Unity LOK: Rebirth [v0.1.8.0 Test] [The Tribe Devs]

1.60 star(s) 24 Votes


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait. So, this is a remake of of the last remake, which is still being done by the exact same development guy? How did he screw it up that badly, that he had to restart again?!
This is the first restart. LoK:Rebirth was not a remake of an earlier game. It was based on the original LoK game and had elements of other spin-offs, but it was never a remake.

The restart happened about a year ago. If you want to know the details, check the LoK:Rebirth thread.
This version looks like it was done in Flash
Why does it still have the Unity tag, then? This game is not made in Flash, if you really think that was the case. No sane person would start a project of their planned scope in Flash.


May 4, 2018
very interesting.

however a few flaws i feel are the way the camera works. mostly issues with properly detailing depth and missing jumps. but all around seems like a pretty good base to work from.


New Member
Mar 2, 2020
This is the first restart. LoK:Rebirth was not a remake of an earlier game. It was based on the original LoK game and had elements of other spin-offs, but it was never a remake.
yes, because copying a game's format, characters, gameplay concept/perspective, premise and name and subtitling it "rebirth" is totally a different thing than remaking it because ThE dEvElOpEr SaId So

such an important distinction to make because a remake of a spiritual successor of a ripoff of an established IP has SO MUCH MORE INTEGRITY than a remake of a remake of a ripoff of an estalbished IP


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
yes, because copying a game's format, characters, gameplay concept/perspective, premise and name and subtitling it "rebirth" is totally a different thing than remaking it because ThE dEvElOpEr SaId So

such an important distinction to make because a remake of a spiritual successor of a ripoff of an established IP has SO MUCH MORE INTEGRITY than a remake of a remake of a ripoff of an estalbished IP
Does it matter?


Aug 10, 2017
yes, because copying a game's format, characters, gameplay concept/perspective, premise and name and subtitling it "rebirth" is totally a different thing than remaking it because ThE dEvElOpEr SaId So

such an important distinction to make because a remake of a spiritual successor of a ripoff of an established IP has SO MUCH MORE INTEGRITY than a remake of a remake of a ripoff of an estalbished IP
Yeah going to have to agree with this. Not sure how someone would claim it's not a remake when it's almost the same game but with moden engin and a bit more of a story


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
you're the one who said it wasn't a remake
Sure. But people continuously bring up that they think LoK:Rebirth already was a remake without explaining why that is a bad thing. I don't think it was a remake. The developers say they weren't making a remake. Does it make it a remake based on what you think makes it a remake or does intention matter as well?

And some people here even claim that every single LoK game was a remake of the original one. Where that original one apparently was a ripoff of the source material. Now my question with that is, is it possible at all to make a LoK game without you considering it a remake? If your answer is yes, what requirements have to be met? And if the answer is no, why bring it up? Does it even matter? If every LoK game is a remake, does that make them all bad, or can you judge them on their own merits.

People seem to really want to grasp at that one word. As if that word proves that the game is bad and is doomed to fail. What they should do instead is bring up evidence that points out what makes the game, or the development for that matter, bad. See if you can give constructive criticism so they can do better. Because right now the majority of this thread is just toxic circlejerking and senseless arguments.


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
Well, it looks like everyone's already given their opinion about remake, rebuild or whatever. Also the SJW's arguments about milking were exposed and also the Dev's motives, the clairvoyants have already made their predictions too, so it doesn't make sense to continue with the same.
So from now on let's talk about the game and its mechanisms, art, story, etc, since very little has been seen of these until now and that's what this thread is for.
So let's avoid warns, bans and keep the thread in peace.
Last edited:


Aug 10, 2017
And the forum gods have spoken, lets hope people read that part and not skip over and try to restart it all


Jul 29, 2018
Well, it looks like everyone's already given their opinion about remake, rebuild or whatever. Also the SJW's arguments about milking were exposed and also the Dev's motives, the clairvoyants have already made their predictions too, so it doesn't make sense to continue with the same.
So from now on let's talk about the game and its mechanisms, art, story, etc, since very little has been seen of these until now and that's what this thread is for.
So let's avoid warns, bans and keep the thread in peace.
Welp, sorry did not see this until i finished responding. Did not mean any harm.


Apr 26, 2018
I've tried to see how this tech demo is and i have to agree that the old graphics where way better than the new one.
And those wheren't even exceptional to me but at least the overall design was okaysh even if the sort of humanized female faces where super weird

Random Bob

Sep 12, 2018
This definitely comes down to preference, but I really liked the old Krystal's face, especially looking from the side, this one's kinda dopey. It looks fine from the front though.
0.8 was in my opinion very good looking. Fairly high quality assets but still reminiscent of the old Krystal games, charming in a way. Regretfully, gameplay was far worse, with glacial pacing and tedious movement, although the scenes were perfectly fine.


Dec 24, 2019
Hoooo boi , i`ve been waiting for this remake for a long time now ever since i found out about the previous game.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
Jesus fucking Christ what a shit show of a thread. I'm going to preface this by stating that I'm Vlad, the project manager/writer of LoK:R. I'm going to respond to as many things that merit responses as I can, and then I'm going to probably take a long break from coming back to this absolute shit-fest, because this website isn't good for my sanity. We have an extremely transparent development process and people can join the discord and @ me to talk about the game whenever they want. Discord link is on our patreon page.

If I sound angry, or sarcastic, forgive me, but reading this has put me in a very awful mood. I had to deal with this shit on the old thread, and now I have to deal with the same exact shit again.

Now then, onto dissecting this shit storm.

Tl;dr most people in this thread have no idea what they're talking about.

Yeah, it's based off of the old Legend of Krystal. It's not a direct continuation of it, though, and we have nothing to do with the original team that worked on it. We just thought that it was a really cool game that deserved something of a sequel. There were also many different variations on LoK, including version G which was made by Gorepete. I highly recommend playing it, it's a good game.

That's what we're aiming for, and we're pretty dedicated on that.

Unfortunately v0.8 is dead, we couldn't continue it even if we wanted to.

Indeed, one of the first porn games I ever played. Brings back a lot of nostalgia.

Yes it was, and we're working on it.

It's kind of a remake of Legend of Krystal: Rebirth. Because we had internal strife with 0.8, and for various reasons we abandoned it. Abelius is doing his own project now (Which I recommend checking out), and Kuja/I are continuing on LoK with a fresh start.

If everyone thought as you do, immediately. But we work on it so long as we can afford to, and we work very hard on it. Kuja is a ridiculously hard worker and accusing us of being scammers or lazy is disingenuous criticism. We don't make much money on this project, most of us have second jobs in order to pay our rent, myself included. You should watch the streams some time.

And many would disagree with you. Subjective opinions are just that.

We'll see, but we're making pretty decent progress on it.

Yeah, I don't think this is a factor of a curse, it was just some internal drama that caused the restart. It's done and over with, we'll make the game.

LoK:R was never intended to be a remake. It was always intended to be its own thing, and be kind of a nod to the original.

Yes, it has a ton of placeholders. It was more or less to give our patrons a chance to test the movement and camera/environment. The UI is more or less completed and is a good measure of our quality. Aside from that, animations take time, especially with incredibly complex models.

The reason why the animation is taking way longer than with the old version of LoK:R, is because it's now substantially more complex. We have to plan for character customization, and context sensitive customization at that.

View attachment 778914

For example this clothing must be rigged in such a way that we can replace it with something else in the animation. The rigs are very intensive and complex. View attachment 778915

We plan for customization to the clothing, with layers, hair, breasts, and tail. These things need to be accounted for in the rig, and it's very difficult to do so, that is why animation has taken so ridiculously long.

If you want to speak to Archie about the complexities of animation, then you may join the discord and do so, he'll gladly explain why it is so difficult.

But as the rigs are completed, animations will be made faster.

It didn't get canceled. We're literally having to remake it, all the characters will remain present. There are many assets we can't use because we don't have them anyway, and we're upgrading everything as much as we can.

I'm sure it will be, we are very passionate about making a good game.

Thank you! The demo was very rough, and we're aware of how rough it was, we wanted to show off the gameplay, UI, and dialogue. Stuff that you couldn't do in 0.8, like have companions and control them, the ability to move objects around and complete puzzles.

It honestly shocks me how many people complain about things we weren't trying to show off in the demo. Like, yes, we know there are placeholders, we literally stated it in the intro. Look at the new shit that wasn't in 0.8 and couldn't have been in 0.8.


We're on it, boss.

I mean, would you rather it have died completely? We're remaking it because we have a team passionate about finishing it. There was internal strife, shit happens. You can either be negative about it, or be positive. We saw it as an opportunity to do new things and improve on it.

We'll try not to. Nothing is guaranteed but I can tell you that the team really loves the game, and want to make it.

You're joking, right? Do you have any clue how much money we lost in the restart? Do you know how scared and nervous we were about announcing that we had to restart the project? Do you know how little money we make individually off of this project?

And we aren't reusing assets, we have made literally everything from scratch again. You can accuse us of a lot of things, but accusing us of cash grabbing or scamming is just plain idiotic.

We plan on separating all Extreme content from the Patreon version of the game. You may be pleasantly surprised.

And as for being disappointed, I certainly hope not. None would be more disappointed than I, for I love this game. it is my baby.

It is unfortunate that you think that. Though if you're talking about her pouty look and different color, those will be customization options:

View attachment 778925

Then you'll like what we're working on, because it is going to be beautifully drawn and animated.

Well we can fix that, can't we?

Oh it will. Negativity breeds like a festering disease on this forum. It is why I try to avoid it when I can.

We had redrawn K and her feet several times based on what the community demanded. We aren't doing it again. I'm afraid you must deal with it.

Yes, they do. And people can also choose to be civil, or not. I can also choose to come here or not and respond to questions/comments. I can also choose to take criticism into account or not. Communication is a two way street.

Calling anyone on this team lazy is ignorance. I feel like you have no concept of what goes into designing a game of this scope and complexity. Have you ever spent 12 hours writing code, or dialogue, or drawing a fucking foot, or animating that foot?

It isn't easy, and it is time consuming. You should try it some time.

As for potential, I agree. It is tiring to see great games fizzle out into nothingness. I loved DirtyC101's game, and occasionally I check into his blog to see if he's made any progress. However, the only way this game could fail to be made, is if we lose funding, and then it'll still probably be worked on, just at a much slower pace. It is extremely expensive paying animators, and coders, and we are limited on our progress by how much we can pay them.

I take 60-80% pay cuts often from my paycheck, as do many of our team members, in order to pay the costly services we need.

Honestly in early development it sure felt like there was a curse with how many setbacks we had. But I don't believe in curses. I believe in making a good game, and I'm in for the long haul.

Because it is the same game, we're just remaking the assets out of necessity. 2/3 people that worked on the older game v0.8 are still working on it. Abelius was integral and an amazing worker, but simply because he is gone does not mean that the game isn't the same concept. His work is still a factor and an influence, even.

I doubt it will. The world deserves a good LoK game.

Because we totally wanted to just start over for no reason.

Are you going based on just looks of the tech demo? Because if so then you're just stating the obvious. 0.8 had a ton more time and polish put into it. The tech demo is just that, an incomplete tech demo meant to demonstrate the UI, gameplay, and dialogue. We have new assets being made and we've reverted back to the old 2D look, with new features planned such as dynamic time/weather and parallax scrolling:

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And yes I'm aware she has a 'green tint', that's because she isn't being rendered in game there, she was put there for scale. The actual background is enormous:

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Too bad we couldn't even if we wanted to. There were reasons for the restart, and we can't go back. Shit happens.

We aren't in control of this thread, so that wasn't up to us anyway. And regardless, it is more or less the same game, we just have to make the assets over again.

1 year absent of any development. You are talking so much out of your ass right now, that you've frustrated me with your contempt and ignorance. Just because you are too lazy to look, or don't know, does not mean we aren't doing something. You should develop some form of object permanence and recognize that just because you aren't seeing something, doesn't mean it has ceased existing.

We have put so much time into developing this game, and anyone with access to the trello, or discord (Which is literally everyone who bothers to click the links) would know how much effort we have put into it. Hell, you can watch our artist and animators stream their work.

Honestly, dude.

It was never intended to be a remake of classic LoK. But hey, whatever is funnier.

That is because the old one had a strange angle to her where she was facing at 3/4 pose at all times.

View attachment 778965

Like, look at the angle of the boobs relative to the torso. She was also actually skinnier in terms of arm/neck, and I'm pretty sure even torso. Compare that with the new one:

View attachment 778966

None of us went to the Philippines, and that was Abel's personal life. He did what he had to, and I can't blame him for it.

If only.

I wouldn't say it's very hated. Just vocal people on here, mostly. Besides, progress is being made regularly, and we're making the content at a reasonable pace now.

No. Read above.

I don't know what Bandicoot you played, but this isn't it chief. Also it isn't Zelda. And we went back to 2D already.

Yes, and once again, there were reasons for the overhaul. I'm not rehashing this shit again here, if you want to read drama, go skim through the old thread. Otherwise, tl;dr we can't complete 0.8, we're remaking it.

What are you, casul?

Oh you have no idea. I'm making so much money. I almost have made 12k in the last year. I might even be able to pay taxes on this game's income this year. Maybe some day I'll even be able to stop working part time as a mover to pay my rent.

All this sweet sweet patreon money we're rolling in, paying Animators 40 euros an hour and paying composers for original music themes.

And that restart of the project that cost us a ton of patrons? Genius right? Now we're making even less money than we did then! Master strategy of the scam. Surely there was no reason for the restart, right? We just wanted to really stick it to our patrons! Haha.


Yes, that's one of the big things we want to do with the restart is make actual gameplay. Puzzles, exploration, minigames, platforming, and eventually proper combat (RPG style). The old game was beautiful, had hot animations, and nice writing, but holy fuck was it boring to play.

I mean, you have been incessantly whining about this game for longer than we've been developing it at this point. We take community feedback, going from 3D back to 2D, and you go "Wow great". Then not 1 week later you're here whining again and stirring up trouble. You aren't even bothering to correct shit that you KNOW is wrong, you're basking in the negativity and drama. Do me a favor, and piss off, because at this point you are no longer being constructive, and I swear you just want to see the project fail.

Or, and this is a tough one to think about, we have multiple people with different jobs. Maybe, while our artists/animators are making assets for the game, and our programmer has spare time, he can work on something like a launcher. Just like while I'm waiting for artists/animators, I can come on here and see people like you accusing us of things because you don't know anything about game design.

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Something isn't adding up here. Especially since I was only brought on to the old v0.8 in like, mid-late 2017 as the writer.

Before you accuse us of more random shit, like we some how are spending all of the millions of patron bux on resurrecting Adolf Satan Hitler, and we eat children, you could at least **check** on how easily refutable your nonsense is. You people are so determined with your hate boner to see this project fail, that you're actively making shit up just to discredit us.

If you aren't interested in the game, go away. If seeing us make this game fills you with such seething anger and rage that you must lie, just stop looking at it. Seriously. It's healthier.

We'll be recreating everything you experienced in v0.8, but with a few changes here and there. The characters will all mostly be the same, the sex scenes will be recreated for the most part. We are just focusing on balancing out the content a bit more, and reducing the tedium.

I don't consider myself a furry either, but Krystal was the exception. I had a thing for her when I played Star Fox Adventures going through puberty. The very first porn images I saw on the internet were also of her, and were purely by accident. I didn't stand a chance.

We accept criticism, we just get tired of constant negativity and whining. We've gone through various iterations of many aspects of our game based on community feedback. Almost to a fault, considering how much time we lost re-working the Krystal model and her god damned fucking feet, due to community disagreement.


Love you too.

After all of these centuries, why have they failed us still. I remember back when Ramses was working on this, his version was so much better. Krystal looked way better then. Had smoother animations too. I can't believe Ptahhotep started that remaster. It's been 37.5 million years since an update. Man God sure had a better looking Krystal, can't believe Lucifer restarted it. What a remake of a remake, am I right? God, the big bang had smooth animations.

Once, actually. This is the first time LoK:R has been restarted. Unless you're assuming without any information that we are responsible for the other projects involving The Legend of Krystal. Good thing you're not, because that would be wrong.

OMG yes, I totally just wanted to restart the game on a whim. There was no other reason. I was like waking up one day, and thought "Know what would be cool? Risking the entire safety of the project, and cutting the funding of it significantly by restarting it for absolutely no reason!"

Good times.

As someone who hates Electronic Arts, ever since they ate my beloved Westwood, get over it. Gizmo is an excellent coder, and Triple A experience is pretty helpful. We're not cramming microtransactions into the game, so you can stop assuming the worst.

I recommend going to the discord and @ ing Gizmo about the bug, it may already be fixed in the dev version, I'm not sure. I'd point Gizmo here but I'd rather keep the other devs out of this shit-show of a thread until it calms down.

Boy was it no where near done. That's one thing I harped on Abelius for, was his version numbering. We were going to go well beyond v1.0, to like v7.0+.

Finally, a positive soul. Yes, unfortunately v0.8 will not be worked on again. But we will go back over the content from v0.8 and recreate it all with the new assets and gameplay. It'll be a while, but we'll get back to that point again, and beyond. We already have new content in the form of a brand new species. The old version would have only really had lizards, maybe wolves.

Okay, that's fine. But supporting us makes development faster, if you are going to withhold your support from the project, then don't be surprised when it takes way longer to get to the point to where you are willing to support it.

Just a nature of crowd-funded game design. Animators are expensive. One dollar a month isn't asking much, even if you are skeptical of us. It just always amuses me how people complain how slowly we're developing when we are literally taking massive pay cuts in order to make sure that progress is going faster.

But anyway, I hope we'll do right by you, and I hope we'll earn back your support.

In reality, I've seen some of the most talented artists and developers in the entire industry get abused by furries demanding strange fetishes and hyper-specific changes. We lost 6+ months of progress because of feet. You should try development some time, honestly. It's not as easy as you think it is, and this is coming from someone who harped on developers for years in a similar fashion.

Eh, kind of accurate, but there are a lot of things missing from that description. I don't want to re-hash drama, you can just go to the other thread or ask people in the discord if you want. Bottom line is that the restart happened, and there is no going back to v0.8 even if we wanted to.

We'll see. A little positivity goes a long way. I'm certain if everyone in the world felt like half the people on F95zone then a lot of amazing projects would have failed at their inception.

Yes, we are going back to 2D. The 3D was an experiment because our artist Compound had learned to use blender very quickly and was putting out beautiful environments with rather complex geometry. It would have been a crime to not at least try to see if we could make it work. And I'm sure with more time and support, we could have totally made the 3D work. The problem was that we couldn't get the textures on the environment to work with the 2D characters, and a lot of people complained about the Paper Mario vibe. It was a very "love it or hate it" look, and we just finally decided to scrap it and go back to Kuja's hand-drawn 2D art.

Look at that environment and tell me that you wouldn't try to make that work. Plus there are countless benefits to having 3D environments, especially when referring to open world. It just didn't work out in time.

Thank you, I hope we can make a good game for you!

Except we had nothing to do with any of the other LoK projects. We have only ever been involved with LoK:R. So... you're wrong, sorry.

It isn't a quick fix, it's "We need to animate the other angles." They aren't sprites, either. It would be easy if they were sprites. No they are rigged Spine models, which is incredibly complex and tedious.

That said, we'll be adding in the other directions over time. We're going back to 2D like the old version, and we'll be starting with only side animations for movement, and gradually adding in the others.

Yeah, the 3D and 2D characters was very divisive, unfortunately. People either loved it, or hated it.

Yeah, click-movement will only be for areas that don't have platforming (or combat), we'll look into making clicking work on stairs though. Good catch.

Just a matter of being placeholders. We're aware they're missing, don't worry.

Yes, he's also a placeholder. Animations aren't ready for him yet.

Interesting. I'll mention this to Gizmo. Good catch.

I will also mention this to Gizmo, but I think he may have already fixed that bug. (There is a patch in the works that will fix a bunch of bugs and add 2-3 completed sex animations for funsies)

Nope, gotta read the dialogue. He gives you the key, but it's just a random key. Doesn't open anything. Keakrix remarks that you might be able to get the snakeman to open the chest, so you drag it to him, and get a 3rd scene (that isn't ready yet). After the 3rd scene, you can then speak to Keakrix, and get the 4th Lesbian scene.

Yeah, that's something I want to bring up with Gizmo about making the stop moving apply to the whole party's AI.

Map function? You mean the loading screen?

It won't be wonky in the future, now that we're going back to 2D :p

Probably a combination of both for being a tech demo. We were only really showing off the dialogue, UI, and some of the new gameplay mechanics like the ability to drag stuff, platforming, companions, and the puzzle element.

The dialogue is actually timed based on the character/emotions, something I guess you'll only appreciate with more characters and situations. But you can skip it.

Really? Interesting. I'll talk to Gizmo about that.

Yeah, we're working on it.

It'll probably be more than a year. V0.8 took more than a year, and it was far less complex. Development with a small team takes time, and people need to be patient, I'm afraid. But we are looking to make a good game, and have the means to do so.

That is what one of the main goals for this restart is. We want gameplay, not walking simulator.

Yeah, we tried, and a lot of people (included us) liked the Paper-mario esque look, but alas we didn't have the time to make it work. Maybe some day we can revisit that style. Thanks for the support!

Oh just stop. You mean to imply that we're reusing assets that never existed in the old versions of LoK, and even if they did we don't have access to them. Everything we have made is unique and original. We have bought nothing. Even our music is original with the exception of one track that we put as a placeholder on the main menu which we ended up liking a lot.

God what a fucking novel. Time to go do something more productive. For those that have actual criticism, or are wishing us support, thank you very much, I welcome you to our discord to talk with me whenever you please.
Soooooo will Adolf Satan Hitler be in the game?

Just kidding, don't let these people pull you down, I hope that this time you will be able to finish this game
1.60 star(s) 24 Votes