Belle, After reading the last couple of pages of comments about what people said they want you to do for your next game if/when/whatever it comes, i feel I owe you an apology.
It was my original pushing the idea of an SF game to you as a <strong> suggestion for your next game that got this line of talk started. It was selfish of me and I'm sorry. I apologize mightily.
Of all the Devs on this format, you've been the most consistent, responsive, and reasonable toward we, your outlying fans, and I'm sorry to have hassled you in any way. Your talent and ability which shows so brilliantly in LLtP makes all of us 'armchair generals' think we want to have a say in something that is, truthfully, none of our business. We do all the asking, and you do all the work. Bummer.
All I can say is that I love your work, you've produced something that if you never did another, this will be talked about far in the future. You've brought me hours of pleasure into my dreary life and here I go and demand more. I'm sorry.
You don't need our inputs or approval for anything. You are the creator. You do what ever you gain the most enjoyment from. All we can do to help is spot a few errors now and then and continually tell you how much we love your work.
Best wishes for success.
Prof x10