
Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I also read the setting and several characters differently than you seem to:
Look, I'm going to be short and, unfortunately, somewhat curt in my reply here since I'm currently suffering from burnout that, frankly, isn't particularly compatible with this kind of discussion. It takes effort for me to engage in this kind of thing at the time of writing, hence the late reply.

You imply that I'm "reading" the setting and characters. No, I'm not. I created, wrote, and had them live rent-free in my head for years. I'm not interpreting them. My view of how they act and think is the absolute truth by default. You can accuse them of being poorly written since that is a matter of personal opinion. But to claim, or even imply, that my realization of them is wrong is absurd.

You would have written these characters and part of this story differently. Okay. That's fine by me. It doesn't change how I wrote them and how I decided to leave their stories behind as I moved on to other projects. I'm happy with the current state of Long live the Princess.

So, you are unfortunately correct in that this isn't a discussion that I want to get into. I see no value in it. You are more than welcome to interpret and critique this game and its contents to your heart's content. Heck, if you want to call them the worst-written and most poorly realized characters in adult video gaming, then be my guest. But to say that I don't fully understand my own characters? I suspect you didn't quite think that argument through.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2023
Look, I'm going to be short and, unfortunately, somewhat curt in my reply here since I'm currently suffering from burnout that, frankly, isn't particularly compatible with this kind of discussion. It takes effort for me to engage in this kind of thing at the time of writing, hence the late reply.

You imply that I'm "reading" the setting and characters. No, I'm not. I created, wrote, and had them live rent-free in my head for years. I'm not interpreting them. My view of how they act and think is the absolute truth by default. You can accuse them of being poorly written since that is a matter of personal opinion. But to claim, or even imply, that my realization of them is wrong is absurd.

You would have written these characters and part of this story differently. Okay. That's fine by me. It doesn't change how I wrote them and how I decided to leave their stories behind as I moved on to other projects. I'm happy with the current state of Long live the Princess.

So, you are unfortunately correct in that this isn't a discussion that I want to get into. I see no value in it. You are more than welcome to interpret and critique this game and its contents to your heart's content. Heck, if you want to call them the worst-written and most poorly realized characters in adult video gaming, then be my guest. But to say that I don't fully understand my own characters? I suspect you didn't quite think that argument through.
Belle, your characters are a long way from the worst written and poorly realized. In fact, they are some of the better ones. I may not have liked a couple of them as romantic options, but enjoyed interacting as friends. I am not a fan of forced romance, which I had to do if I wanted to finish the game and I can honestly say they're wasn't a character that pissed me off.

I, for one, appreciated your game, and the work that went into it, to get the characters out of your mind into a game. I played all the endings, with Lilith/Selena/Belle my absolute fav. Thanks again.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
And Belle I'd like to second Milton749 's statement about the quality of LltP. It is, IMHO, the most professionally produced 'Adult game' on F95, or anywhere, that I have had the enjoyment of playing. No game or story will EVER satisfy the general population of players completely. I could go on but, I just want to point out that you are correct in your assessment of the value of this subject of discussion.

In this group of F95 players it is obvious that we have a segment of people emotionally requiring 'poly-amorous' or 'harem' outcomes to their games and therefore, this SUBJECT is repetitive, unending, and impossible to satisfy or conclude. Please ignore any posts regarding this subject as it only 'fans the flames' of those permanently attached to their personal, unfulfilled needs.

Your characters were fully 'fleshed out' believable people who's outcomes were completely consistent within the plot's parameters. Congratulations. Close case.

my observation is that this unsatisfyable longing may be a derivative of we human male's inherent sexual characteristics and our continuing 'war within' that we are forever faced with. We have to face that we will always have a 'hunger' that is a characteristic of our being the far more populous, weaker sex that is, basically, expendable. We 'think' we'll be happy living in a harem of women, all hungry for our attention, (the harem group's ideal of heaven) but it would actually be disastrous for us, as men.

We men must face the painful fact of our essential nature, face the brutal facts of survival and rise to face and challenge life's unknowns that arise and become the hero our own part of the eternal story of life vs death...that is why 'the Hero story' is so basic, it is in essence our story, men's story.

Forgive my rambling, In short, I'm saying, harem lovers are fixated on the wrong 'solution' and badly need to change their focus or they'll never find fulfillment. Let's leave them to their fixation and press on.

Thank you for an enjoyable game. I look forward to your further endeavors.
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Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Look, I'm going to be short and, unfortunately, somewhat curt in my reply here since I'm currently suffering from burnout that, frankly, isn't particularly compatible with this kind of discussion. It takes effort for me to engage in this kind of thing at the time of writing, hence the late reply.
I’m sorry to hear about that, and I hope you get better soon.

You imply that I'm "reading" the setting and characters. No, I'm not. I created, wrote, and had them live rent-free in my head for years. I'm not interpreting them. My view of how they act and think is the absolute truth by default. You can accuse them of being poorly written since that is a matter of personal opinion. But to claim, or even imply, that my realization of them is wrong is absurd.
I quite literally said in my post that I didn’t think you were wrong for writing any of the characters in the way you did, and so I don’t know why you’re accusing me of this here.

That being said, I believe you too are, in a way, “reading” the characters. Perhaps no one knows them better than you do, but there are people I’ve known for decades for whom, if asked how they would act in a given situation, I couldn’t answer you with 100% certainty; it’s always possible for someone you thought you knew inside and out to surprise you. You can put yourself in another’s shoes—and you can do it very well—but you can never truly be someone else. Therefore, any time you ask the question, “What would person X do in this spot?” the only answer you can get is what you think person X would do, not the “absolute truth” of what person X really would do. As an example of this, actors routinely disagree with writers or directors about how their characters should act. Who holds the “absolute truth” in this scenario? As another example, it’s entirely possible that, in say ten years’ time, you yourself will change your mind (as creatives often do) about how some characters should have acted in Long Live the Princess; in another ten years, you may change your mind again. Which version of the author holds the “absolute truth”?

What the author writes is canon, that much is true, but I think it’s false to say that canon is automatically the correct interpretation of a character or setting. To pick on an easy target, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss were the writers of the Game of Thrones TV series, and yet there are still moments where characters go “out of character” and do things they really shouldn’t, based on their previous characterization. I’m not saying this applies to you, but authors are not immune from getting things wrong about their own stories.

You would have written these characters and part of this story differently. Okay. That's fine by me. It doesn't change how I wrote them and how I decided to leave their stories behind as I moved on to other projects. I'm happy with the current state of Long live the Princess.

So, you are unfortunately correct in that this isn't a discussion that I want to get into. I see no value in it. You are more than welcome to interpret and critique this game and its contents to your heart's content. Heck, if you want to call them the worst-written and most poorly realized characters in adult video gaming, then be my guest. But to say that I don't fully understand my own characters? I suspect you didn't quite think that argument through.
Look, all I wanted was some insight into your creative vision. Like I said, I’m not campaigning for you to include a harem ending, and I didn’t make a list of “arguments” for why you should or not. I wasn’t even criticizing your writing.

All I brought up was a list of things I picked up on which informed my own interpretation of the game, which I was wondering if you would care to discuss; my reasoning being that, if I came out of the game thinking a harem could be possible, while you were adamant it couldn’t (which is why you didn’t include one, despite having polyamory endings), then surely there were grounds for discussion. If you think the characters couldn’t have acted any other way, why is that? If I was wrong about the setting, how come? Is it something you world-built, but which didn’t end up in the final game? Again, this isn’t to say you did anything “wrong”; if anything, you did things so right that I’m interested in learning more about this world and these characters, and discussing different interpretations thereof.


New Member
Feb 1, 2022
Long Live the Princess cheat mod (and gallery unlocker)

Updated Juli 5, 2023

Added a new cheat mod including a gallery unlocker where you can choose who you want to unlock, instead of all just being unlocked.

The gallery unlocker is used from the cheat menu at the MC's house, not directly in the gallery itself.

Version 1.0.1 [Completed]

If you want something added to the cheat mod, I will look into it and see if it's possible to add.

The cheat mod and the gallery unlocker are compatible with old saves.

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I can't get it to download. Every time I try either file, I get a download error. Are these hosted anywhere else as well?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2023
I can't get it to download. Every time I try either file, I get a download error. Are these hosted anywhere else as well?
There's problems going on with certain servers. That you can't see or download. I had to search around and ended up with my VPN on a UK server (all the American, Australian were no good). Then I could download them no problem.

If I put them here for you, you'd have the same problem, until you switch to another server.


Jul 17, 2020
Does anyone know how to get to perversity 6 cause I am at a total loss
Step 1: have perversity 5 already.
Step 2: Avoid orgasm for 24 hours, and you'll get a temporary +1 perversity bonus.

(In New Game +, there's a repeatable scene that lets you buy the +1 bonus at any time for 1 coin)
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 11, 2023
Step 1: have perversity 5 already.
Step 2: Avoid orgasm for 24 hours, and you'll get a temporary +1 perversity bonus.

(In New Game +, there's a repeatable scene that lets you buy the +1 bonus at any time for 1 coin)
Holy shit thank you so much!!


Feb 13, 2021
hi, i just ended the first run (following a bit of days from the walktrough) and i noticed that i died from the demon but i did'nt play a dialogue at the end... the one where the walk says about taddeus, banishing and where i can choose my end im a bit confused XD


Jul 17, 2020
hi, i just ended the first run (following a bit of days from the walktrough) and i noticed that i died from the demon but i did'nt play a dialogue at the end... the one where the walk says about taddeus, banishing and where i can choose my end im a bit confused XD
You lost the game (killed by the final villain, a very easy to obtain bad end) and are confused because you didn't get the choices you get when you win the game (banishing vs absorbing, etc)?

This is what comes of following the walkthrough mindlessly. You made a mistake somewhere along the line, and lost the game, thus not getting any of the events that one gets from winning the game.

If you got as far as having sex with the princess, causing the demon to exit her body and appear, then I think your mistake lies in one of four areas:

1. You made a wrong dialog choice in the final confrontation. There are lots of choices, and almost all of them end badly. Using the page up key to go back and try a different answer is your friend here.

If you tried every choice and none of them lead to your survival, then you messed up in some other way:

2. The Fairy Queen (Thorn) didn't show up to help you in the final confrontation (you didn't solve her vision riddle and fulfill her quest, so she's still busy being queen and is not able to come help)
3. Lilith (aka the crone) grabbed the princess and ran instead of staying to help you (you didn't have sex with her during the first day of the endgame, so she doesn't care about your character and was OK with leaving you to die)
4. You didn't find the ever-so important book in Thaddeus's apartment. (you didn't go with Evelyn to help arrest him on day one of the endgame)
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Feb 13, 2021
You lost the game (killed by the final villain, a very easy to obtain bad end) and are confused because you didn't get the choices you get when you win the game (banishing vs absorbing, etc)?


If you got as far as having sex with the princess, causing the demon to exit her body and appear, then I think your mistake lies in one of four areas:

1. You made a wrong dialog choice in the final confrontation. There are lots of choices, and almost all of them end badly. Using the page up key to go back and try a different answer is your friend here.


If you tried every choice and none of them lead to your survival, then you messed up in some other way:

2. The Fairy Queen (Thorn) didn't show up to help you in the final confrontation (you didn't solve her vision riddle and fulfill her quest, so she's still busy being queen and is not able to come help)


3. Lilith (aka the crone) grabbed the princess and ran instead of staying to help you (you didn't have sex with her during the first day of the endgame, so she doesn't care about your character and was OK with leaving you to die)


4. You didn't find the ever-so important book in Thaddeus's apartment. (you didn't go with Evelyn to help arrest him on day one of the endgame)



Jul 17, 2020
The walkthrough is worthless if, somewhere along the way, you make a mistake and skip a step without realizing it or accidentally choose the wrong answer without noticing. Since you are (I assume) a human being and not a robot, this is easy to do. So forget about the walkthrough, it's utterly useless for figuring out what went wrong.

If you saved the game before the final confrontation started, you can try to play through it again, without looking at the walkthrough, and see if you can manage to not die. As I said before: in the final confrontation, you need to have three characters (Belle, Thorn and Lilith) show up and stick around to help you. You need to have Thaddeus's book. You need to make the right choices throughout.

If you've got the book and everyone is helping, and there is in fact a point during the final confrontation where *absolutely every choice* ends in death, then you made some other mistake earlier in the game, and I have no idea what it is.

If you've got a save from *before* the start of the endgame, you can check that the to-do list is empty (but failed quests are removed from the list as well as completed ones, so it's possible to be locked out of winning with an empty to-do).

Here's a partial checklist, from my guide (linked at the bottom of the first post, along with the walkthrough that has served you so poorly):

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