
Jan 25, 2018

Like, she wrote some really shitty fake gambling bullshit instead of the incredibly obvious *and incredibly easy* game of strip poker. Like, I used to teach intro to programming students how to create a five card draw poker game in javascript back when I was teaching at a uni lol

It's so god damn obvious, I'm honestly still bothered by the fact that it wasn't done. My only assumption is that she couldn't figure out how to remove items of clothing with a bunch of the edge cases like sealed clothing. Which, you know, is also super easy to get around if you just check the god damn player inventory before starting.

Totally unrelatetd... *cough cough* I might have already created this in my own game prototype *specifically* because this bothered me so much lol
I'd always think the first natural thing to think of using gambling for in a lewd game, is for strip games! Who wants cash, when you can have EROTICA?
Also man you can't just talk about things like that, and not show it.
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Active Member
May 22, 2020
does anyone know a way to make money fast
1. Play through main quest at least until you've run into Brax for the first time (you're going to need a slaver license, so you might as well at least meet Scarlett).
2. Get the Orgasmic Level Drain Perk and start fighting Imp patrols in Submission.
3. As you begin to win the fights, loot the potions from the second Imp and the weapons/jewelry/money from the leader.
4. By the time you hit lvl 50 - and have sold your loot - you should have enough money to start up a milking operation.
5. Enslave four Imps, turn them into futas and max out all their fluid production.
6. One milking room with four futa-Imps working 24/7 and your only money problem will be what the fuck to do with it all.


Jan 26, 2020
1. Play through main quest at least until you've run into Brax for the first time (you're going to need a slaver license, so you might as well at least meet Scarlett).
2. Get the Orgasmic Level Drain Perk and start fighting Imp patrols in Submission.
3. As you begin to win the fights, loot the potions from the second Imp and the weapons/jewelry/money from the leader.
4. By the time you hit lvl 50 - and have sold your loot - you should have enough money to start up a milking operation.
5. Enslave four Imps, turn them into futas and max out all their fluid production.
6. One milking room with four futa-Imps working 24/7 and your only money problem will be what the fuck to do with it all.
i went about it differently, but in a less game-breaking way and something that gave me a steady increase in income instead of just flat profit.

basically? maids. maids everywhere. every single room is filled with either maids or office workers. nothing else, just maids. race doesn't matter, sex doesn't matter, nothing matters - just maids, working around the clock with six hours of rest.

easily over 100k every week, but not so game-breaking that it straight up destroyed the non-existent economy.

in short: maids are love, maids are life. maids.
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Jan 26, 2020
Jesus tap dancing christ, I don't check the site for one day and I miss four pages of bitching. I wanna get in on it, dammit!

Okay, first, not surprised. Second, are you rocking 64GB+ of memory or something? WTF computer are you playing this game on lol

Yeah, the game absolutley *should* be using 256x the total game size in memory. That makes perfect sense. Unless I missed a couple zeros, I'm working on limited time with how long this post is about to get.

lmao, if you told me that Inno knew what lists were when she created that, I'd have not believed you.


Like, she wrote some really shitty fake gambling bullshit instead of the incredibly obvious *and incredibly easy* game of strip poker. Like, I used to teach intro to programming students how to create a five card draw poker game in javascript back when I was teaching at a uni lol

It's so god damn obvious, I'm honestly still bothered by the fact that it wasn't done. My only assumption is that she couldn't figure out how to remove items of clothing with a bunch of the edge cases like sealed clothing. Which, you know, is also super easy to get around if you just check the god damn player inventory before starting.

Totally unrelatetd... *cough cough* I might have already created this in my own game prototype *specifically* because this bothered me so much lol

Kay's the owner of the warehouse you goto once and never come back. He's got some really shitty interactions where he's instantly your bitch or something. Like, straight up you just show up, do the fight that only exists because discord loved getting fucked by two random, incredibly pointless NPCs, and then suddenly this fuckstick with no personality immediately decides to cross dress and change their pronouns just because you ask them to. Something that could be interesting, if the character had any personality or background at all. Instead you just show up and you're like "yeah, you're a girl now, wear this dress" and she's like "yeah, okay."

Everything about Nyan's fucking quest screams "shitty highschool fanfic bullshit", including kay.

Monica is some equally useless NPC who I can't even tell you about because she's not even interesting enough to be infuriating.

This was me, like two years ago lol

Okay, as someone who really, really hates GRRM, that's not fair to him at all. At least he managed to get someone else to turn his work into a good show for three seasons. That's something. And his writing might be shit, but its at least publishable shit lol

That's a good comparison.

Except the SoP games have like, passable game elements to them. The current SoP does get updates like, once every three months. Which amazingly is still more often that LT.

Just skip all that shit and enslave a couple demons and set them up for 24 hour shifts in a milker. It took me like three days of in game time to start rolling over the $2b money limit.

No. They won't. Just like, straight up they won't.

Both of those are things that might happen, but we're likely a decade away from either being done to the point you're hoping. In three years basically no real meaningful progress has been done on that front.
you know, i scroll through this thread and see nothing but dislike and steadily growing hatred for the devs, and i understand a lot of it but brushed it aside because i understand burning out of a game development project and leaving it alone with tiny incremental updates to keep people interested.

i understand the hatred. i understand the dev.

and then i saw what the game was doing to my fucking memory like what the fuck-

i did a level 3 video game design and technology course in college and moved on to an additional three years in university, and i've seen it all. and i mean, i have seen some shit.

i have never, in literally all my 23 years of existence, seen such a travesty of coding and mismanagement of resources. i took one look at the code and my fucking eyes bled, my brain began leaking, my fucking ears ruptured. it was like staring into the sun and the sun directly staring back, daring you to look away. but you cant, because if you do you'll miss the sun suddenly getting just that little bit bigger, and then bam you're fucked up the arse with over 50GB of memory just gone, eradicated, reduced to atoms-

my everything hurts, and now i need to lie dow. rock on with the hate-party boys, rock on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Nah, I "only" have 32GB in that system (and only 2GB of swap, because I like to live on the edge). :p Besides, I "only" tend to give Java an 8GB heap to work with, so that's a hard limit.

It isn't that the game is allocating 41GB all at once, it's that it keeps rapidly allocating and destroying objects. For a while I wondered why the game seemed to run very smoothly with my status deferral patch on certain systems (my gaming PC and my MacBook Pro when docked) and not-so-well on others (my ThinkPad, and my MacBook Pro when undocked).

Now that I see what's doing, I think the game is tearing through allocations so quickly that shared RAM is actually proving to be a bottleneck! My gaming PC uses a dedicated GPU, so obviously shared RAM isn't a concern on there. The MBP is wired up so that the dedicated GPU is forced on when you plug in an external monitor (via DisplayPort/Thunderbolt, not AirPlay), but it generally runs with integrated graphics like most laptops, and when it does the same lag happens there. The ThinkPad only has integrated graphics.

So, yeah…if I continue working on performance mods I'm going to exclusively develop them on the ThinkPad, since that's going to give me the most honest view of the game's performance. If this is the case (and I'm fairly certain it is) that would explain why the CPU usage seemed to be reasonably low despite the game lagging to high heaven. My status deferral mod makes it less bad on these systems, but there's a lot more tomfoolery at foot.

I honestly never thought I'd need to think about low-level hardware design in relation to a Java game, but here we are.
Okay, that makes more sense. My limited java tool knowledge is showing, because I couldn't pick that out lol

i went about it differently, but in a less game-breaking way and something that gave me a steady increase in income instead of just flat profit.

basically? maids. maids everywhere. every single room is filled with either maids or office workers. nothing else, just maids. race doesn't matter, sex doesn't matter, nothing matters - just maids, working around the clock with six hours of rest.

easily over 100k every week, but not so game-breaking that it straight up destroyed the non-existent economy.

in short: maids are love, maids are life. maids.
That sounds even more game breaking, in that having that many slaves breaks the game's performance...

I'll stick with only 2-7 in a single room.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
1. The companion system was initially modder content that she integrated into the game.
2. She canned it because it was causing issues moving forward (too many variables to consider when adding new sexable characters). Basically, updates would be even slower and with more delays than the present circumstances.

In other words, not happening. The best she will do is temporary companions now, when they get added.
IMO she made a mistake leaving that chunk of the code behind. Were it up to me I would have wiped that entire section instead of turning into a goddamn toggeable, because that means some people are going to enable it and then cry when the game breaks left and right (on top of everything else).
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Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2019
Is it just me, or is the combat difficult? Because I found myself instantly wiped in the first combat encounter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2018
Is it just me, or is the combat difficult? Because I found myself instantly wiped in the first combat encounter.
It's not really difficult, but it can be a bit random the first few levels since some of the racial moves are brutal to a Lvl1 character. Maybe buy some gear and go beat up a few harpies, they're a lot more consistent. And don't fight Brax if you don't know your stuff yet, that's a bit of a notorious difficulty spike as well.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Is it just me, or is the combat difficult? Because I found myself instantly wiped in the first combat encounter.
The game has basically zero progression curve when it comes to combat. So if you're just starting out it'll seem really hard.

The first day, while the arcane storm is going, just use tease and you'll win 9/10 fights on turn one.

When the arcane storm is done, you'll have to start looking for ways to improve/equip yourself. And once you find them you'll no longer have to worry about combat at all lol

Can't really be any more specific than that without completely ruining the fun lol


Jan 26, 2020
Is it just me, or is the combat difficult? Because I found myself instantly wiped in the first combat encounter.
i found it difficult too, but i figured out a pattern in most of the enemy types i think will help you until you get an elemental to tank the damage for you.

in short? block. a lot.

long? the enemy seem - or at least for me - to randomly attack in ways that doesn't often make sense, but i figured a pattern to about seventy percent of the characters i fought through trial and error. if an enemy attacks with nothing but attacks that inflict lust, or block damage themselves, use your fireball spell and a single arcane strike attack.

if you see them attack with anything that does more than 10 damage block. but not just once, no, use the block command three times to gain the critical block bonus and bloc up to a bonus of 24-28.

to summarise: if you see them use lust attacks of low-damage attacks, attack with everything you possible have. if you see them use high damage attacks, spam block. if you need healing mid-fight be sure to buy a few items form the mall at 'Ralph's Snacks' and activate them through the inventory.

this is incredibly basic and doesn't take into account anything at all, really, but it's a basic starting point if you dont want to just lust attack your way through arcane storm to level up quickly.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
Is it just me, or is the combat difficult? Because I found myself instantly wiped in the first combat encounter.
Your character doesn't start with full health, so the very first thing you should do, when you start the game is rest for 1 hour and then take a thorough shower, they will provide 2 small buffs for a few hours. Now, go out during the Arcane storm and use your seduce action for every combat, you should be able to win most every battle in one round.

Alternatively, you can pick the Soldier background and it will help a lot. It gives you double damage on your first round of attacks in a fight. So, main hand attack, main hand attack, main hand attack (third attack is a crit as well), then click end turn. The only things I couldn't beat in a single round were the cows and horses, they are very tanky when you are level 1.
Combat is pretty broken right now, with the soldier background, the martial arts perk, and some random pair of brass knuckles off of a random alley attacker and I can beat pretty much everything in the game, in a single round of combat.

If you don't mind piercings, pick up the full cow set (Nose, ear, and neck) from Finch in the slave market, it will add about +15 physical and you can pick up the rainbow gloves and stockings, from Nyan, for another 5-10 physical points.
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Feb 7, 2021
does anyone know a way to make money fast
Okay look, the real way to make money fast is to find a demon. It's been a while since I played so I might get some terms wrong, but all you need is a demon or slime, some character that you can transform at will. Then you enslave them, pump up their milk / cum production to ridiculous levels, and put them into a milking room at your mansion. Leave them in it 24/7 and it will print money.

It is of course wholly unethical, but I think once you see the returns you'll rethink your morals.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Okay look, the real way to make money fast is to find a demon. It's been a while since I played so I might get some terms wrong, but all you need is a demon or slime, some character that you can transform at will. Then you enslave them, pump up their milk / cum production to ridiculous levels, and put them into a milking room at your mansion. Leave them in it 24/7 and it will print money.

It is of course wholly unethical, but I think once you see the returns you'll rethink your morals.
It's a game where you own slaves... I don't really think ethics is something we're concerned with lol


Jun 15, 2021
It's a game where you own slaves... I don't really think ethics is something we're concerned with lol
Depends on whether or not the demon wants to be endlessly milked 24/7. If they totally get off on the idea, then what's the moral dilemma?

What I'd like to see is some autonomy in the NPCs. Limit it to the mansion if need be, but have them wander around, fucking each other, trying on other clothes, picking up the weird bottles to taste, slipping into MC's bathroom while they're in the shower... I shouldn't be the only one making things happen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
Depends on whether or not the demon wants to be endlessly milked 24/7. If they totally get off on the idea, then what's the moral dilemma?

What I'd like to see is some autonomy in the NPCs. Limit it to the mansion if need be, but have them wander around, fucking each other, trying on other clothes, picking up the weird bottles to taste, slipping into MC's bathroom while they're in the shower... I shouldn't be the only one making things happen.
Well, your slaves do spend time banging each other, some of it just happens 'off screen'. If you look through the ledger in the office you will see entries where you slaves get jiggy with each other. You can get a random encounter wandering around the mansion where you can watch a pair going at it, join in, or just leave them alone.
Having them sneak into the shower with you or give you a drive by fucking while you are using a milking stall, would be a nice change. The random surprise sexing at night or early morning, you can receive from them is fun once in a while, but a little variation would be nice too.


Nov 21, 2018
I figured I'd come and offset my more negative post with something more constructive and helpful to the overall community.

If you're like me, and like to play a wide variety of characters with differing preferences, you've probably noticed how much of a colossal pain in the ass it can be to change those preferences around constantly, as they are not saved to each individual character file. Well, I thought I'd share a time-saving tip I've discovered a while back.

  1. Make a folder in your DATA folder and call it whatever you want.
  2. Next, copy and paste your current properties file into there.
  3. Rename it to the character's name or whatever you'll be able to remember.
  4. Now, the next time you change your preferences around for another character, copy and paste that properties file into the same folder.
Now you have two separate files with different species/gender/orientation/age preferences, and can swap between them whenever you want. You can have as many as you want. Just make sure to rename them to "properties" or the game won't read them. If someone with a more educated opinion can confirm or deny that this works without issue, I'd appreciate their help.
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Sep 21, 2018
Depends on whether or not the demon wants to be endlessly milked 24/7. If they totally get off on the idea, then what's the moral dilemma?

What I'd like to see is some autonomy in the NPCs. Limit it to the mansion if need be, but have them wander around, fucking each other, trying on other clothes, picking up the weird bottles to taste, slipping into MC's bathroom while they're in the shower... I shouldn't be the only one making things happen.
ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?! Have you seen how badly the game slows down when you have ten or slaves working for you? And you want them to be MORE COMPLICATED, using MORE MEMORY?

...jokes aside, this would be a very nice addition. There's no chance in hell it will ever be implemented in a way that will not completely fuck up the game though. Not without either a modder championing the cause or Inno putting in a huge amount of effort into cleaning up the code so everything runs better.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I'd say there's an ethical way to keep slaves, and an unethical way. There are kind ways to kill, and unkind ways. Locking your slaves in a milking machine for the rest of their lives seems pretty unethical lmao
Depends on whether or not the demon wants to be endlessly milked 24/7. If they totally get off on the idea, then what's the moral dilemma?

What I'd like to see is some autonomy in the NPCs. Limit it to the mansion if need be, but have them wander around, fucking each other, trying on other clothes, picking up the weird bottles to taste, slipping into MC's bathroom while they're in the shower... I shouldn't be the only one making things happen.
What both of you are missing is the incredibly awful ethical concerns that are raised by my ability to *force* an NPC to like being tortured for the rest of their life lol

This is a world where I can force feed people a single potion and completely mindfuck them into wanting to be stuck to a rape rack pouring out money for me. And not a single one of these people volunteered for this duty. Even the ones who are generated with the right perks do not willingly submit to being enslaved.
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