Keep in mind that someone might get those hints and then save/close the game only coming back some days later. (haven't played that part of the game in a while so I don't remember if there's already a repeatable explanation somewhere)
All you'd need to do then is visit Samarra and see the ability to present evidence to her. Part of my design for this game is that I want to avoid a quest log and let people figure out things dynamically. I use clues to help the player keep track of things that might happen over a longer period of time, even if those clues aren't used directly in puzzles.
In my opinion, reminders aren't necessary for the quest to keep Primrose out of prison since it happens over a short period of time, is constantly referred to between actions (as in how much time you have left), and is explained in great detail. Add in the ability to get reminders simply by visiting the principal actors, and there is enough there already.
For the parts of the game where neither of these systems is sufficient, Belle might pop up to give you a reminder of what to do or to point you in the right direction. For example, if some time has passed in the game and you have yet to figure out how to increase Perversity, Belle will give you a hint to get you started.
And seriously, if you put away an adventure game while you're in the middle of it and pick it up again after a lengthy break, you're going to struggle no matter what.