Ah well, i've been following p and p for about 5 years now i think. Supported them a while in the beginning, but found out they are not very talkative on patreon. So i cancelled because for me personally there is no fun in being a patron that way.
Also the time between updates might have become a bit longer but not by that much, it has more or less always been this way. I assume this project isn't their main income, and from my experience working 6 days a week, weeks sometimes feel like days

. There is still effort put in this project. So if that effort is done in their free time besides all the other things in life you have to cram into that, i don't think 6 months ish isn't that long. It sure is when your waiting on it, but not when your working on it. Ofcourse that is, if my assumption is true.
Also the scenes of late might have become a bit less exciting. But i think it also becomes harder to write new and exciting scenario's when you've been working on a story for so long. So that side project they are doing might not be that bad at all. To get to work with a new story, and might come up with some fresh ideas for their main game as well. That's my 2 cents.
But my point is, this has always been this way. I think i have read this discussion(around update time) over 10 times now

. This is just how p and p work. The way they handle patreon might be a recipe to piss some people off. But once i knew what to expect from them it became a lot less frustrating waiting for updates. I still like their game, so every once in a while i drop a dollar to see what they've been up to all this time. And i might pay full price for a month once they release the update. And for four months i don't pay attention at all.
That's ofcourse the way i see this, everyone should have their own opinion.