantly your bitch or something. Like, straight up you just show up, do the fight that only exists because discord loved getting fucked by two random, incredibly pointless NPCs, and then suddenly this fuckstick with no personality immediately decides to cross dress and change their pronouns just because you ask them to. Something that could be interesting, if the character had any personality or background at all. Instead you just show up and you're like "yeah, you're a girl now, wear this dress" and she's like "yeah, okay."Now, in regards to the content implemented in update 4.2... who the fuck are Monica and Kay? I want to say Kay is somehow involved in Nyan's updated clusterfuck of a romance quest, but I got nothing for Monica. Seriously, which one of the two dozen unremarkable and redundant NPCs in Ellis was she? A merchant? Guard? Centaur? 4.1.19 addition that anyone who feared an update even Inno described as 'unstable' wouldn't know about?
Everything about Nyan's fucking quest screams "shitty highschool fanfic bullshit", including kay.
Monica is some equally useless NPC who I can't even tell you about because she's not even interesting enough to be infuriating.
This was me, like two years ago loland the more I look at it the more I suspect that the current system is going to have to be gutted and replaced with something more memory efficient.
Okay, as someone who really, really hates GRRM, that's not fair to him at all. At least he managed to get someone else to turn his work into a good show for three seasons. That's something. And his writing might be shit, but its at least publishable shit lolMy god Inno really is the George R.R Martin of h-game development eh
That's a good comparison.i can give the closest comparison to this as Strive For Power.
Except the SoP games have like, passable game elements to them. The current SoP does get updates like, once every three months. Which amazingly is still more often that LT.
Just skip all that shit and enslave a couple demons and set them up for 24 hour shifts in a milker. It took me like three days of in game time to start rolling over the $2b money limit.You can abuse the enchanting system by making normal and transformation potions. You can earn up to 500¤ profit per potion assuming you just buy the cheapest ingredients. You can get bottled essences from the weapon's shop in the Dominion mall and drink them to get essence for echanting.
No. They won't. Just like, straight up they won't.Will the dev ever truly expand the sex options beyond it getting repetitive. Like come on expand on the fetish dialog.
Both of those are things that might happen, but we're likely a decade away from either being done to the point you're hoping. In three years basically no real meaningful progress has been done on that front.Allow for modding sex dialog.
Make a modding tool/ better api.