Belle, After playing through this update and the threesome (great job btw) I'm not like Super Galactus who wants everybody in a pile. While I enjoy the H scenes and know we need them (yes, yes, yes) I'm hoping for some more plot advancement in each update. I know you've got a lot on your plate and I don't know where you're taking this story but it is a great game for the combination of plot and action.
So, for my 2c worth, how about another clue, or another twist, or find a body in the training ground, or a magic lightening strike takes out something/someone kind of stuff (even a pirate attack?). That'll keep me coming back begging for more. I guess another reason for this request is that now we can practically arrange a 'date' with any girl in the story line, the 'H scene' choices are pretty full and we haven't 'done much' to solve the mystery in a while.
Please don't take this as a criticism as your work is exceptional;
it is more like an offering from one of your loyal followers, humbly submitted at the foot of your throne.