Unity LOK: Rebirth [v0.1.8.0 Test] [The Tribe Devs]

1.60 star(s) 24 Votes

Sushi Aid

New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Hey pirate Karens and shit director Abel and arin guy (be nice to your possible employer). HeRe is a tip why dont you go to your own god damned topic and leave the dev team alone. Why the fuck are you people overglorifying a shitty tech demo with a few cock teases and humpings. Could Abel write snake merchant and scalie penises. No he forced PunJa to draw over generic and lizards with lizard dicks. The moment Vlad reboot this project was the moment I knew we are in good hands. Unlike someone who had touching ladyboys as a qualities in his resume. Our Boy Vlad have experince of working on few AAA titles in his resume. Even Kunji started to grow as artist under Vlad's and started to draw better. Overall we are happy with the project under Vlad's wings. VLAD is LOK Rebirth not you Abel. Now I shuggest yo all to go back to your basements and fap over your shihtty overglorified tech demon. You are all going to suck your words and kiss Vlad's feet when they add sex scenes with a new update. V is for Victory. V is for Vlad.
You have a point, about the sex scenes anyway. Be nice to see what people think of them once they are public, but I have a strong suspicion some will hold a distain for it regardless of how well it spins it's silk.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I recommend some tea. Maybe an Earl Grey if you like oranges. I'm worried your paranoia might effect your health. Please get better.
Hey pirate Karens and shit director Abel and arin guy (be nice to your possible employer). HeRe is a tip why dont you go to your own god damned topic and leave the dev team alone. Why the fuck are you people overglorifying a shitty tech demo with a few cock teases and humpings. Could Abel write snake merchant and scalie penises. No he forced PunJa to draw over generic and lizards with lizard dicks. The moment Vlad reboot this project was the moment I knew we are in good hands. Unlike someone who had touching ladyboys as a qualities in his resume. Our Boy Vlad have experince of working on few AAA titles in his resume. Even Kunji started to grow as artist under Vlad's and started to draw better. Overall we are happy with the project under Vlad's wings. VLAD is LOK Rebirth not you Abel. Now I shuggest yo all to go back to your basements and fap over your shihtty overglorified tech demon. You are all going to suck your words and kiss Vlad's feet when they add sex scenes with a new update. V is for Victory. V is for Vlad.
Wow, there seems to have been a call effect, XDDDD.

Between your (as always) spontaneous comments, herdgeherg's message... You were taking too long to show up already. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
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Dec 2, 2019
Why milk a single cow when you can milk 2 and actually make progress, if they get the first game out there in good time and its good, then they can do a second project, and potentially gather more fans and thus increasing their profits even more than just milking a single project


Jun 29, 2017
Hey pirate Karens and shit director Abel and arin guy (be nice to your possible employer). HeRe is a tip why dont you go to your own god damned topic and leave the dev team alone. Why the fuck are you people overglorifying a shitty tech demo with a few cock teases and humpings. Could Abel write snake merchant and scalie penises. No he forced PunJa to draw over generic and lizards with lizard dicks. The moment Vlad reboot this project was the moment I knew we are in good hands. Unlike someone who had touching ladyboys as a qualities in his resume. Our Boy Vlad have experince of working on few AAA titles in his resume. Even Kunji started to grow as artist under Vlad's and started to draw better. Overall we are happy with the project under Vlad's wings. VLAD is LOK Rebirth not you Abel. Now I shuggest yo all to go back to your basements and fap over your shihtty overglorified tech demon. You are all going to suck your words and kiss Vlad's feet when they add sex scenes with a new update. V is for Victory. V is for Vlad.
Also, V stands for the main protagonist in Cyberpunk. And E / A stands for Ellie and Abbie from the Last of Us 2 (great game btw, ask Vlad). Fun facts, nobody cares.
I get it that you love the people behind the project more than the project itself, and like everybody else you have a right to an oppinion, even if its offensive. For the better of your future posts, please make sure that the most offending part is not the english language. And thats coming from me, who has done many terrible things to it.
Lastly, dont try to go after Ari, he/she is the most reasonable person in this thread, while a big part of us thinks that this whole project is a shitshow since 2 years. The only thing that could make things worse if there would be a Telegram group (this joke can be regional and depending on your world view) But what do we know, a group of pirate Ex-Patreon Karens, who could provide you with the real Demo from the abbandoned v0.8, the only thing out of the project that can be called a (well unfinished for reasons) game, sometimes invested since 4 to 5 years.

Btw any progress?

Sushi Aid

New Member
Jul 5, 2020
I don't know about the rest, but in my case, and if you've been paying attention, I've never critisized the quality of their work per se. It's the pace what I have a problem with, because Vlad's main point when "explaining" my cancelling was that I'd never finish the game, you know.

And about the animations, it's the style what I've critisized, with good reason I think, because they were WAY too cartoony and jerky. If now that Pikant has taken the helm, this has changed, congratulations on yet another change of mind that will put them closer to the previous version most people liked, lol.
It's true, I'm what they would call a discord lurker, still after that sin of mine I hold you in high regards. You got stuff done. I can't really ask for more than that. I think personally, they are doing an okay job as far as quality comes, but I need to stress I'm very easy to please, so my form of quality may be less than that to others. I need to agree with you on pace; As others have mentioned trying to fiddle with 3D world graphics didn't pan out.

Yeah, that borked. They stopped it and moved on.

I think that's important that they tried. Science is about trial and error, a lot of times when doing stuff in the field you find a thousand ways on how to not do something. Yes, it could have been avoided. Yes, with better planning things could have worked differently. Would have been nice to see what could have been, see their vision, but things don't always happen the way you want them too.

I hear all the time about your Philippines trip? Pointless slog to talk about really. It's moot. Didn't you all reach a decision to give everyone on Patreon a cut that month so noone paid? Yeah, I recall a slow month so you guys said "screw it, no one pays on patreon this month" (not exact words). Everyone forgets that it seems. I'll let you do what you want with that nugget of information.
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I need to agree with you on pace; As others have mentioned trying to fiddle with 3D world graphics didn't pan out.
Yeah, that borked. They stopped it and moved on.
Yes, it didn't work, but many warned before that it wasn't going to work. But his ego is was above everyone else, because, the money keeps flowing....

But... true. They move on. Of course, with what they have been earning for the last two years. Other projects would like to see themselves in the same situation.
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Sushi Aid

New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Yes, it didn't work, but many warned before that it wasn't going to work.
That's just human nature my friend, going against the world and finding things yourself ;)

Seriously though, You never know for sure until you try. You have your computers and phones to thank for tireless efforts described above.

The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error. ~ Bertolt Brecht
That is to say when I use this proverb, It is up to the individual to obtain knowledge, and find out a thousand ways how NOT to do something. There is no certainty. I must apologize, I fundamentally disagree with you.


Mar 11, 2018
Sharun thank you! I am a she.

I wasn't sure if I was being called out as a pirate Karen but it was pretty funny. :D

All the thread drama aside, I don't think it matters at this point who did what; but it will matter who DOES what in terms of a product.

For all my drum beating about project management, it's not like it's some kind of arcane art or anything. It's very much teachable, and I've taught classes both in project management and agile techniques... anybody can learn it and work towards implementing a better strategy. And it's also not the ONLY thing out there either. There's lots of ways to peel a potato. :)

I hope that the team can pull through and figure it out.

And I may be in the minority but I'm also totally fine with a game that has no sex at all in it. Some of my kinks are things like slow corruption, which can totally be possible entirely without ever taking off your clothes or having sex and such. It's a mental/story thing and those always work best on me. :)

It doesn't even have to star Krystal either. She came well after I was already in the fandom so it's not like she was my feature reason to enjoy the sexy side of furry.

So I hope the team can make it happen and it will be good, even with sub-par tween style spine animation. It doesn't really matter. :)

So let me talk about the story then, and maybe change directions away from the drama!

I hope that Vlad will be able to write a decent female character. I hope they won't switch it up so you can change gender at the start of the game either. What those always tend to become is a game where the story is written from a male perspective, but your avatar happens to be female.

You've got to have emotion, and I'd suggest you've got to have some social evil too. My opinion on women is that they are so hugely more vicious than men, but it's just not talked about much for some reason. People see women as sweet and nurturing, and they certainly can be, but they also have some really evil ways to twist the knife in your belly when you're already down. Women won't stop kicking you when you're down, and they won't bro-high five you and go get a beer after a random fist fight and return to being best friends.

You really got to get that devious nature in there, and it can't just be through combat techniques and such. Have the story have areas where the player can do devious stuff that comes back to haunt people later on down the road. Not necessarily immediate Paragon/Renegade stuff, but more similar to how The Witcher did it where there's this build up to something horrible/good because you did this or that.

And for god's sakes please don't write your female MC as a male character that has a vagina, but does explicitly male things and chest pounding and is only feminine during the snake cock gobbling scenes when it's time to be "innocent girl". Those bore me horribly.

Good luck. :)


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
Yes, it didn't work, but many warned before that it wasn't going to work.
That's just human nature my friend, going against the world and finding things yourself ;)
With that mentality I wouldn't be surprised if your boss kicks you to the curb sooner or later. So I'd like to see that human nature of yours at work to throw away time and money after your boss tells you not to go there.

But I guess you're another one of those who loves to write philosophy for the sake of writing.

The difference between you and these gentlemen is that you are paid by your boss and they are paid by people who don't mind throwing away a few euros to satisfy their fetish of seeing Krystal or something like her again.
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Mar 11, 2018
Yeah, we had that convo before. xD

Well, I wonder about it. Vlad being able to write like that, I mean. He hates dialogue. And no, this is not "yet another attack" on his skills. The guy has imagination, at least, and is very capable of doing what you say.

But when I see that "blowjob for a key" scene, I shudder. That's the perfect example they're not going the path you describe. They'd need to take a 180º turn to correct that.

Granted, that was only an isolated demo scene. But the rethoric coming from his dialogues has a common denominator: alpha males not giving a shit about sex, but I'll take some if you offer, thanks.

I tried to "correct" that with Cenvir, that enthusiastic lazy motherfucker, but he (Vlad) totally hated him, while the rest of the world enjoyed their scenes the most.

So, I don't think he even understands the concept of "uncovering the naughty girl" you mention. I think he may have one pretty bad case of Madonna/Whore complex. And please, Vlad, don't take it as an insult if you're reading this: I also had it for most of my life.

In fact, even after having said this, I don't think society and players are prepared for what you propose, Ari... :LOL:
There haven't been many games that have captured those moments. I can't remember any off hand but I do recall at least a few over my life having some of this devious nature. One of them was The Witcher but you didn't actually play as the girls, only got to experience the results of it. Not my favorite game because I didn't identify with Geralt but it did have good characters.

Blowjob for a key isn't super corruptive either unfortunately. I am eager to see what they can do since the one big piece they are trumping up is the RPG elements and story, with the sex taking a secondary posture.

Im good with that but I'd love to see how this results in actions and such. It's one thing to talk about it but it's another to show off convincing character dialog and all that.

Having an idea for some character archetype is worth like 0.000000001 of a nothing since everyone has ideas, but implementation is where it happens. I'd love to see some story dialog and how that will look, beyond just art and broad concepts of lore and character types and races.

If you want to be an RPG where you can't select gender, you've really got to write your gender good. It's pretty easy writing a male, but not so much a female. Unless you just wrote your female as a male, which is probably 99.9% of video games. Some of the newer Tomb Raider games are actually starting to make Lara be a woman instead of Indiana Jones with tits, which was a nice change I felt.

Id be interested in knowing what kind of RPG elements we can look forward to. Not a huge fan of survival game mechanics, so let's talk about the gameplay and how combat will work and why and the party system and how your character will get favor/disfavor.


Mar 11, 2018
Also just to set the record straight, I'm not claiming to be like a star character writer or author. I'm a developer.

I'm also of the nurturing and sweet and weak willed kind of lady so I'm also not suggestingI could write a good devious character of the line that I like to read about or watch in movies. Those strong women who get their way and are sharp manipulators. That's a nice fantasy as well.

The sweet and nice and meek girl is easy to write because they go with the flow more unless pressed, but getting that sort of action in place is more difficult because it's a history of buildup that you really can't do in some video game setting well.

Not to mention anime has cornered the market on that archetype :)

Sushi Aid

New Member
Jul 5, 2020
With that mentality I wouldn't be surprised if your boss kicks you to the curb sooner or later. So I'd like to see that human nature of yours at work to throw away time and money after your boss tells you not to go there.

But I guess you're another one of those who loves to write philosophy for the sake of writing.

The difference between you and these gentlemen is that you are paid by your boss and they are paid by people who don't mind throwing away a few euros to satisfy their fetish of seeing Krystal or something like her again.
I think you missed my sarcasm with the wink ;)
Oh I wish we could see eye to eye. Maybe one day...
maybe later,
someday Vader
now he's just a small fry.
I just want to be a jedi.
Do you like Weird Al Yankovic?

Can't we just shake hands and agree to disagree?
Better yet, do as Ari said and fight, then do some bro high fives :D

No, I need to be honest on that. That didn't happen because once you go the "Pay upfront" model on Patreon, you can't go back. And you can't pause pay upfront campaigns.
I could have sworn that for a month patreon was paused. huh, either my memory is shot, or I'm remembering an event from something else and applying false memories to this scenario.
Or a little from column A, and a little from column B. Yeah, probably both.
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Jun 29, 2017
I could have sworn that for a month patreon was paused. huh, either my memory is shot, or I'm remembering an event from something else and applying false memories to this scenario.
Or a little from column A, and a little from column B. Yeah, probably both.
First, nobody dislikes Weird Al.
Second, some clarification on your patreon thing: When they announced their changes and redoing, they gave out a message which said something like "since there is change, you might reconsider your pledge this month" I guess thats what in your mind.

And Abel, it is a good choice to keep some private stuff private. The own reason is easy to understand, but others have their own shit to deal and start comparing. And since you want to be your own boss, you seem to know what it means to be just an employee who has to function on a daily base. i could understand your trouble, but couldnt give a shit because mine were bigger - as it would have been the other way around i guess. Ricky Gervais comes to my mind when he slammed Jennifer Lawrence for her equal pay (Plummers around the world were marching, how can a 25 year old live off 15 Million (but equal pay for equal work!)) No offense intended, thats just how my life works. I hope yours came back on track faster than mine, i have 1,5 years to go ^^

Sushi Aid

New Member
Jul 5, 2020
First, nobody dislikes Weird Al.
So true! I was trying to reach out with an olive branch, try to find some middle ground with him. Not everybody from discord is out for an attack, It was an attempt to ease the mood.
Second, some clarification on your patreon thing: When they announced their changes and redoing, they gave out a message which said something like "since there is change, you might reconsider your pledge this month" I guess thats what in your mind.
Okay, that is probably what I'm thinking.
Yeah thanks for the clarification. I hate to see what will happen to my memory when I get older. Things are already foggy as it is. Maybe I need to keep a journal, or do more puzzles.


Apr 26, 2019
So is there an actual decent amount of gameplay to this yet, or is it still just the barest of bare bones bits of gameplay?
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Jun 29, 2017
I came back here thinking there was an update to anything only to find out there was drama, that's it
I understand that feeling, except for the last concept demo thats my feeling since 2 years toward this project. and that feels like an eternity. Question, when did the last demo come out?
1.60 star(s) 24 Votes