It's high up on my list of options for my next game, but I ended up deciding against it (though it's not 100% decided) because I don't think it makes much sense to go for two niche genres in a row if I want to grow my Patreon and SubscribeStar campaigns. If I had a great idea for a sci-fi story that I just had to tell, the business concerns would have gone straight out the window. As it is, however, I don't feel any stronger pull in that direction than I do with games that make more business sense, even from a creative point of view.
<GASP!> Oh so close and yet so far!..... Oh Reconsider I beg you.... With your story telling ability, it would be so fantastic...(DOWN blood pressure....DOWN)
OK, my enthusiasm aside, consider this. You say another fantasy is out as the DAZ sources are exhausted. Ok. So you're thinking of a mainstream modern idea. Ok, so I fear we'll get another of those 'young boys growing up and living with his mom and sis and lusting after the neighbor's wife' combo things. (sigh) Or some guy carving out a harem from a bunch of gangster molls while fighting off cops and machine gun kelley's. (another sigh)
SF may be a niche genre but it has as great a imaginary scope as fantasy and ...and there are lots of assets available. Also, the stage can seem infinitely large. and as for a plot....
(I got one!! ...I got one!!...but I don't want to let it out here)... well, even if you avoid cliche's there are many crossovers that would entertain while still allowing guys to "let off steam" a lot. and if it 'sniffed' of any SW/ST ishness, your fan base would grow exponentially.
All I ask is to put it back on your consideration list... Current day modern stuff is plentiful, but GOOD Space Opera is few and far between.... IMHO.. <pleading rant mode OFF>