Raybar, allow me to answer some of what you have asked :
Kagura Games, a dedicated localisation company, have been known to steal translations, and when they haven't, have botched a lot of translations (either mistranslating, dumbing it down or like they have from these screenshots, using a horrible font and other misc. issues).
They are also quite well known for agreeing to translate something, then holding onto it for a long time (such as the case is here, look at how quickly I got both the original translation, and its subsequent updates, out to everyone here, while keeping people up-to-date with how it was going)
frankly, between the trailer and screenshots, I, and many here, have both concerns and a bit of annoyance at how they are treating this translation. (there is also admittedly a level of amusement that it is taking them this long to put out what looks like a potential half-assed job)
While I will never claim my translation is a professional work, I atleast took the time and effort to make sure the game was as close to what Inusuku intended, both in appearance and wording (and font
It's been over a year since KG took on Imouto Fantasy as a project, and in that time we have : a lame trailer, in which actual footage of the game is still untranslated, and 2 screenshots showcasing a terrible font, a bad image edit (no transparency applied to status box) and a very weird space usage in the upper bar, also by taking State out of the status box, it now looks like "Guild Rep. Totally Obscure _ _ _ Amazing" which is just... urgh..).
and as bdikkus posted while I was typing this, showing off 2 screenshots, both only holding a single line of dialogue, doesn't inspire confidence considering what they did to the title of the game. also, cheers for calling my translation awful (also, first post in 5 years is this?).