Quick completion of the game is unacceptable !
(Fast and incomprehensible endings will only kill the game for so much time developing the game to interesting moments and then the end ! Now making the end of the game Will kill the game and will be a wasted time of sponsors fans and the creator of the game! + Sponsors ' money will be wasted ! )
It is unacceptable to even think about finishing the game in the near future !
The game still has a lot of potential in the development and expansion of the game world !
There is still a lot to show and tell !
There are so many places and so many people , and all this needs to be shown and told , so that the game world could be filled and expanded even more !
(Not every game has the potential for such development and expansion of the game world!)
We need to develop the game !
[P and P] seem to understand this (Sort of understand
[P and P] slowly but surely lead the development of the game filling the world of the game! (I hope so !
My opinion.
The latest updates [P and P] pleased especially about the photo shoot, the bar and the owner of the bar
, workers building a house and a toilet in the park + [P and P] in the latest news pleased - [P and P] - did not forget about the massage That was great news