ok.. just played it and here my pov about it. (i m gonna be super honest so, dont blame me ^^ )
+ i fucking love Belle (not the dev, the fae ^^ ) , her humour is great, and she look super cool as companion. she also have great small body and would like to see her play with her arms around my D ( fuck yeah ! <3 )
+ the story sound great and very interresting, i see lots of possibility in futur
+ graphism and stuff (scene, poses etc..) are good, i very like them
+ the control magic system is good implented, not super original compared to other domination games, but at least it have a bit fresh way and a good intro
+ i like the idea to have multiple ways and the necessity to make a " game + " for catch all the events
- i not like the fact some things are just for teasing (exempl : at library its impossible to put the panty of the girl away (even if you finish the game/version) , of course that gonna be implent later but its hard tease

- i not like the idea about the limit time to play (before princess come , that will end the game as it say) , i would like a more long timing for enjoying the game a bit more, making it less frustating than just thinking about doing the serious thing before the end. it will be nice that if we got possibility to have the sister who need to send the letter for invitation of the princess and be allowed to control the sister (like in the game, normally) to choose when send the letter.
or whatever big event that will delayed the event with the princess...
i just hate when a game have timing in it, it stress me
with all of this, the game is good and very interresting. must say it doesnt have lots of content for now, but its clearly worth a try.
keep up, the game go in good way