Guys, please help, I'm so confused about Ecstasy. Is it a separate game or is it scenes put into the main game? All I want to the full experience, even if KEY has historically horrible h-scenes. When I try to open REALLIVE.EVE in the Ecstasy folder, it opens a blank 800x600 screen, and when I right click it gives me a menu of gibberish. The Little Busters! steam version works fine.
Ecstasy is basically an expanded version of the game (so it's base game + ecstasy routes + h-scenes). It's utterly not worth it, not only because the scenes are poor,
untranslated and don't fit the story and atmosphere of the game at all, but also because the Steam version is basically almost a full remake engine-wise (content wise it's the same as ecstasy minus the h-scenes, the new routes are there), so if you play ecstasy you have to deal with a very outdated version.
As for your direct issue, I think I managed to run the ecstasy version from the main post using some sort of locale emulator, but it's been a while. Steam version working is irrelevant, since it's a completely different engine. But you should just run the game as normal (the ecstasy game, I mean). It doesn't have a separate exe for ecstasy or anything, it's just an expanded version of the whole game.